毕业论文(设计)中西方餐桌礼仪的差异(Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners) 
毕 业 论 文
  题  目   中西方餐桌礼仪的差异             
  学  号  1XXXXXXXXXX 班  级 旅英1班   
  专  业  旅游英语  系  别 外语系     
  作者姓名  朱亚平    完成时间2012年12月 
指导教师  秦礼峰  职  称  讲师   
Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners
                      Zhu Yaping
A thesis submitted to Henan Business College in partial fulfillment of requirement for the Tourism English Major
Under the supervision of Associate Professor
Qin Lifeng
Foreign Language Department of Henan Business College
                  December 15, 2012
Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners
Author: Zhu Yaping
                              Tutor: Qin Lifeng
China is a nation of etiquette, whose table manners have a long history. In fact, western co
untries have their own peculiar dining custom .With the development of China’s opening-up, more and more Western culture gets into our sight.? As we face with unfamiliar cultures and countries, some inevitable cultural conflicts might happen in the communication, which will seriously affect the contacts being carried out smoothly. Table manners have a decisive position in the communication between China and Western countries. During communication we will show our best image and avoid cultural conflicts. Learning and using the right etiquette will not only step up our own impression, but also promote the benefit and strife of the company. This paper mainly discusses the differences of table manners between the West and China from several aspects. Knowing these differences, we can communicate well with each other.
Key Words:  China, western countries, table manners, differences.
关键词: 中国,西方国家,餐桌礼仪,差异
Abstract in English…………………...……………………………I
Abstract in Chinese …………………………………… … ……. II
1  Introduction    1
2  Literature Review    1
3  Main Factors Causing the Differences    3
3.1  Geography    3
3.2  Tradition    4
3.3  Custom    6
4  Different table manners between China and West    7
4.1  Table setting    7
4.2  Dinnerware    8
4.3  The order of serving    9
4.4  Rules when enjoying the meal    10
5  Conclusion    11
6  Bibliographies    11
Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners
1. Introduction
Due to the Chinese people and foreigners have different life styles, the way of thinking, cultures, the table manners between china and western countries show a big difference. Chinese table manners have a long history, which date from Zhou Dynasty, at that time table manners have a quite complete system. Those table manners gradually go to a level of mature and perfect, moreover, they took an important part in the past and still have a deep influence in the modern society. Western dining customs originate in Merovingian Dynasty, France, and in the 20th century, Italian culture came to France, table manners and menu turned to be more elegant and delicate, from that time, books of etiquette are published gradually. Today, table manners inherit in Europe. Table manners in Western countries have influence on Chinese table manners because of World Integration. In order to protect our table culture, we can make the two table manners integrated, which is good for us communicating with foreigners. So, it is necessary for us to know the differences of the two table manners.
2.Literature Review
As we all know, different countries have different cultures. Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another  Hofstadter, 1991 . As a kind of social customs, table manners are influenced by culture and vary in different areas. China, known as civilized ancient country, has characteristic table manners with a long history. Western countries also formed their own table manners during the syncretism of nations and modernization. To a certain degree, having good table manners is a symbol of a nation's civilization and an expression of a person's moral cultivation and accomplishment level as well.
With the deepen of open policy in our country and the strengthen of communication between East and West, it is necessary for us to improve the consciousness of cross-cultural communication and know the differences of table manners, such as sense of arriving time, seat arrangement, order of serving dishes, tableware, behaviors, communication and so on. The fully understanding of the differences can prevent the failur
e in politeness and promote personal status on the dinner table. Only if we realize cultural connotation of table manners and the differences between East and West, can we talk and behave decently in cross-cultural communication and make social communication harmonious.
