Lesson 8  Li Ming Meets Jennys Class
Step 1 Warming up
1.Good morning,boys and girls.Today we will have a new lesson,before the class,look here,we have four team, you are yellow team,you are green team,you are blue team,you are purple team.if you answer my question correctly,I will give you one score.(注重赏识教育,课前介绍奖励机制的运用及规则,对课堂表现活跃积极的同学及时鼓励评价)
2.Now lets have a free talk
Tips: one asks, one answers ,and then you can ask another student.(分四个小组,每组一人问,一人答。课前自由问答环节,锻炼了学生的口语表达能力,综合运用语言的能力,也培养了学生们注意倾听的好习惯,调动了全体学生的参与能力,活跃了课堂气氛。)
Step 2 Presentation
1.T:Do you know our friend Li Ming?Where does Li Ming go? Why does Li Ming goes to Canada ?
Ss : He wants to go to school in Canada.He wants to learn English.So Li Ming meets Jennys class.(齐读课题,强调领读meet,meets)
2.Look,this is Jennys class.(运用自然拼读讲解class)
  Li Ming is in Jennys class.What happens ? Lets listen,then answer my question, how many people are there in this dialogue.
There are four .Who are they ?They are Jenny,Kim,Li Ming and Kim.(四大组分角朗读对话,齐读)
Now lets practice in group of four for one minute,then show.(及时评价小组活动)
3.Here is Li Ming, where is Li Ming from ? He is from China.
Where are you from ?Where is he from ?Where is she from ?
Now here are some cards.lets ask and answer like this.(一条龙同学拿地点卡练习问答)
4.Lets play a guessing game.If you see the word ,say it quickly and loudly.Who is missing?(三轮猜词游戏,锻炼了学生口眼心的协调反应能力,复习巩固了学科类的单词)
5.Here is a school timetable.Look,What subjects do you have in your school?What subjects do you have in Tuesday?
(work in pairs,one asks,one answers for one minute.)
6.Here is a timetable in our school.How many classes do you have each school day? Four in the morning and three in the afternoon.Do you know how many classes in Jennys class.Lets listen once again.(跟读课文一遍,回答问题)
7.Now lets practice in pairs,one is Jenny ,the other is Li Ming.(三问三答练习,然后展示)
8.Reading time (结合课文重难点,自由读课文)
Step 3 Practice
Lets do the exercise on our books,fill in the blanks then write down.
Who can say some sentences about this chart?
Step4 Consolidation
tabletimeStep 5 Homework
Make a new dialogue according to the text and act it out.
