3下 U6 What time is it ?
本课的教学内容为译林版小学三年级下册Unit6 What time is it? 第一课时,要求学生掌握句型 What time is it ? 及回答It’s …O’clock. It’s time for…本课以刘涛的一日活动为背景,也与我们学生的日常生活息息相关,学生也比较感兴趣。因此,本课的教学设计从学生的生活实际出发,采用多种学生方式,让学生在小组活动中,通过唱,说,做,演,练等多种手段学习和使用英语,完成学习内容。
三、Teaching aims and learning objectives(教学目标):
1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇class, bed, OK。能正确地听、说、读词汇wake up, mum, o’clock, breakfast, dinner。
2. 能正确地运用对话中的日常用语和句型What time is it? It’s …o’clock. It’s time for … Hurry up.
3. 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读对话。
4. 能运用本课语言进行关于时间的问答、谈话。
四、Focus of the lesson(教学重点):
1. 句型:What time is it? It’s … o’clock. It’s time for …
2. 词汇:o’clock, bed, OK, breakfast, dinner
五、Predicted area of difficulty(教学难点):
1. 能正确地理解、朗读对话内容,并能在教师帮助下复述对话。
2. 词汇:class, bed, breakfast, dinner的读音。
六、Teaching aids(教学准备):PPT、钟和表演头饰。
七、Teaching procedures(教学过程):
Step 1 Warming up
1. Enjoy a song 《One, one, one》
2. Free talk.
(设计意图:通过师生,生生之间的Free talk,复习前面学过的知识,并为下面的学生做铺垫。)
Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning.
T: How are you today?
S: We are fine, thank you.
T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. What’s your name? S: I’m….
出示数字让学生说。引出a clock
Step 2 Presentation and practice
1.a clock 师领读,生跟读。
T: Look at the clock! 引出本课题目Unit6 What time is it?并板书,带领学生读。
2.拿出中模型,带领学生学习本课的重点句型What time is it?
tabletimeIt’s …o’clock.师问,生答。而后引导学生问,学生答。师生互动,生生互动。
3.以What time is it? It’s time…引出‘It’s time for …’巩固学
习新知。并学习单词 breakfast/dinner/bed.
4. Ask and answer.
5. Brain storming.
Step 3 Story time
1.Look at the picture and answer:
T: Who is he?  Ss: He’s Liu Tao. Watch and choose.看动画,解决问题(Watch and choose)。
2.T:What will Mum say,引出Wake up并学习。同法 What will Miss Li say?
学习Hurry up! It’s time for class.
3. Listen and match.
出示Liu Tao’s timetable 问:What’s missing?
Moral: A good timetable makes you successful.
4. Reading after the Cartoon.
5. Class reading work: Read in roles ->Read after one -> Read
together->read in different characters and so on. If you don’t read, you can ask teacher or your classmates.
6. Dub for Cartoon: in groups -> group show.
Step4  Act.
Step5  情感教育:Time is money. Time is life. Please treasure time. Step6 Homework design作业设计:
1. Read Story time after the tape for 5 times.
2. Make a clock and use the clock to make a dialogue in pairs.
3. Try to recite the dialogue.
八、Blackboard design板书设计:
Unit6 What time is it?
A: What time is it?
B: It’s … o’clock. It’s time for …写四会单词
