1.—What ______ do you like? (    )     
—I like PE and English.
A.day    B.how many    C.subjects
2.In summer, it is ______ in Suqian. (    )
A.cool    B.hot    C.warm
3.That ________ a shirt and these ________ shorts. (    )
A.is; is    B.are; is    C.is; are
4.Look at these trees. Can you draw ________? (    )
A.it    B.them    C.those
5.—How many seasons are there in a year(年)? (    ) 
A.Twelve    B.Seven    C.Four
6.—I’m very _______. (    )
—Here’s a fan _______ you.
A.cold; for    B.hot; for    C.cold; to
7.I have a _______ lesson today. I can _______ well. (    )
A.skating; skate    B.skating; skating    C.skate; skating
8.We don’t have ________ Chinese lessons ________ Friday afternoon. (    )
A.any; on    B.some; in    C.a; on
9.I feel _______. Maybe I have _______. (    )
A.cold; a cold    B.cold; cold    C.a cold; cold
10.—What do you want to drink? (    )
—I want some ________.
A.hamburgers    B.an ice cream    C.milk
11.—_______ you like a pie? (    )
—Yes, please.
A.Do    B.Would    C.do
12.—_______ you like a banana pie? (   )
—No, thanks.
A.Do    B.Can    C.Would
13.—_______ do you come home? (   )
—I come home _______ five.
A.When; on    B.What time; at    C.What time; in
14.—Can I have _________ juice? (    )   
—OK, here you are.
A.any    B.some    C.a
15.—I am ________.  (   )
—Here’s a glass of water for you.
A.thirsty    B.hungry    C.tired
16.This _______ (be) a tree and these _______ (be) flowers.
17.There are a lot of _______ (apple) on the tree.
18.The women in red _______ (be) our teachers.
19.—How many _____ (dress) can you see?
20.—Whose _______ (box) are they?  —They’re _______ (Miss Li).
21.—What’s the matter with _______ (she)?  —She _______ (be) ill.
22.—Whose ______ (毛衣) are these?  —They’re Tim’s.
23.Look at these ________ (dress). They are so nice.
2re there _______ (some) flowers in the park?
25.This is ________ (I) timetable.
26.How many ________ (book) do we have?
27.Let’s go and _____ (make) a snowman.
28.It's hot and ________ (sun) in Kunming.
29.The red hat is ________ (my).
30.It's cold outside. Look, it is ________ (snow).
31.—_________ (保重), Linda.
—Thank you.
32._______ do you go to school?  At seven forty.
33._______ (看) my gloves. They are _______ (如此) big.
34._______ the girl over there?  _______ my cousin.
35.I have a p_____ with my friends in the park.
36.Oh, you have a bad _________ (咳嗽). _________   _________ (保重).
37.—Would you like _________ _________ (一些水)?
—No, thanks.
38.We are ______________ (在学校).
39.Miss Li: ______ do you go to ______?
Helen: ______ nine.
Miss Li: It’s good to sleep early.
40.We have three lessons on _____ morning.
Alice: Hello, Jane.
Jane: Hello, Alice.
Alice: How many subjects do you have this term(学期)?
Jane: I have English, Science, Chinese, Art, Music, PE and Maths.
Alice: What lessons do you have in the morning, Jane?
Jane: Well, let me see. We have Science, Chinese, Art and Maths.
Alice: What subject do you like, Jane?
Jane: I like Art. What about you, Alice?
Alice: I like Art, too.
Jane: Oh, we like the same(同样的)subject.
Alice: How many Art lessons do you have in a week(星期)?
Jane: Three. I like it. It's fun.
41、Does Jane like Art ? (     
A.Yes.    B.No.    C.I don't know(知道).
42、Do Alice and Jane like the same(同样的)subject?       
A.Yes.    B.No.    C.I don't know.    D.Maybe.(可能吧)
43、How many Art lessons does Jane have in a week? (     
A.Two.    B.Three.    C.Four.    D.Five.
44、What lessons does Jane have in the morning?       
A.Science.    B.Chinese.    C.Art and Maths.    D.All of them (以上全选).
45、How many subjects does Jane have this term(学期)?        
A.Five.    B.Four.    C.Six.    D.Seven.
Hi, I’m John. I’m ill this weekend. I don’t have to go to school. I have many classes when I am at school from Monday to Friday. I have Chinese, maths and art on Mondays. And I have English on Tuesdays. What do I have on Wednesdays? I have art and maths. Do I have PE on Thursdays? Yes, I do. I like sports and I like PE. I like music, too. I have music on Fridays. I often read books on Saturdays. And on Sundays I often play ping-pong with my friends.tabletime是什么意思
46、John ______ this weekend. (    )
A.goes to school    B.stays (停留) at home    C.have classes
47、He doesn’t have _____ on Mondays. (    )
A.Chinese    B.art    C.PE
