1. In case of an emergency, please call 911 immediately.
2. The fire department is always ready to respond to emergencies.
3. She was rushed to the hospital in an emergency ambulance.
4. During an emergency evacuation, it's important to remain calm and follow instructions.
5. It's crucial to have an emergency plan in place for natural disasters.
6. The emergency exit signs were clearly marked in the building.
7. She kept an emergency kit in her car with first aid supplies and snacks.
8. The emergency room was filled with patients waiting to be seen by a doctor.
9. In the event of an emergency, please use the nearest exit.
10. The emergency response team arrived quickly to the scene of the accident.
11. He called his parents in an emergency situation for help.
12. The emergency broadcast system issued a tornado warning for the area.
13. She experienced a medical emergency and required immediate attention.
14. It's important to have emergency contact information readily available.
15. The emergency hotline is available 24/7 for assistance.
16. The emergency services were overwhelmed during the natural disaster.
17. The emergency preparedness training provided valuable information on how to respond to crises.
18. His quick thinking during the emergency situation saved lives.
19. The emergency management team coordinated the response efforts during the crisis.
20. She reached for the emergency phone to call for help.
21. The emergency response drill was a valuable exercise for the team.
22. It's important to have an emergency fund for unexpected expenses.
23. The emergency generator kicked in when the power went out.
24. They practiced the emergency evacuation procedure in case of a fire.
25. The emergency responders worked tirelessly to rescue those in danger.
26. He was trained in emergency first aid and CPR.
27. The emergency services were on high alert during the severe weather warning.
28. The emergency alert system issued a warning for flash floods in the area.
29. She had an emergency backup plan in case her flight was canceled.sort out造句简单
30. The emergency services were dispatched to the scene of the car accident.
31. The emergency siren blared loudly as the tornado approached.
32. It's important to have an emergency plan in place for unexpected situations.
33. The emergency medical team arrived at the scene to provide assistance.
34. He used his emergency savings to cover the unexpected expenses.
35. The emergency response team deployed to assist with the natural disaster relief efforts.