    The Enchanting Garden on Campus
    Hi there! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I want to tell you about the most magical place I've ever seen – the beautiful garden right on my big brother's university campus!
    When you first walk in, you're greeted by a tall stone archway covered in vines with purple and yellow flowers. It's like entering a secret fairy world! The path is made of brick that winds through tall trees with branches reaching up to the sky. Sunlight filters through the leaves, dappling the ground in a pretty pattern.sort something out
    On either side of the path there are gardens overflowing with every flower you can imagine! Bright red roses twist up trellises, bushy hydrangeas in pink, blue, and purple crowd
together, and sunflowers stretch up their sunny faces. The air is sweet with the most delicious floral scents. Butterflies of every color flit from bloom to bloom.
    As you venture deeper into the garden, you'll find all sorts of hidden treasures! There's a stone bridge arching over a babbling brook where waterfalls tumble down rocky steps. Thick moss and ferns grow along the banks. If you're quiet, you might see squirrels or rabbits drinking from the stream!
    Near the center is a large grassy meadow ringed by flowerbeds. It's the perfect place to spread out a picnic blanket and enjoy a snack while admiring the garden. Nearby, there's even a charming gazebo wrapped in climbing roses! I like to imagine fairy princesses dancing inside.
    My favorite spot is the secluded alcove tucked into one corner behind a screen of willows. A stone bench curves around a small pond where fat koi fish glide through the water. Dragonflies hover over the lily pads and cattails sway in the breeze. It's so peaceful and serene. I could spend hours there daydreaming!
    But perhaps the most enchanting thing about this garden is the towering willow tree right in the middle. Its long branches dangle all the way to the ground, creating a secret hideaway underneath. The drooping leaves look like a green curtain shutting out the outside world. When I lift them aside and step inside, it feels like I've been shrunken down to the size of a fairy! Rays of sunlight stream through the dense hanging vines, making everything glow with an otherworldly light. Sitting on the gnarled roots of the ancient tree, it's not hard to imagine woodland sprites and pixies scampering about!
    I think every university should have a magical garden like this right on campus. It's the perfect place for students to escape from classes and homework for a little while. You can relaxunderthe shady trees, admire the beautiful flowers, and let your imagination run wild. Maybe you'll even spot some mythical creatures! Whenever I'm there, I feel so peaceful and happy, like I've been transported to a wondrous fantasy realm. The garden is an enchanted paradise, and I never want to leave!
    My Big Sister's College is Awesome!
    My big sister Emily just started college last year, and when my parents took me to visit her campus over spring break, I was amazed! Emily goes to a school called Bridgeview University, and it has the prettiest gardens and grounds I've ever seen.
    Right in the middle of the sprawling green lawns and tall trees is a amazing little creek that winds its way through the heart of campus. The creek is lined with smooth stones and has lots of little waterfalls and pools along its path. Emily says it's called Thornridge Creek, and the cool thing is that students can sit right along the banks to study, read, or just relax. There are even some cute wooden bridges that cross over the creek in a few spots!
    When we visited, the weather was warm and sunny, so we spent a whole afternoon exploring the length of Thornridge Creek. We started at the north end of campus near the science buildings. The creek was narrow there, just a gentle stream really, gurgling over the rocks. But as we followed along, it got wider and deeper. Emily told me that beavers actually live in the creek towards the southern end of campus! I really hope I get to see so
me beavers if I visit again.
    About halfway along the creek, it opens up into the most beautiful pond area. This must be the best spot on campus to hang out on a nice day. The pond is ringed with willow trees that hang their long branches down almost to the water, making a perfect shady retreat. Ducks and geese were swimming around, looking for snacks. Lots of students were sprawled out on blankets around the pond's edge, either napping, studying, or chatting with friends.
    We crossed over the pond on a cute arched footbridge, then continued following the creek's path as it meandered through groves of flowering trees. Emily pointed out cherries, dogwoods, and redbuds, their pink and white blossoms putting on a gorgeous show. In the creek below, we could see all sorts of little fish darting around. I'd love to come back and fish in the creek sometime!
