Work Attendance Regulation
修改说明 Modification Description:
Revision | Items | Modifications Description | Reviser | Date |
All | New | HR | 2013-2-7 | |
第一章 总 则
Chapter 1 General Provision
第一条 为规范员工管理,切实保障公司及员工利益,根据有关法律法规,结合公司实际情况,特制定本制度。
The rule is made based on the company situation in compliance with relevant laws in purpose of standardizing administration of management and safeguarding the interests of both company and staffs.
第二条 此制度适用于非工厂编制员工。
The rule applies to non factory staff.
第二章 细 则
Chapter 2 Implementing Provision
第一节 考勤打卡规范/Norm of attendance
第三条 所有员工上下班必须按规定打卡,包括中途请假、停产、出差、培训等(应于中途下班时刷卡)。
Staff must punch card when on and off duty. In the halfway during working time, if staff ask leave (include leaving, going out for business, training, production shutdown), they must punch when leave the company.
第四条 公司员工出勤均应本人亲自打卡,自觉遵守,相互监督。
Staff must punch the card on his/her own.
第五条 委托他人代打卡的或打卡后实际未到岗的,视其情节酌情惩处;代打卡者并同惩处。 Consigning others to punch card or not coming for work after punching card shall be fined upon the circumstances; those help others punch card shall be fined as well.
第六条 除外部驻厂员工外,工作时间内出公司大门的,需填写《出门单》交部门主管及人力资源部审批。
Except for QC of outsourcing fac, those going out during the working hours shall submit [Gate Pass] to the dept manager and HR for approval.
第七条 正常出勤无刷卡记录,补办考勤证明的审批规定:
The approval of attendance certification:
Where there is no attendance record due to reasonable reason while the staff is on duty, he/she shall submit [Attendance Certification] for approval.
1) 《考勤证明表》须在员工未正常刷卡发生后三个工作日内,经部门主管审批,提报人力资源部。
[Attendance Certification] shall be submitted within 3 working days after the occurrence, and shall be approved by dept manager and HR.
第八条 在外驻厂上班的员工,需在每月 3 日前提交其考勤记录,由其上级主管及部门经理审核后交由人力资源部考 勤人员。上级主管及部门领导应对考勤的真实性和准确性负责,有不实的查证后须负领导责任。
QC working in outsourcing factory shall submit the attendance sheet to HR before third of each month with the signature of direct leader and dept manager. sort out rests uponThe direct leader and dept manager shall be liable for the truthfulness and accuracy of the said sheet, and they shall bear responsibility as leader for the untruthfulness.
第二节 迟到、早退/Lateness and tardy
Punching card after the stipulated working time is deemed as lateness;
Punching card before the stipulated working time is deemed as tardy.
第九条 迟到、早退/ Lateness and tardy
1)迟到、早退月累计超过三十分钟,不足一小时,扣除当月全勤奖奖金,并按 天事假处理;
Cumulative time exceeds 20 minutes but less than 1 hour, apart from the deduction of full attendance bonus, deduct salary of day personal affair leave;
2) 迟到、早退月累计一小时及以上,不足四小时 ,扣除当月全勤奖奖金,并按旷工 天处理;
Cumulative time exceeds 1 hour but less than 4 hours, apart from the deduction of full attendance bonus, deduct salary of day absenteeism;
3) 迟到、早退月累计四小时及以上,不足八小时,扣除当月全勤奖奖金,按旷工 1 天处理。超过八小时,按具体旷工 时数累加。
Cumulative time exceeds 4 hour but less than 8 hours, apart from the deduction of full attendance bonus, deduct salary of 1 day absenteeism; the time exceeding 8 hours shall be cumulated as actual.
第三节 旷工/Absenteeism
第十条 公司员工如有下列情形之一,均以旷工处理:
Any of circumstances hereunder is deemed as absenteeism:
1) 未请假或请假未批准,不到公司上班;
No leave application or leave application is not approved, while not come on duty;
2) 用不正当手段骗取、涂改、伪造休明;
Offer untrue evidence to apply for leave;
3) 在工作上不服从上级领导的合理安排,煽动其他员工举行怠工、罢工;
Do not obey Superior’s reasonable assignment, incite others to slack in work, make strike;
4) 被公安部门拘留,或因打架斗殴、违纪致伤造成休息;
Being detained by the Police, or take rest due to fighting which is not allowed;
5) 工作时间内未经批准,擅自离开工作岗位或公司;离岗半小时以内的,按一小时事假处理;离岗半小时(含)至一 小时的,按旷工半天处理;离岗超过一小时(含)的,按旷工一天处理。
Leave one’s post or the company without the approval during the working time, if less than half hour, it will be treated as one hour private affair leave; if more than half hour but less than one hour, it will be treated as half day absenteeism; if more than one hour, it will be treated as one day absenteeism.
6) 本制度第二节规定的情形。
Author Auditor Approver Situations in article 2 of this rule.
第十一条 旷工期间按照工资双倍减发原则;因旷工引起的其它行政处分,详见[员工手册]。 The salary of absenteeism is deducted in double. The penalty of absenteeism refers to [Employee Handbook].
第十二条 连续旷工 3 天或年累计旷工 7 天及以上者,公司可不经预告,视作员工自动解除劳动关系。自动离职者,扣 发其截止至离职日公司所有应支付的工资、补贴及奖金等。直至员工办理完离职手续后,发放其扣减旷工工资后应 得的薪资。