春节是中国最重要,也是最热闹的古老节日之一。春节象征着团结、兴旺以及对未来寄予新的希望。据记载, 中国人过春节已有四千多年的历史。中国是个多民族的国家,各民族nationality)过春节的形式各有不同,但是无论在中国的那个地方,人们都会在春节期间全家团圆,吃年糕(New Year cake)、饺子以及各种丰盛的饭菜。人们张灯结彩,燃放鞭炮,并互相祝福。
----Spring festival is the most important in China, as well as it is the most lively ancient festival. Spring festival is a symbol of unity, prosperity and the new hope for the future. According to the record, there have been more than 4,000 years’ history that Chinese have celebrated the Spring festival. China is a multi-ethnic country, different nationality have different ways to celebrate Spring festival, however, no matter which place in China, people always make the family reunion during the Spring festival, they eat New Year cake, dumplings and rich food. People always decorate the house and set off firecrackers, and bles
s each other.
京剧脸谱Peking Opera facial makeup)是具有民族特的一种特殊的化妆方法。由于每个历史人物或某一种类型的人物都有一种大概的类型,就像唱歌、奏乐都要按照乐谱music score)一样,所以称为“脸谱。关于脸谱的来源,一般认为脸谱来自假面具。京剧脸谱是广大戏曲爱好者非常喜爱的一门艺术,国内外都很流行,被大家公认为是中国传统文化的标志之一。
----Peking Opera facial makeup is a special make-up method and it is with national characteristics. Due to each historical figure or a certain type of figures have a rough type, just like singing songs or playing music should accord to the music score, so it is said “facial makeup”. About the source of the facial makeup, it is generally believed facial makeup from mask. Peking Opera facial makeup is a favorite art for the opera lovers. It is p
opular at home and abroad. Everyone believes it is one of the symbol of China traditional culture.
三、 历史
汉语是一种很古老的语言。大量文献记载说明,汉字起源于新时器时代the Neolithic Age)仰韶文化时期,最早的汉字已有近4,000年的历史。汉字在其漫长的发展中演化出不同的书写形式,例如篆书seal script)、隶书official script)、楷书regular script)和行书(cursive handwriting)。中国书法家笔下的汉字往往以字形的夸张取得艺术效果,例如一些旅游胜地的石刻碑文。
----Chinese is an ancient language. A large number of documents show Chinese characters originated nearly 4,000 years. Chinese characters in its long development evolved different forms of writing, for example seal script, official script, regular script and cursive handwriting. Chinese calligrapher’s Chinese characters often to the glyph exaggeration in the achievement of artistic effect, such as some stone inscriptions seen in tourist resort.
四、 人文
----Hua Mulan is China’s famous ancient “Mulan phrase” describe a military hero for father. Because of Mulan’s father’s old age, he can’t travel through toil, Mulan doesn’t have any elder brothers who can substitute for father, so her father generation army disguised as men. Although the story whether is true or not which we can’t known, in one thousand, Hua Mulan as a model of ficial piety and respect by the Chinese. In 1998, the Walt Disney Company animated Hua Mulan story and get the welcome of all over the world.
上海,位于东海之滨,长江出海口处,是中国最大的城市,拥有超过两千万的人口。上海作为旅游胜地以其历史地标,如外滩、城隍庙、现代化的浦东天际线、东方明珠电视塔Oriental Pearl Tower)而闻名,并享有新世界文化和设计中心的声誉。如今,上海是中国大陆最大的商业和金融中心,被称为世界增长最快的经济体典范。
----Shanghai is located in the coast of the east China sea near the mouth of the changjiang river. It’s the biggest city and has mire than 20 million population. Shanghai  is as a tourist attraction for its historical landmarks, such as the bund, chenghuang temple, the modern pudong skyline and Oriental Pearl. Shanghai has the reputation of the new world culture and design center. Nowadays, Shanghai is China’s largest commercial and financial center. Shanghai is known as the model of the world’s fastest growing economies.
北京烤鸭tablet pc平板
北京烤鸭是北京的招牌菜,它的独到之处在于不仅味道鲜美,而且含有丰富的营养价值,被誉为“天下美味”,驰名中外。北京烤鸭需经过约45分钟的烤制,烤出的鸭子以皮质酥脆crispy skin)、肉质鲜嫩为特,这是其受欢迎的最大原因。在众多的北京烤鸭店中最知名的两个是全聚德和便宜坊,这两家烤鸭店都已经有上百年的历史了。
----Beijing roast duck is the specialty of Beijing, its unique feature is that not only delicious taste, and contain rich nutritional value, and has been hailed as “the world delicious”, famous both at home and abroad. Beijing roast duck need bake 45 minutes. Baking a duck is famous for crispy skin and fresh meat, this is the biggest cause of its popularity. In many of the two most famous Peking duck restaurant is quanjude and cheap, both roast  duck restaurant has a history of hundreds of years.
----Nowadays, nomophbia becomes a hot topic which people discuss. Nomophbia means people are fear for out of mobile phone. The study found that a great number of people will feel uncomfortable when far away form the phone. So, experts suggest that, if you obsessed with your phone, you should try to put down phone, especially when you stay with your family or go out with your friends. Continue to focus on mobile phone will be to get in the way of interpersonal relationships.
