一、 基本信息
【教 材】小学英语人教版PEPBook8
【课时名称】Unit 3 Where did you go?B Lefs try&Lefs talk
二、 学生分析:
我所带的六年级学生活泼开朗积极向上,学习态度较好。大 多数学生都有良好的学习英语的习惯。他们有扎实的英语学习基 础,所以本节课内容对他们来说并不难。为了激发学生的学习兴 趣和积极性,我采用多种教学方式和激励措施,并积极创设情境, 以老师去三亚旅行为主线贯穿整节课的学习,以此来激发学生的 学习热情。
三、 教材分析:
本课选自小学英语人教版PEP版本六年级下册第三单元B 部分的对话教学,主要是学习一般过去时态,围绕重点句型 Where did you go ? How did you go there? What did you do there?来展开教学,其内容与学生的实际生活密切联系。在第 二单元学生已经接触和学习了一般过去时的相关知识,有了一定 的学习基础,所以本课的教学内容对学生来说不难接受。
四、 教学目标
Knowledge objectives:
1.Students can understand and say the new word and the phrases: beach> went swimming、took pictures.
2.Students can understand and say the sentence patterns : How did you go there? I went there
3.Students can understand and read the dialogue fluently.
Ability objectives:
1.Students can use the new sentence patternsHow did you go there? I went there
2.Students can act out the dialogue.
3.Students can cooperate and communicate with their group members to finish some tasks.
Emotional objectives:
Encourage students to do good deeds and be good tourists.
Important Points:
1.The new word and phrases: beach> went swimming、took pictures.
2.The new sentence patterns "How did you go there? I went there
Difficult Points:
1.Be able to use special questions correctly.
2.Be able to act out the dialogue.
为了让学生更轻松的掌握本节课的重点单词和句型,为了 能够提高课堂效率和学生的兴趣,我在本课的教学中借助智慧课 堂进行教学与学生进行互动,我通过资源分享、随机选人、表扬、 语音测评、抢答、聚焦、全班作答、小组PK、拍照上传等方式 与学生进行互动,通过以上互动能够激发学生的学习兴趣和积极 性,充分体现学生的主体地位,能够发展学生的思维能力、学习 能力和语言输出的能力,最终学生能够轻松掌握和运用本节课的 重点单词和句型,教学目标得以轻松实现。
六、 教具准备
七、 教学过程
Teaching Procedures:
Stepl Warm up
2.Sing a song《Tell me about your holiday》.
3.Free talk about last summer holiday .
A: How was your last summer holiday?
B: It was. (good/ OK...)
A: What did you do?
B: I. ( went fishing/...)
【设计意图】歌曲引入活跃课堂气氛,然后谈话交流拉近师生的 距离并引入本课主题,为学习本课的对话做好铺垫。
Step2 Presentation
怎么不显示tablet1.Watch a video about Miss Wei's trip and lead in the new
word and phrases: beach> went swimming> took pictures.
2. Introduce the new sentence pattern44: How did you go there?
I went there."
T: I went to Sanya last summer holiday. And I went there by plane. How about you? Where did you go last summer holiday? How did you go there? (Guide students to answer questions with the new sentence pattern “I went to ... .1 went )
【设计意图】呈现真实的情境帮助学生理解新句型,激发学生积 极思考,自然运用本课的新句型进行真实的交流。
3.1ntroduce "Let's try" and check the answers.
T: What are they talking about? Lefs listen and circle.
4.Introduce44 Let's talk"
(1)Watch a video and answer questions :
QI: Where did Amy go over the winter holiday?
Q2: How did she go there?
【设计意图】让学生带着问题看视频听音,明确任务,培养学生 的专注力和寻关键信息的能力。
(2)Watch the video again and answer a question:
What did Amy do over the winter holiday?
Step3 Practice
1.Listen to the dialogue and imitate.
【设计意图】进一步强化学生的语音、语调、纠正发音,培养学 生从小养成跟读、模仿朗读会话的好习惯。
2.Read the dialogue by yourself.
3.Good memory: Let students fill in the blanks.
4.Work in groups and act the dialogue out.
5.Play a game: Ask and answer in pairs according to the pointer.
A: Where did you go over the?
B: I went to.
A: How did you go there?
B: I went there.
A: What did you do there?
B: I.
【设计意图】通过转盘游戏进一步巩固本课的重点句型,激发学 生的学习兴趣,锻炼学生语言交际的能力。
Step 4 Consolidation and Extension.
Write a letter to Amy and share your holidays .
【设计意图】此环节让学生在真实情境中运用所学句型,提高学 生语言运用的能力并锻炼学生写作的能力。
1.Listen to the dialogue and repeat it by using your tablet.
2.Finish the exercise on your tablet.
3.Make a survey about your friends5 holiday and share with us.
通过对本课教学实施过程进行观察和分析,归纳和总结 了体现学生智慧学习过程的学习活动,并对媒体作用进行分 析,分析框架和内容如图表所示。
教学环节 | 环节目标 | 教学内容 | 学生活动 | 媒体作用 及分析 |
谈话导 入,引入 本课主 题。 | L歌曲引 入,创造学 习英语的氛 围。 2.谈话交 流拉近师生 的距离并引 入本课主 题。 3.创设情 境帮助学生 在语境中理 解beach的 意思。 | 1.唱英文歌《Tell me about your holiday》。 2.与学生谈话交流 去年暑假的活动。 3.在情境中学习新 词"beach"。 | 1.齐唱英文 歌。 2.与教师自 由谈话交流。 3.学习新词 beach,并用 平板语音测 评功能练习 beach的发 音。 电建 | 使用智慧 课堂语音 测评功能 练习新单 词大大激 发了学生 的积极性 和兴趣,并 能够纠正 学生的发 音增强对 单词的记 忆,比传统 的机械操 练效果好 很多。 |
引入新 知,解决 重点单词 和句型。 | 1.学习本 课重点词组 went swimming 和 took pictureso 2.学习本课 重点句型 “How did you go there?I went there | 1.播放教师暑假旅 游的视频引入并学 习重点词组went swimming 和 took pictureso 2 .引入并教授新句 型 “How did you go there?I went there ,, 3.利用屏幕推送把 重点句型推送给学 生,让学生合作练 习。 4.展示对话利用PK 板进行小组比赛。 | 1.学习操练 词组 went swimming 和 took pictures 2.两人合作练 习对话,然后 通过“抢答” 上台展示对 话。 | 1.利用智 慧课堂“互 动——抢 答”能极大 的调动学 生的学习 积极性和 学习热情。 2.“屏幕推 送”能够快 速吸引学 生的注意 力,让学生 更清晰直 观的学习 重点知识, 同时解决 了后面和 两边同学 看不清黑 板的难题。 3.通过pk 榜加星方 式鼓励学 生,效果很 |