《水浒传》是我国优秀古典文学作品之一,有六种译文。书名分别译为:⑴Water Margin; ⑵All Men Are Brothers; ⑶Heroes of the Marsh; ⑷Outlaws of the Marsh; ⑸The Saga of Number 108; ⑹The Rebels in Water Margin。《水浒传》的书名英译,由于许多外国翻译者对我们的思想信息及文化内涵不能准确地理解,有的译名的确有些令人啼笑皆非。“水”是英文的water,“浒”意为“水边”(margin),“传”则相当于英文的“小说”(novel),将这些字简单的排列在一起几乎毫无意义,是不能准确反应原书意旨的。
【英译1】I was now coming to find you, and was going to confess my fault.
【英译2】I was looking for you today so that I could apologize.
【解析】“负荆请罪”是著名历史故事,廉颇背着荆杖,向蔺相如请罪。形容主动向人认错,自请责罚。英译1的“confess my fault”和英译2“apologize”都采用意译的方式,比较准确地表达了原文的意思。此处若直译,不免会给不熟悉中国历史的西方读者造成阅读障碍。
【英译1】My husband told that Yin Yianxi that our family was of very high standing and that we held an iron tablet inscribed by the Emperor himself.
【英译2】Your uncle Huangcheng said to him: “Our family is of noble origin. An earlier emperor bestowed a Wrought Iron Pledge on our ”
tablet英文【英译1】There is a saying “when there is urgent business we clasp the feet of Buddha, but when nothing happens we do not even burn incence.”
【英译2】This is certainly a case of “not burning incense in ordinary times, but embracing the idol’s foot in a crisis.”
【解析】“抱佛脚”比喻平时没联系,临时慌忙恳求,后比喻平时没准备,临时慌忙应付。烧香拜佛是中国佛教文化的典型场景,英译2采取了意译,将佛脚译为“idol’s foot”,未能表达佛教在当时中国的影响力,英译1采用直译,保留了源文中的佛教文化。
