1.2 计算机会计信息系统特点
1.3 计算机会计信息系统的应用及不足
(1) 会计信息数据将会发生失真。如果会计信息系统的安全受到威胁,那么将会发生会计数据发生错误、数据将会丢失或被篡改,使信息发生失真;(2) 企业重要信息发生泄露。比如,在各种网络环境下,财务信息完全通过网络进行传递,这时将不可避免的发生财务信息被不法分子截取或泄露;(3) 计算机病毒侵袭使得系统不能正常运行。计算机病毒将会破坏计算机内部的程序、重要数据,有的甚至会破坏硬件。病毒通常会通过磁盘、光盘、网络和进行传播。
2.1 会计信息系统内在是脆弱的
( 1) 计算机的硬件存在很大风险。硬件的安全隐患大部分来自于程序设计,物理安全是最主要的表现方式;( 2) 会计软件的系统是脆弱的。计算机软件的风险一般来自于软件设计和软件工程实施中的遗留问题,一旦软件设计中发生了疏忽,则可能留下安全漏洞;安全脆弱性还体现在软件设计中不必要的冗余功能,和软件本身较大;(3) 网络和通信协议存在一定的安全风险。由于支持因特网运行的TCP/IP协议栈在设计的当初将互联互通和资源共享问题考虑了进去,从而导致了解决来自网际的安全问题无法被兼容。
2.2 计算机病毒引起的风险
(1) 从存储介质进入。
(2) 从内联网进入。内联网上的邮件系统容易给病毒大量传播的机会,而且在内联网络上传播的病毒较新,大部分是新发现的病毒。
(3) 从互联网进入。计算机病毒大部分通过互联网传播,不管用户在网上浏览网页, 还是收发、或者是下载软件, 都比较容易使计算机染上病毒。
2.3 计算机舞弊引发的风险
(1)将会使得系统硬件发生破坏。比如不法分子蓄意对系统硬件设备进行破坏,最终导致系统运行发生中断或瘫痪;(2)使得软件系统发生破坏。不法分子威胁、攻击及舞弊的主要对象是软件系统,方法和手段是多样的,常用方法有截尾术、越级法、程序天窗、逻辑及冒名顶替等等;(3)使得重要数据发生破坏。计算机舞弊中最常用的方法就是对输入进行篡改,即在将数据输入计算机之前或者输入过程中对数据进行篡改;(4) 网络黑客。
2.4 内部控制存在的风险
( 1) 授权控制下降。 ( 2) 职责分离和监督不规范。 ( 3) 业务记录效力降低。员工在纸质凭证上进行了签字只是证明了他确实对交易进行了授权确认,但是系统的完整性、正确性和安全性影响了磁质交易记录上的操作员信息的法律效力。
3.1 我国的计算机会计信息系统内在的防范对策
3.1.1 完善会计软件的功能
3.1.2 加强内部审计
3.1.3 计算机舞弊引发风险的防范
不同企业对会计信息系统存在不同的安全要求,企业可以自主选择合适的操作系统平台。在会计软件的开发设计过程中,通过运用操作系统提供的信息安全技术,使信息安全得以实现。此外,要监督审计人员 ,让他们在执行审计工作的过程中查计算机舞弊的痕迹。
3.1.4 提高应用与管理人员业务素质
3.2 我国计算机会计信息系统外部的防范对策
(1) 企业可以通过安装防火墙,使得内联网上的企业信息系统躲过来自互联网上的攻击。
3.2.2 采用数字签名技术和仲裁制度,防范来自关联方和社会道德风险
(2)企业应当适当采用加密技术。加密技术是最主要的网络安全技术, 它可以使得系统数据的保密性得以提高,而且能防止私密数据被破译。保秘密钥和公开密钥是加密技术的两大手段。
4.结 论
As the object of accounting information system, information system is composed of computer hardware and software, application system, various data and related personnel. The purpose of accounting information system control is to avoid or reduce the risk of risk on the basis of information system risk analysis and identification control.
考虑了互联互通和资源共享的问题In order to make the system of accounting information is correct, reliable and safe operation and improve the efficiency of accounting information system, you need to use a variety of approaches and corresponding technical, the accounting information system implementation of risk management and risk aversion.
1 Introduction to computer accounting information system
1.1 the definition of computer accounting information system. Computer accounting information system www.gpsdvd will be computer-based contemporary electronic technology and information technology to be shipped to accounting practice in, is a use of computer to realize the accounting information system. It makes the traditional manual accounting information system gradually transformed into computerized accounting information system. Computer accounting information system, electronic computer and modern data processing technology combined and applied to accounting work is by using a computer instead of manual bookkeeping, accounts and reimbursement, and some substitute for the human brain to complete the analysis of accounting information, forecasting, decision-making process, it is the level of enterprise's financial management and economy benefit can be improved.
1.2 characteristics of computer accounting information system
(1) the huge complexity of the system; (2) the true reliability of the information. Computer a
ccounting information system should ensure that the accounting information stored in the system is true, fair, comprehensive, complete, safe and reliable; (3) strict internal control. Computer accounting information system in the data not only to ensure its correctness, but also to ensure that; (4) the standard of accounting procedures and procedures.
1.3 computer accounting information system and its application
(1) accounting information data will be distorted. If the security of the accounting information system is threatened, the accounting data will be wrong, the data will be lost or tampered, so that the information is distorted; (2) the important information of the enterprise leakage. For example, in the network environment, financial information completely pass through the network, then it will be inevitable occurrence of financial information is illegal interception or leaked; (3) computer virus invasion makes the system can not operate normally. Computer viruses will destroy the computer's internal procedures, important data, and some even destroy the hardware. Viruses usually spread by disk, disk, network, and email.