Online Classes vs Traditional Classes: A Kid's Point of View
Lately, things have been really different at school because of online classes. Instead of going to my regular classroom, I log into my computer at home and my teacher appears on the screen! It's kind of weird but also kind of cool. There are some good things and bad things about online classes compared to regular in-person classes.
The best part about online classes is that I get to stay in my pajamas all day! No more having to pick out an outfit or get dressed up. I can just roll out of bed 5 minutes before class starts and log in. My mom doesn't have to hassle me to get ready or nag me to brush my hair and teeth. I can even eat breakfast during my first class if I want to! Try doing that at a real school.
Another awesome thing is that I don't have to sit at those uncomfortable desks and chairs all day. Instead, I can lounge on my cozy couch or even lay on my bed. Way more comfy! I'm also allowed to play with little toys or fidget things during class as long as I'm staying quiet and paying attention. My teacher can't see if I'm messing with stuff off-screen.
It's also nice not having to pack a lunchbox every day. I can just go to the kitchen and make whatever I want to eat during the lunch break. No more mushy sandwiches or bruised apples! The kitchen is my cafeteria now.
I don't have to worry about taking the bus or my parents dropping me off either. No more dealing with traffic or running late. I can literally just wake up and be at school instantly by turning on my laptop. So convenient!
However, there are some downsides to online classes too. One of the biggest bummers is not getting to see my friends every day. We only get little windows on the screen to see each other, and it's not the same as playing together at recess or sitting next to your bestie. I miss gossiping, joking around, and just bonding with my friends in person.
It's also harder to pay attention to the lessons online. There are so many potential distractions at home - TV, video games, my toys, my pet begging for attention. At school, it's a dedicated space for learning without those kinds of things tempting me. I find my mind wandering a lot more during online class.
Participating is tougher too. You have to wait for the teacher to unmute you before talking, and sometimes there are tech issues or delays. Discussions don't flow as smoothly as they do in person. It's also easy to just turn off your camera and zone out completely!
tablet和laptop的区别 Overall though, I don't mind online classes. They have some nice perks like comfy clothes and no comm
Online Classes vs Traditional Classes - Which is Better?
Hi there! My name is Emily and I'm in 5th grade. Today I want to talk to you about online classes and traditional in-person classes. Which one is better? Well, I've experienced both
kinds of classes and I have some thoughts to share!
Let's start with online classes. When the pandemic first started a couple years ago, my school went fully online for quite a while. At first, I wasn't sure how I felt about it. It was really different not going to my usual classroom and seeing my friends every day. Instead, we had class over video chat on the computer.
There were some good things about online classes though. I could wake up a little later since I didn't have to travel to school. I also got to wear my pajamas to class! My parents were often around too which was nice. And we went at a slower pace with fewer assignments since everything was so new.
But there were downsides too. The internet wasn't always working perfectly, so sometimes I'd get kicked out of the video chat. It was hard to focus for long periods looking at a screen. And I really missed playing at recess and doing fun activities with my classmates.
After over a year of online classes, I was so excited when we finally went back to in-person learning! Walking through those school doors again was the best feeling. I got to see all my friends who I had only seen on a computer screen for ages. No more days stuck sitting at home.
Traditional classes have their advantages for sure. It's much easier to learn and pay attention when you're in a classroom setting. The teacher is right there to provide help if I get stuck or don't understand something. We can do more hands-on activities and work together in groups.