My School Timetable in Grade Four
Every day in Grade Four is filled with exciting and educational activities. Here is a snapshot of my school timetable.
Morning Session
The day starts with the school bell ringing at 8:00 am. We gather in the playground for the morning assembly, where we sing the national anthem and listen to announcements from our teachers. After the assembly, we head to our classrooms for the first lesson, which is usually Math. Math helps us develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Next up is English. We learn new words, phrases, and grammar rules to improve our language skills. English is not just a subject, it's a bridge to connect us with the world.
After a short break, we have Science. In Science, we conduct experiments and learn about the wonders of nature and the universe. It's always fascinating to discover new things.
Lunchtime is from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. We have a delicious meal in the school cafeteria and spend some time with our friends, catching up on the day's events.
Afternoon Session
After lunch, we return to the classroom for Social Studies. We learn about our country's history, culture, and geography. It's important to understand our roots and appreciate our nation's diversity.
After Social Studies, we have a break for recess. This is our favorite time of the day, where we can play outside, run around, and enjoy the fresh air.
The last lesson before the end of the day is Art or Music. We rotate between these two subjects every day. In Art, we learn to draw, paint, and create beautiful works of art. In Music, we sing songs, learn instruments, and appreciate different styles of music.
The school day ends at 3:30 pm with the dismissal bell. We gather our things, say goodbye to our teachers and friends, and head home, ready to tackle the adventures of the after-sch
ool world.
tabletimeMy school timetable in Grade Four is filled with a variety of subjects that help me grow and learn. I enjoy every moment of it and look forward to the new challenges and opportunities that await me each day.