    Staying Healthy by Cutting Down on Phone Time
    Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm in 5th grade. Today I want to talk to you about something really important - our phones and tablets and how using them too much can actually be bad for our health. I know, I know, you're probably thinking "What?? But I love my phone! How can it be bad?" Well, let me explain.
    You see, when we spend hours and hours staring at those little screens, it can start to hurt our eyes and give us headaches. Have you ever noticed your eyes feeling really tired or strained after playing on your tablet for a long time? That's because the bright light from the screen and constantly focusing on something so close to your face makes your eyes work really hard. Too much of that and they get overly tired!
    But it's not just our eyes that can suffer. Using our phones and devices for way too long can also lead to things like neck and back pain. Think about how you're sitting or lying down when on your phone - is your posture good? Probably not! We tend to hunch over and look down, which can really strain the muscles in our necks, shoulders and upper backs over time. Ouch!
    There's even some evidence that excessive screen time before bed can disrupt our sleep patterns. The blue light from devices can trick our brains into thinking it's daytime, making it harder to fall and stay asleep. And we all know how grumpy and unfocused we feel when we don't get enough good sleep!
    As if that wasn't enough, a lot of research shows that too much tech time is linked to things like obesity, anxiety, and depression in kids. We're meant to be active, exploring, using our creativity and imaginations - not just zoning out in front of a screen all day. Overdoing it on our devices can make us feel isolated, sedentary, and unhappy.
    I'm definitely guilty of losing track of time and playing on my tablet for way longer than I stablet screen
hould some days. But I've started making some changes to try and cut back on my screen time, and I really think it's helping! Here are some of the things I do:
    No devices during mealtimes. It's easy to just want to mindlessly scroll while eating, but then you miss out on actually tasting and enjoying your food and connecting with your family. Leave the phones aside and be present!
    Take regular breaks. After 30-60 minutes on a device, I make sure to take a 10-15 minute break to move around, stretch, get a snack or drink some water. It feels so good!
    Have device-free time periods. In my house, we have a rule of no phones or tablets after 8pm so we can focus on reading, chatting, or doing calm activities before bedtime.
    Go outside! Whenever possible, I try to schedule fun activities away from screens - going for a bike ride, playing at the park, exploring nature. The world is so much bigger than what's on our devices.
    Find other hobbies. I've started getting back into things like drawing, making bracelets an
d keychains, playing board games, and even teaching myself some magic tricks! It feels great to exercise different parts of my mind and body.
    Making these changes hasn't been easy. At first, I really missed my tablet and phone. But after sticking with it for a few weeks, I started feeling so much better - my eyes didn't feel as strained, I was sleeping more soundly, and I had more energy from moving around more. I also felt happier and less moody or anxious. Who knew that stepping away from the screens could help so much?
    Now I'm not saying we have to give up our beloved devices entirely. They can obviously be amazing tools for learning, creating, and connecting when used in moderation. But we just have to be mindful of how much time we're spending glued to them and make an effort to unplug regularly.
    So next time you catch yourself zoning out on your phone for the hundredth time that day, take a break! Go read a book, play outside, or work on a fun project. Your body and mind will thank you. Let's all try to make more time for actual living and experiencing the wo
rld around us. Who's with me?
    Being Healthy By Using My Phone Less
    My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. I love my phone and all the games and videos I can watch on it. But lately, my mom and dad have been telling me I need to use my phone less. At first, I didn't understand why. My phone is so much fun! But then they explained some of the reasons why using my phone too much can be unhealthy. It made me realize that even though phones are awesome, I need to find a better balance.
