Unit 5 A delicate world
dramatic adj   
1 巨大而突然的,急剧的
dramatic change/shift/improvement
Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace.电脑给职场带来了巨大的变化。
dramatic increase/rise/fall/drop/reduction etc
Universities have suffered a dramatic drop in student numbers.大学里学生的数量急剧减少
dramatic effect/results
A serious accident can have a dramatic effect on your family’s finances.一次严重的以外事故可能会突然给家庭经济情况带来巨大的影响。
2 激动人心的;给人深刻印象的
A superb goal by Owen earned United a dramatic victory yesterday.昨天欧文的一个超级入球联队赢得了激动人心的胜利。
Some of the most dramatic events in American history happened here.美国历史上一些最震撼人心的事件发生在这里。
the dramatic scenery of the Grand Canyon大峡谷的壮丽景致
3   表演的;戏剧的
the amateur dramatic society业余剧团
the dramatic arts戏剧艺术
4 引人注目的,给人深刻印象的
She needed a stunning dress to help her make a dramatic entrance.她需要一件能让她在登场时大出风头的惊艳礼服。
Tristan threw up his hands in a dramatic gesture.特里斯坦夸张地把双手向上一甩。
dramatically   ad 
1 大幅地;显著地;急剧地
increase/rise/fall/drop dramatically
Output has increased dramatically.产量已大幅度提高。
Three years on, Jack’s life has dramatically changed.三年之后,杰克的生活发生了巨大的变化。
2 夸张做作地;戏剧性地
She leaned forward dramatically.她夸张地把身体往前倾。
heritage     n
1 (文化)遗产;传统
the importance of preserving the national heritage 保护民族遗产的重要性
beautiful old buildings which are part of our heritage 属于我们遗产一部分的漂亮古建筑
cultural/architectural/literary etc heritage
the cultural heritage of Italy意大利的文化遗产
2  (of) mixed/multiple heritage (父母)不同种族的
1 胃口,食欲
Her husband always had a huge appetite. 她丈夫向来胃口极大。
Symptoms include tiredness and loss of appetite. 症状包括疲倦和食欲不振。
2 欲望;喜爱
appetite for
She has an amazing appetite for knowledge.她求知欲极强。
People seem to have an insatiable appetite (=always wanting more of something) for news of any kind.人们好像对任何一种新闻都有无穷的兴。
multiply v (multiplied, multiplying, multiplies) 
1 乘,乘以
Children will learn to multiply in the second grade. 儿童会在二年级学习乘法。
multiply something by something
Multiply the total by 12.把总数乘以12.
tablet52 (使)大大增加,(使)倍增
The amount of information available has multiplied. 可获得的信息大大增加了。
Smoking multiplies the risk of heart attacks and other health problems.吸烟大大增加了患
3 繁殖
Bacteria multiply quickly in warm food. 细菌在温热的食物里繁殖得很快。
conservation    n
1  (动植物、森林等的)保护
wildlife conservation 野生生物保护
a local conservation group 当地的一个环境保护团体
conservation of
conservation of the countryside 乡村的保护
2   保存;保护;节约
energy conservation 能源的节约
conservation of
the conservation of resources through recycling 通过循环使用保护资源
decrease  v
The number of people who have the disease has decreased significantly in recent years.近年来,患这种病的人明显减少。
They want to decrease their reliance on oil. 他们想减少对石油的依赖。
decrease by
Average house prices decreased by 13% last year. 去年房屋均价下降13%。
decrease to
By 1881, the population of Ireland had decreased to 5.2 million.到1881年,爱尔兰的人口
decrease from
The North’s share of the world’s energy consumption is expected to decrease from 70% to 60%.北半球发达国家所占的世界能源消耗比例有望从70%下降到60%。
decrease in
Attacks of asthma decrease in frequency through early adult life.成年早期,哮喘的发病频率会降低。
trap    n
1 (捕捉动物的)夹子,罗网,陷阱
The only way to catch mice is to set a trap.  抓老鼠的唯一办法就是放置捕鼠器。
He stepped into a bear trap covered in snow.他踩到了埋在雪里的一个捕熊夹。
2   圈套,陷阱;诡计
lay/set a trap (for somebody)
Police had set a trap for hooligans at the match.警方在那场比赛中给闹事者设了圈套。
fall/walk into a trap
Mr Smith has walked straight into a trap laid by the Tories.史密斯先生直接落入了保守党不舍得圈套。
3 牢笼;困境
Amanda felt that marriage was a trap.阿曼达觉得婚姻是个牢笼。
debt/unemployment etc trap
people caught in the unemployment trap陷入视野困境中的人们
4 fall into/avoid the trap of doing something 落入/避开做某事的陷阱
5 keep your trap shut 闭上你的嘴
6 shut your trap!闭上你的嘴
    v  (trapped, trapping)   
1 困住;使陷于危险中
Twenty miners were trapped underground.20名矿工被困在地下。
The building collapsed, trapping dozens of people in the rubble.楼房倒塌,很多人被困在了瓦砾下面。
There’s no way out! We’re trapped!出不去!我们被困住了!
2   be/feel trapped 陷于困境/感觉被困住
Julia felt trapped in her role wife and mother. 茱莉娅觉得自己被为人妻母的角束缚住了。
3   把…困住(以便抓捕),迫使进入
The police trapped the terrorists at a roadblock.警察在设有路障的地方堵住了。
4   使陷入圈套,使中计
trap somebody into (doing) something
I was trapped into signing a confession.我被骗签了一份供词。
5 夹住,卡住
Mind you don’t trap your fingers in the door.小心别让门加了手指头。
