1. _______ the severe air pollution, it’s time we _______ measures to arouse people’s awareness of environmental protection.
A.On account of; take
B.Despite; should take
C.Account for; should take
D.Due to; took
2. _____, so I had to wait for my parents back.
A.Leaving my key in the office
B.Because I left my key in the office
C.I left my key in the office
D.My key left in the office
3. George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I’d rather he ________ more on its culture.
B.would have focused
C.would focus
D.had focused
4. My cellphone, ________ I couldn’t contact my parents, was taken away by my teacher for the reason ________ I had used it in my English class.
A.which, why
B.with which, that
C.without which, why
D.without which, that
5. The worsening living conditions on the Carteret Islands finally resulted in________we called the relocation of all the islanders, from________arose the problem of losing their traditions and celebrations.
A.which; what
B.which; which
C.what; that
D.what; which
6. Research found that children who drank mainly soda were ______ those who drank no soda to show signs of aggression.
A.twice more than likely as
B.as more than likely twice
C.likely more than twice as
D.more than twice as likely as
7. It has been warned that to the surroundings with people infected by Covid-19 without any protection can lead to a severe result.
A.being exposed
C.having exposed
D.to expose
8. It was ________ made his mother angry.
A.Tom broke the window that
B.Tom breaking the window that
C.Tom's breaking the window
D.that Tom broke the window that
9. It was in this old farm house ________ his grandfather built 50 years ago ________ he was born and bred.
A.where; when
B.which; that
C.that; which
D.where; which
10. If your car were to ______ while you were driving in America, someone would most likely stop to see if you needed help.
A.break out
B.break up
C.break into
D.break down
11. Hardly ________ to the office ________ my wife phoned me to go back home at once.
A.I went; when
B.did I go; then
C.had I gone; when
D.I had gone; then
12. The stranger shook me by ________ hand warmly as if ________ he knew me well.
A.the; said
B.my; being to say
C.the; to say
D.my; saying
13. We were very interested in the topic our teacher assigned us today.________ even when the bell rang.
A.There were some problems remained to be discussed
B.Some problems were remained to discuss
C.There remained some problems to be discussed
D.Some problems remained to discuss
14. I hope to see you at the office tomorrow, but if ________, do remember to leave me a message.
15. We were aware that, _____, the situation will get worse.
A.if not dealing with carefully
B.if dealt not carefully with
C.if not carefully dealt with
D.if not carefully dealing with
16. Teacher, Lawyer, Doctor—when someone says “career”, these classic jobs are the first ones you think about, right? We’ve found four uncommon careers with awesome and unusual benefits.
Chief Listening Officer
You may not have heard of a Chief Listening Officer, but they’ve probably heard from you. CLOs closely monitor social platforms and conversations to keep an eye (and ear!) on what’s being said about their company or brand. Your work enables a fast response to any and all complaints, questions, or misinformation.
Why it’s awesome: This job is on the rise. As more organizations rely on social media for market research and customer service, the position of CLO will only become more importa
Food Stylist
Mouth-watering restaurant commercials and wasteful magazine photographs of delicious food don’t come easy: It takes the work of a food stylist to make it all happen. Armed with cooking skills, creative style, and tools ranging from lipstick to lard, you get food ready for its photograph.
Why it’s awesome: This is one of those rare cooking jobs that provide chances to create, but don’t require you to slave away in a restaurant kitchen.
Global Mobility Consultant
As a global mobility consultant, you help employees make smooth transitions into their new homes—whether it’s in Bangkok, Berlin, or the next state over.
Why it’s awesome: If you’re the type who enjoys traveling and likes learning about other cul
tures, systems and traditions, this career could be a perfect fit. As companies continue to expand across borders, this position is expected to grow by 21 percent over the next few years.
Computational Linguist
Computational Linguists help computers and humans communicate with each other. More specifically, you create computer programs that can translate, transcribe, and comprehend regular, human language.
