1.tablet n. 药片
Please take two tablets three times a day after meal.
2. tarry adj. (大便)柏油状的
The symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding include heartburn, stomachache,black, tarry bowel movements and other clinical manifestations.
3. taste n.  v. 味道;发出味道
My sense of taste isnt very good; I have a cold.
4. tear n. 眼泪
Dehydration can result in dry mucous membranes, decreased sweat, saliva and tears.
5. temperature n. 温度
basic body temperature 基础体温
normal temperature 正常体温
6. tendency n. 倾向
The experts investigated the incidence tendency of infectious diseases in Shanghai from 2022 to 2022.
7. tender adj. 触痛的;嫩的
Liver is tender and enlarged.
8. tendon n. 腱
A ruptured tendon 撕裂的跟腱
9. terminal adj. 晚期的
terminal stage of cancer癌症晚期
10. test n.  v. 试验;检验;考验
early pregnancy test 早孕测试
11. therapist n. 学家
physical therapist 理疗师
radiation therapist 放射师
speech therapist 语言师
12. therapy n. ,疗法
antibiotic therapy 抗生素疗法
inhalation therapy 吸入疗法
13. thermometer n. 体温计
oral thermometer 口腔体温计
axilla thermometer腋窝温度计
14.thigh n. 大腿
The pain originated from a point in his right thigh.
15. thirsty adj. 渴的
Insensible thirst 不显性渴感
16. thoracic adj. 胸的
thoracic vertebrae 胸椎
thoracic cavity 胸腔
17. thorax n. 胸,胸腔
barrel-shaped thorax 桶状胸
18 .throat n. 咽喉,嗓音
sore throat 咽喉痛
to clear ones throat 清清喉咙
19. thumb n. 拇指
Thumb up! 很棒!加油!
20. thyroid n 甲状腺
thyroid cancer 甲状腺癌
thyroid nodule 甲状腺结节
21. tight adj. 紧的
It is better to stretch the tight muscles first.
22. tissue n. 组织
connective tissue 结缔组织
fibrous tissue 纤维组织
23. toe n. 趾,脚趾
tablet英文from head to toe 从头到脚
great toe 拇趾
24. toilet n. 厕所
toilet paper 卫生纸
There are toilet facilities for the disabled.
25. tongue n. 舌头
tongue depressor 压舌板
26. tonsil n. 扁桃腺
tonsil of cerebellum 小脑扁桃体
tonsillectomy 扁桃体切除术
27. tooth decay 龉齿
The most mon and most preventable problem affecting childrens teeth is dental decay.
28. towel n.  vt. 毛巾
bath towels 浴巾
two sections of paper towel 两格纸巾
29. toxic adj. 有毒的,中毒的
toxic hepatitis 中毒性肝炎
a toxic drug 毒药
30. toxin n. 毒素
bacterial toxins 细菌毒素
31. trachea n. 气管
tracheal intubation 气管插管
32. tract n. (解剖)管道
digestive tract 消化道
genitourinary tract 生殖泌尿道
33. transfer n. 迁移,转移
The patient was transferred from ICU to neurosurgical unit.
34. transfusion n.输血,输液
autologous transfusion 自体输血
ponent transfusion 成分输血
