Go for it! Student book
Unit 11 What time do you go to school?
Period 1 (Section A la-2c)
一、    教学目标:通过用行为动词短语和频度副词对时间安排进行询问 和回答;引导学生询问和谈论自己以及他人的时间安排,逐步实现行 为动词从语言结构到情景交际的逐步扩展。
二、    重点难点:1-学习词汇。指导学生练习、掌握关于行为动词的 短语和频度副词。2•学习运用重点句型what time, when开头的 特殊疑问句,使用行为动词短语和频度副词对时间安排询问和回答。
3 •行为动词和频度副词的一般现在时的用法。
Step 1 Warming-up& Revision
Free talktabletime
1.Give an example.(老师拿起一个闹钟)
T: Look, what's this?
S: It's a clock.
T: This is my favorite clock. Do you have a clock?
Ss: Yes, I do.
2.Lead in the new lesson
T: OK. A clock can show us the time・ So today we'll learn to say the clock time and talk about our daily life.
(设计意图:通过师生对话和生生对话,迅速热身,并且引出本课的 目标语言。)
Step 2 Pre-listening
(Task) Timetable
1.present the clock time. ( Stand up if you know it)
T: Look at the screen. What's the time?
SI: Seven o' clock・
T: Yes, it's seven o' clock. Read after me・ I get up at seven o' clock・
Ss: I get up at seven o' clock.
Teacher uses the clock to express some special time, such as 7:15, 7:30.
(用同样的方式呈现时间类型,并引导学生区分a・m•和p・m・的时间范 亂)
2.My timetable
T: Let's talk about my daily activities・
s. Think of this question “What activities should we write in the timetable?气让学生自由发挥来想一些口常的行为动词短语,对于本节 课岀现的新短语可以给出图片。)
Ss: Go to school/ get up/ take ;
3.Enjoying the activities in the book.
4.Help the teacher to make a timetable・
T: I need all of to help me make a timetable about me. But first of all, what should we write in the timetable?
SI: Activities.
S: 2: The clock time・
T: Right. Now I will make my timetable, please listen to me carefully.
I usually get up at 5:00. I usually take a shower at 6:00. Then I eat breakfast at6:30. Finally, I go to school at 7:00.
T: Who can say something about your own timetable?
(设计意图:便于学生加入这个活动,最后让学生介绍自己的时间表, 这样可以检查学生是否听懂了老师做的例子。)
5.Know friend's timetable.( Role play)
Talk with “ What time do you    and practice the conversations.
Step 3 While-listening
The best listener
1. Listen and match.(lb)
T: You are great! Now lefs know something about my friend Rick's timetable. Please do lb, and Fll play the record twice. Please listen carefully and answer the questions.
Ss: (Answer the questions in the screen one by one.)
Show the chart
Ricks activity Go to school Run Take a shower Get up Eat breakfast
2. Pair work
One student is Rick. The other is the intervieweAsk and answer questions about Rick's day.
(使学生知道听听力要抓住文中的细节,有助于激发学生的听力潜 力。)
Rick's problem
T: We talk about others9 timetables, and now let's know something about
Rick. Please look at 2a.( play the record twice.)
T: Listen to the tape again, and fill in the blanks.
Rick    a big family. He has    brothers and two sisters, but they
have one shower. Maybe you think it's    for them to take a showe
No, because they have a shower schedule・ His brother Bob takes a shower    , at 5:00. Then his sister Mary    a shower 6:00.
Next his brother Jerry      a shower at 7:00,then his sister Alicia
at 8:00. Now please guess: what time      Rick take a shower?
Step 4 Post-listening
A survey: Timetable
First, the teacher divides the class into eight teams・ Then choose a leader from each tea
m. Next, let each team make a survey. The team which surveys the most students in three minutes is the winneFinally, show the survey to the class-
(训练学生的团队精神,并给学生独立思考的机会,从而达到提高英 语学习能力的目的。通过自主探究,共同总结岀本课的冃标语言,在 问与答的过程中,巩固加深印象。)
Step5 Homework
Make a conversation about timetable.
