    My Phone Is Not My Friend
    Hi there! My name is Emily and I'm 10 years old. I'm writing this essay to share my thoughts on phones and why you shouldn't spend too much time staring at those little screens. I know phones are awesome - you can play games, watch videos, and talk to your friends. But if we're not careful, phones can become a huge problem. Let me explain.
    First off, being super glued to your phone means you miss out on the real world around you. Have you ever been walking down the street only to almost bump into someone because you were looking at your phone? Or maybe you were so focused on a game that you didn't hear your mom calling you for dinner? Yikes!
    Spending too much time on phones can also hurt your eyes and give you headaches. My friend Jack was playing on his tablet for like 5 hours straight one day and ended up with really sore eyes. His mom had to make him put the tablet away and rest. Nobody wants that!
    Another issue is that some of the stuff we see or do on phones isn't always appropriate for kids our age. There are lots of mean comments, violent videos, and other content that can make us feel sad, scared, or upset. My parents have to really watch what apps and websites I use to keep me safe.
    But probably the biggest problem with being hooked on phones is that it takes away from other awesome activities! Instead of exploring the outdoors, reading books, spending time with friends and family, or learning new skills, you're just zoning out on a screen. That's no way to live!
    I know it's really hard to cut back on phone time though. The games and apps are just so addictive and fun. Whenever I try to put my phone down, I get really antsy and bored at first.
But then after a little while, I remember all the other cool stuff I can do!
    Like just the other day, I was trying to beat a tough level on this racing game. I must have tried like 20 times and I was getting really frustrated. Then my dad reminded me that we were going to the park to play frisbee. Once I closed the game and we got outside, I felt so much better. The fresh air, the running around, actually talking to my dad instead of just staring at a screen - it was great!
    Or what about those times when you're just endlessly scrolling through videos or posts, not really paying attention, but also not doing anything else? That's when I try reading a book instead. I curl up in a cozy spot and get totally absorbed in whatever story I'm reading. No batteries needed, just my imagination!
    And have you ever made something really cool just using stuff you found around the house? One rainy afternoon, I grabbed some empty boxes, tape, markers, and other craft supplies and built a whole tiny town out of cardboard. Playing creatively like that is so much fun.
    I'm certainly not saying we can never use our phones or play games anymore. I still love gaming and I am definitely never giving up my phone completely. Those things are fine in moderation. It's when we overdo it on the screen time that issues start happening.
    So I encourage all of you to be aware of how much time you spend on phones and other devices. If you notice it's been hours since you took a break, shut it off for a while! Get up, get moving, and get exploring the real world. Call some friends and make plans to hang out in person. Pick up a book or project you've been wanting to work on. Have a family game night. There is so much amazing stuff to do beyond those little screens!
    We're just kids once, so we should spend more time playing outdoors, using our imaginations, and making wonderful memories. Don't let phones take that away and turn us all into zombies. Let's put them down more often and truly experience life! Who's with me?
    My Smartphone Monster Friend
    Hi friends! I want to tell you all about my good friend, the Smartphone Monster. He's always with me, following me everywhere I go. He even comes into the bathroom with me and watches me on the toilet! He's my constant companion.tablet screen
    The Smartphone Monster loves to play games and watch videos. His favorite game is Candy Crush. He can spend hours just swiping those candies around, trying to make matches. He gets really mad when he can't pass a level! Another game he loves is Pokemon Go. He makes me walk around the neighborhood for hours, just trying to catch those silly Pokemon. Sometimes I get too tired to walk anymore, but the Smartphone Monster doesn't care. He just wants me to keep going.
    The Smartphone Monster's other favorite thing is watching videos. He could watch YouTube videos all day if I let him. Videos about fidget toys, slime, or just kids playing silly pranks on each other. It doesn't really matter what the videos are about, he'll watch anything. Sometimes I'll try to show him an educational video to learn something new, but he's not really interested in that. Learning is boring to him.
