1. () the cold wind, they went out without their coats. [单选题] *
A) Despite(正确答案)
B) In spite
C) Although
D) Unless
2. The book is based () a true story. [单选题] *
A) in
B) on(正确答案)
C) with
D) over
3. Mini-skirts are () fashion again this summer. [单选题] *
A) in(正确答案)
B) with
C) on
D) at
4. What does she know about men () her age. [单选题] *
A) on
B) in
C) at(正确答案)
D) by
5. The perfume(香水)is made () the oils of certain flowers. [单选题] *
A) from(正确答案)
B) of
C) off
D) up
6. They need to () the habit of reading carefully. [单选题] *
A) give up
B) change
C) get rid of
D) form(正确答案)
7. You shouldn’t impose your ideas () other. [单选题] *
A) on(正确答案)
B) in
C) with
D) for
8. He was used to () tea not coffee. [单选题] *
A) drink
B) to drink
C) drinking(正确答案)
D) drank
9. Joe is not good at sports, but when it comes () math, he is the best. [单选题] *
A) to(正确答案)sort out例句
B) over
C) out
D) down
10. Her parents were at the railway station to see him () to college. [单选题] *
A) into
B) out
C) through
D) off(正确答案)
11. I’d like to () the parcel off by early post. [单选题] *
A) leave
B) give
C) send(正确答案)
D) put
12. Most families went () a lot during the war. [单选题] *
A) through(正确答案)
B) along
C) after
D) over
13. They waited () Mary’s arrival. [单选题] *
A) about
B) on
C) for(正确答案)
D) at
14. There wasn’t a house of any sort () sight. [单选题] *
A) in(正确答案)
B) on
C) at
D) out of
15. I can’t concentrate () what I’m doing while the noise is going on. [单选题] *
A. in
B. on(正确答案)
C) off
D) at
16. If Tom had made () to help me, I would have failed. [单选题] *
A) no effort(正确答案)
B) every effort
C) a great efforts
D) another effort
17. He had a great deal of evidence to back () his story. [单选题] *
A) on
B) out
C) to
D) up(正确答案)
