    People Were Way Nicer Back Then
    Hi, my name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. My grandma likes to tell me all the time about "the good old days" when she was a kid. She says people were a lot nicer to each other back then compared to how they act nowadays. At first, I didn't really believe her. How could people have been nicer a long time ago? We have way more stuff and technology now to make our lives easier. Wouldn't that put everyone in a better mood?
    But the more stories Grandma tells me, the more I think she might be right. She says when she was little, neighbors all knew each other really well. The kids on her street would play outside together every day after school until it got dark out. Their parents didn't have to worry about keeping such a close eye on them because they trusted all the other families on the bl
ock to look out for their children too.
    Grandma says the neighborhood moms would take turns hosting all the kids for snacks and lemonade in the afternoon. They'd sit on their porches and laugh and chat while keeping an eye on everyone playing jump rope, hopscotch and tag. It was like one big family, with all the adults acting as parents to all the children. Nobody had to lock their doors at night because there was so much trust.
    These days, I barely even know the names of the people living next door to me. Mom says it's for "safety reasons" that we have to keep our house locked up tight all the time. She wouldn't let me run around the neighborhood unsupervised with the other kids, even if I wanted to, which I don't really. Most of my friends prefer playing video games or watching YouTube instead of going outside anyway.
    Grandma says people just aren't as friendly as they once were. Back then, neighbors would go out of their way to welcome new families to the neighborhood with baked goods and smiles. She remembers her mom constantly having little girlhood friends over to play af
ter school while the women drunk coffee and talked about their days. It seemed like a much tighter-knit community.
    In stores, Grandma says cashiers and other workers always called her "dear" or "sweetheart" and took the time to chat with customers. She says the shopkeepers knew everyone by name and asked about their families. Nowadays, the checkout people at stores hardly even make eye contact, let alone spark up a conversation. They seem more interested in hurrying up the transaction so they can move on to the next person in line. Nobody takes the time to get to know one another.
sort something out    Even at school, Grandma claims there was more of a family atmosphere. The teachers knew all the students' names and personal details about their home lives. These days, with schools being so overcrowded, it's harder for teachers to form those same connections. With so many students, they have to be more focused on just getting through the lessons than lending an ear to each kid's individual stories from home.
    From what Grandma tells me, it really does sound like the world used to be a friendlier, cl
oser-knit kind of place. People made more of an effort to connect with those around them and look out for their neighbors. They prioritized forming a village-like community atmosphere.
    But these days, it seems like we've sacrificed a lot of that closeness for the sake of perceiving increased safety and prioritizing personal space and privacy. With everyone having their headphones in or noses buried in their phones, we've created barriers between one another. We're definitely more isolated as a society.
    I don't know if people were actually kinder in the past, or if things just seemed that way because the world was smaller. With no internet, cell phones, or social media to separate us, maybe it was just easier to form tighter human connections back then. Families and neighbors had to lean on each other more for entertainment and support.
    Nowadays we're more self-sufficient and can use technology to meet most of our needs for communication and community. But could it be that we've gone a bit too far and let these conveniences replace real human interaction? I see kids walking home from the scho
ol bus while staring at their iPads, unaware of their surroundings or the people around them. I can't even remember the last time I saw any neighborhood kids playing outdoors after school.
    While increased independence and boundaries aren't completely bad things, they unfortunately seem to have come at the expense of that old-fashioned closeness my grandma knew. I do sort of wish I could experience that
    People Were Way Nicer Back Then
    Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm going to tell you all about how people used to be a whole lot nicer in the past compared to nowadays. I've heard lots of stories from my grandparents and other older folks about the good old days when everyone was way more friendly and kind to each other. It seems like such a different world back then!
