1. Out of the blue: unexpectedly or suddenly
2. Out of sight: not visible or hidden from viewsort something out
3. Out of control: unable to be managed or restrained
4. Out of reach: too far away to be reached or obtained
5. Out of order: not functioning properly or in the correct sequence
6. Out of bounds: beyond the limits or boundaries set for something
7. Out of sync: not occurring at the same time or in harmony with something else
8. Out of touch: lacking knowledge or experience about a particular subject
9. Out of focus: blurry or unclear in appearance
10. Out of date: no longer relevant or up-to-date
11. Out and about: active and moving around outside
12. Out in the open: exposed to public view
13. Out for a walk/drive/run/etc.: going for a leisurely activity
14. Out on bail: released from custody before trial by paying a sum of money as security
15. Out on a limb: taking a risk without support from others
16. Out to lunch/dinner/etc.: taking a break to eat a meal
17. Speak out against something/someone: publicly express opposition to something/someone
18. Fade out/phase out/die out/etc.: gradually disappear or come to an end
19. Point out/highlight/emphasize/etc.: draw attention to something important
20. Hang out with someone/some people/etc.: spend time socializing with someone/group/