Module1Unit1 Task
Reporting school activities
Task Reporting school activities
1.To practise language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.
2.To write a notice with important information and clear expression.
1. How to use abbreviation to fill in timetable.
2. How to compare information of two different sources.
Learning process(学习过程)
Step1 Lead-in
What is a programme?
A plan of activities to be done or things to be achieved.
Skill building 1: reading a programme
1.Important information of a school programme timetable:
*event/ activity: Topic
2.How to complete a school programme timetable?
Date :                                    abbreviation
  1st  January                              1st  / 1  Jan
  2nd February                              2nd/ 2 Feb
  3rd  September                            3rd/ 3  sept
Day :                                  Mon / Tue / Wed / Thur / Fir / Sat / Sun
Time :    A.E.:                     B.E.:  09.00
        6.                      18.45
Venue place:
e.g.:  assembly hall
          7th floor, Park Hotel
        Room 405, Building 12
Speech on Chinese history    Art festival    Sports meeting …
Step 1 completing a timetable for a school programme
complete the timetable of talks for next month.( P 13 )
Skill building 2:  comparing information
1.Read all the information carefully.
2.Make as many comparisons as possible.
3.task: Read the letter and choose the correct book from the information.
Compare the timetable on P 13&15 :
You can skip Library Class, Class Meeting, Games and Self-study to attend the talks.
Tips :
1. Read carefully and circle the classes you can skip.
2. Compare and write down the talks you can attend.
Step 2  reporting to your class teacher
Make a dialogue with your partner. One plays the role of monitor, and the other is class teacher
Talks that we can attend:
1.__ Fire prevention ________________
2.__ Outer space __________
3. School life in the USA__________
4.  Fighting Aids
5.____Australian pop songs ___________
Skills building 3 : writing a notice
1.What is a notice?
2.Whats the important information?
(time, dates, events, person that issues it, etc. Or When? Where? Who ? What ? etc.)
3.Where can you find a notice?
4.When you write a notice, what should we pay attention to?
Try to underline the important information.
Event: library closed 
Time:   next Wednesday to Friday, 16th to 18th November
Reason: for the sports meeting
When to reopen: Next Saturday, 19th November
The new opening hours: Mondav --    Friday: --
Saturday &  Sunday: --
Public holidays: closed
Person that gives the notice: a staff member of the school library
Step 3: informing your classmates
1.Inform your classmates of all the talks you can attend next month. ( refer to P 15 )
2.Begin with :
“ I am happy to inform you that_______ _________________________________
Tips :
1. Include all the important.
2. Make sure it is clear, lucid and attractive.
Language focus
1.cover /′kʌvə(r)/ n. (书的)封面;盖子
v. ~ sth 覆盖某物
~ a distance 走过一端路程
~ some pages 读几页书
~ an event 报道事件
  be covered with 为……所覆盖
back cover (书的)封底
  from cover to cover 从头到尾
  under the cover of 以……为借口;在……的掩护下
2.regret /rɪ′gret/ vt.& vi 遗憾,抱歉;后悔,惋惜
~ for \sth\ doing sth\ to do sth\that
  regret to do
regret doing
相当于be sorry to do,表示“对要做的某事感到遗憾”,和常与say, tell, inform等连用。
I regret to inform you that you are dismissed. 我遗憾地通知你,你被解雇了。
表示“后悔曾做过某事”,也可以说成regret having done。
I really regret making friends with such people. 我真的后悔与这样的人叫了朋友。
3. inform /ɪn′fɔ:m/ vt. 通知,告知
Inform sb. of / about sth.
--- be informed of  听说; 接到...的通知
*inform against / on / upon sb.  告发, 检举某人
Keep sb informed of
Eg.He informed me of your decision.
The principle informed us that the school would be closed for one day next week.
1. 用简写形式 _________________________
2. 节省空间 ___________________________
3. 用几种方法 _________________________
4. 发生、举行 _________________________
5. 指的是  _____________________________
6. 作一个决定 _________________________
7. 越……就越…… _____________________
8. 读完一本书  _________________________
9. 通知某人某事 _______________________
10. 消息灵通人士 _______________________
1. Computers are useful ________    many ways.
A. in              B. on            C. by              D. with
2. Who will           when I am away?
A. take place of me                  B. be taken the place
C. take my place                    D. take the place of me
3.          which floor are you living?
A. In              B. On            C. About            D. By
4. The judge ordered that the thief          in.
A. be referred to be brought           B. referred to should brought
C. referred to be brought                D. was referred should be brought
5. The sports meeting             next Sunday .
A. will take place                      B. is to be held
C. will be taken place                  D. A and B
6. Can you give me          of the guided tour?
A. any information                      B. some information
C. an information                        D. many information
7. When can you          the book?
A. read finish  B. finish reading  C. finish to read              D. finish read
8. “I wish I had not made that mistake” has the similar meaning to“I regret    that mistake.”
A. having made  B. to makeC. made                      D. not to have made
9. My brother is          person in his office.
A. a better-informed B. the well-informedC. a best-informed    D. the best-informed
10.          books you read,          knowledge you’ll gain.
A. The many, the more                        B. The more, the much
C. The more, the more                        D. The many, the much
Homework :
1.Exchange your compositions with your partners and correct them. Hand in tomorrow.
2.Preview Project
