last weekend六年级的作文英文
    Last Weekend
    Last weekend was awesome! It started on Friday after school. I was so excited because my best friend Samantha was sleeping over. We've been best friends since kindergarten and sleepovers are always the best.
    As soon as I got home from school, I rushed to clean my room. My mom is pretty strict about having a clean room before I can have friends over. I stuffed everything in my closet and made my bed. Good enough!
    Samantha arrived around 6pm with her sleeping bag and backpack. We were so hyper from being cooped up in school all week. First we played some video games - we took turns
playing the new Mario game. Samantha is way better at those games than I am. Then we decided to do our nails. I had these really cool new nail stickers with different emoji faces on them. Samantha did one hand with the kissy face lips and the other with the heart eyes.
    For dinner, my mom ordered us a pizza from our favorite place - Antonio's. We got a large with pepperoni, mushrooms and extra cheese. My little brother Zack kept trying to steal slices until my mom yelled at him. We watched a movie while we ate - we picked "Lyle, Lyle Crocodile" because it looked so silly and fun.
    After the movie, we put on our pajamas and made a gigantic fort in the living room out of every sheet, blanket and pillow we could find. We set up my tablet to watch another movie and my mom let us take the big bowl of popcorn inside. Zack wasn't allowed in because he always spills stuff. About halfway through the movie, we got bored and decided to play truth or dare instead. Samantha dared me to put an ice cube down my pants, which was so cold! I got her back and dared her to make a nasty smoothie out of all the weird leftovers in the fridge.
    Around midnight we finally decided to go to bed. I let Samantha have my bed since I was the host, and I slept on the pull-out trundle bed underneath. We stayed up telling spooky stories and doing face masks until we finally fell asleep around 2am.
    The next morning, I woke up to the smell of pancakes. My mom always makes her famous chocolate chip pancakes whenever I have friends sleep over. They are sooo good! While we ate, we played games on our tablets and made plans for the rest of the day.
    After breakfast, we took Samantha's dog Buster to the park to play fetch. He's a golden retriever and has so much energy. We took turns throwing the tennis ball as far as we could while the other person ran along with Buster chasing after it. We also played on the swings and the seesaw. I haven't been on a seesaw since I was little - we both got so dizzy!
    When we got back from the park, we were starving. We made sub sandwiches from leftovers for lunch and watched an old Disney movie while we ate. Then Samantha's mom came to pick her up around 3pm. We made plans for her to come over again in a couple weeks.
    Once Samantha left, I was kinda bored the rest of the day. I played with Zack for a little while and helped him build hislego sets. But it just wasn't as fun without my best friend. I spent the rest of the night reading and watching TV, counting down until Monday morning when I could see Samantha again at school.
    Sleepovers are seriously the best! Getting to stay up late, eating all the snacks, having silly adventures and just being kids. I'm so lucky to have a best friend like Samantha to make such amazing memories with. I can't wait for our next sleepover!
tabletennis怎么读?    My Exciting Weekend Adventure
    Last weekend was so much fun! I had the most exciting adventure with my family. We decided to go on a little trip to the countryside, and it was amazing!
    On Saturday morning, we woke up early and packed our bags with all the things we needed for our adventure. My mom made delicious sandwiches, and my dad brought a ball
for us to play with. We hopped into our car and drove towards the countryside.
    After a long drive, we finally arrived at a beautiful farm. There were tall trees, green fields, and cute little animals everywhere. The farmer, Mr. Johnson, greeted us with a big smile and showed us around.
    First, we visited the chicken coop. There were chickens of different colors and sizes. Mr. Johnson taught us how to hold a chicken gently and even let us collect fresh eggs from the nests. It was so exciting to find warm eggs hidden in the straw!
