Students should not be done part-time, because the University is the practice last year, time enough for a practice. If part-time students will take up a lot of learning time. Do not think that part-time is money, is a waste of money. Have time to learn the four-year university course, but this is not the most important, but some are doing their best to change to do, to develop their own circle of contacts, which is conducive to future development. In addition, more than walk around the school library, the saying goes, a school library is the heart. There are many classroom library than the knowledge, there are many useful things on their own. Therefore, the more bubbles library, to improve their content and training. I think that students should not do part-time. Fanfangguandian
I think that students should do part-time. As part-time students may go into society, to understand the cruelty of society, early maturity, but also experience the hardships their parents. In addition, many students are not thinking about learning in school, but in looking how to love, their time is spent a lot of love last. University is very relaxing, ample time should be used to love the time to do part-time in the dark early understanding of the community, freed from the ivory tower. Doing part-time in a network of resources can also be extended. So I think students should do part-time Should college students do part-time jobs?
In many countries it is common for teenagers to take part-time jobs while they are still in high school, while in other societies this is
virtually unheard of. In the latter situation, students are expected to spend all of their time on their studies and consider schoolwork their "job". In my opinion, students benefit more from a more balanced lifestyle, which may include working at a part-time job. Therefore, I believe that it is a good idea for students to work while studying.
While it is true that a student's most important goal must be to learn and to do well at his studies, it does not need to be the only goal. In fact, a life which consists of only study is not balanced and may cause the student to miss out on other valuable learning experiences. In addition to bringing more balance to a student's life, part-time work can broaden his range of experience. He will have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and will be faced with a wider variety of problems to solve. Furthermore, work helps a student to develop greater independence, and earning his own pocket money can teach him how to handle his finances. Finally, a part-time job can help a student to develop a greater sense of responsibility, both for his own work and for that of the team he works with.
For all of these reasons, I firmly believe that most students would benefit from taking a part-time job w
hile they are in high school. Of course, they must be careful not to let it take up too much of their time because study is still their primary responsibility. In sum, living a balanced life is the best way to be successful
There has been a lot of discussion about should students do part time job while going to college. In my opinion, it should be considered for two stages.
One is for first and second year. The other is for third and fourth year.
While students are in first or second grade, they might want to spend more time on their dreams and making more friends. The environment would change dramatically when students first come
to college.Due to the change in timetable, students would have more free time besides study. They finally get extra time working on the dreams they used to have, such as writing books, leaning dancing and so on.Also, they need to make more friends at early stage, because making more friends will help them adapt to the new place easily, and give them a good start on building your social networks for the future.It will become a lifetime benefit for sure.
During the third and fourth year, the technical courses/professional courses will come into the view.At t
his time students can consider to do some part time job related to their major. Schooling and work will be a complement of each other, since work will help them digest the things they learn at college, and the knowledge they learn from college will help them understand the job therefore to finish it faster.
Thus,I think if a college student wishes to do a part time job, it is better to do it when the student goes to third and fourth grade. Some peolpe think there are more advantages for colleges students to take part-time jobs than disadvantages, others don't think so. What's your view on this? And tell why.
A serious problem has arisen in recent several years that more and more college students abandon study because of their taking part-time jobs, so quite a few people are opposed to part-time jobs. However, taking part-time jobs has at least three benefits for college studens in my eyes.
First, students can promote their study through part-time jobs. For instance, If a law student finds a part-time job in a law firm, his practice will enable him to better understand what he's learned from books. What's more, the part-time job can offer him opportunities to go beyond what he's been taught in class, and he'll learn something that doesn't exist in books but in practice.
Second, students can also accumulate work experiences through part-time jobs, which will benefit their future job-hunting. Actually, part-time jobs act as warm-up exercises for students to take full-time j
obs after they graduate, and help them prepare for their future careers. In addition, as fresh blood in the society, graduated students are often unfavored in job-hunting markets for lack of practical work experiences. It's easier to find jobs for those who have accumulated experiences in part-time jobs.
Last but not the least, part-time jobs can partly relieve students' financial burden, especially those who are from poor families. College tution fees have greatly increased in the past ten years due to the new educational policy. Many students from poor families cannot afford college fees, and our bank system fail to loan college students as effectively as it does in developed countries, so taking part-time jobs becomes a way for them to meet their great expenses in campus lives.
It's an undenied fact that students break the balance between their jobs and studies, especially when they fall into conflict with each other. But I think students should spend their spare time taking part-time jobs. Only following this principle can they benefit from their part-time jobs.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking a Part -time Job Nowadays,more and more students chose to take a part-time job in there spare time ,especially on their holidays.
From my point of view, taking a part-time job has tow aspects for us.On the one hand,it privide us an opportunity to take what we learnt into pritice,which can add our social experience.Besides ,it can help
us earn some money to pay our school tuition and train ourselves.On the other hand,a part -time job may waste us a lot of time,which can influence our study.
