服药说明 -- 名词解释 ( Definition of terms )
饭前 : 饭前1小时服( 使) 用
Before meal : take medication 1 hour before a meal
空腹服用 : 进食前1 小时或进食后 2 小时
Empty stomach : take medication 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal
与食物并服 : with food/ meals
进食后立即服药 : take medication immediately after a meal
饭后 : 饭后1小时服( 使) 用
After meal : take medication 1 hour after a meal
睡前 睡前半小时服( 使) 用
At bedtime : take medication half an hour before bedtime
每隔一天 : 每隔一天服 (使 )用
Every other day : take medication every other day
未注明饭前 饭后 : 表示均可
May take medication before or after meals if it is not indicated
毫克 = 公丝 = MG
MG : milligram
毫升=公撮= ML= CC
ML= milliliter =CC
每日一次 饭后服用 每次一粒 建议在白天服药
Take tablet once a day after meals , one tablet each time , suggest to take at daytime
每日二次 早晚服用
Take tablet twice a day , every morning and night
每日三次 饭前服用
Take tablet three times a day before meals
注意事项 : ( Reminder )
1.请核对姓名 药袋总数 药品名称与外观及数量
Please verify patient name, total bag number, drug name, appearance and quantity.
2. 注意药品效期 未标示者为一个月
The drug of expiration date is one month unless labeled on the package.
Keep the prescription bag until all the dispensed medications are used.
4. 请依照医师指示服药 切勿擅自增减药量或停药 并按时回诊
Take as directed by your physician. Do not change the dosage or discontinue use without consulting your physician. Please follow-up visit at the schedule time.
5. 避免孩童接触药品 并且勿将药品交给他人使用
Keep medication out of reach of children and should not transfer to others.
6. 药品请存放在干燥阴凉处 如发现变质或过期 请勿使用
tablet英文Keep the medication in a dry, cool place. Please discard the expired or discolored medication, further use is prohibited.
7.如有用药疑问 请询问药师
For further questions regarding your medication, please consult with pharmacist.
每日一次 饭后服用 每次一粒 建议在白天服药
Take ONE tablet ONCE daily after food. Prefer during daytime.
每日二次 早晚服用
Take tablet twice a day , every morning and night
←How many tablets/capsules/whatever you taking do you take each time?
每日三次 饭前服用
Take tablet three times a day before meals
for external use
liquid medicine
