英 语 试 题
(考试时间:120分钟 满分:120)
请注意:1. 本卷分选择题和非选择题两个部分。
2. 所有试题的答案均填写在答题卡上,答案写在试卷上无效。
第一部分 选择题(60分)
一、单项选择题 从下列每题所给的选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(15分)
1. —Football superstar Lionel Messi is the first player in ___________history to win the Ballon d'Or (金球奖)six times.
— He is hard-working and has a gift ___________ football.
A. the; for             B. /;for                 C. the; in             D. /; of
2. I think one effective(有效的)________ for me to improve my memory is to have enough sleep.
A. information            B. advice                C. method            D. message
3. It's very __________ for teenagers to feel a little bit worried and stressed because most of us have such feelings.
A. common            B. strange            C. curious             D. energetic
4. —What are you doing?
—I am reading a story about a scientist. He is well ___________for his contribution to Chinese
A. enjoyed             B. expected            C. behaved             D. respected
5. —Don't make any important decisions, __________when you are in such a bad mood.
—Don't worry. I won't.
A. simply                 B. exactly            C. certainly            D. especially
6. —The apples are quite sweet! Can I have one more?
Sorry, there is ____________ left. What about some oranges?
A. no one                    B. nothing            C. none                D. nobody
7. —Will Jim come to your son's birthday party tomorrow afternoon?
— He ____________come, but it depends on whether his work will be done by then.
A. may                    B. should                C. must                 D. need
8. A primary school in England has ________signs at its three entrances, saying ,"Greet your
child with a smile, not a mobile. "
A. put out                B. put up             C. put in                D. put on
9. _________ you know little about protecting yourself against the novel coronavirus (新冠病毒),
you'd better search for more information about it online.
A. Unless                    B. Since                C. Though            D. Whether
10. Zhou Dongyu won the best actress award for her role in the movie Better Days at the 39th Hong Kong Film Awards on May 6,2020.
____________ exciting news! She is my favourite actress.
A. How                    B. What an             C. What a             D. What
11. ________________. German cars are of high quality and breakdowns are rare.
—That's the case. It's why they are popular around the world.
A. In general              B. In place             C. In all                 D. In need
12. — Will your cousin go to Guiyang for the summer holiday?
—In fact, he _____________ Guiyang since he graduated.
A. has gone to              B. has been to            C. has been in         D. went to
13. —I haven't seen Jack for a couple of days.
—He ___________ for the English speaking competition which will take place next week.
A. will prepare             B. is preparing            C. has prepared    D. was preparing
14. —Are you going to offer some masks and alcohol wet wipes (酒精湿巾) to the people in the village?
_______________________ They are in great need of these things.
A. What a shame!             B. Why not?            C. Why me?         D. What's wrong?
15. — Can you describe ___________________?
—Yes. While she was walking, a bike knocked her down from behind.
A. why did the accident happen             B. when did the accident happen
C. how the accident happened             D. where the accident happened
二、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)
When I was in high school, my family met with a lot of difficulties and I couldn't afford any expensive things. I had to
__16  everywhere because I couldn't even afford a bus ticket. I loved to read, but buying any new books was completely   __17__with money mainly spent on schooling, and I was bored with re-reading(重读)the ones I had at home.
There was only one library that was a few minutes' walk to my school or home, but I didn't have the very small amount(数量)money which was needed to become a proper   18 _,so for the half hour between the time I left school and the time the library closed, I would   19  there to pickup a book and read inside it. I would try to remember the   20 so that take the same book and   21  reading from where I had stopped the following day. A weeks later, I   22  to read a couple of books, Then the librarian stopped me one day   23  I left. To my great   __24  ,she told me that she had   25  I came in every day. Shed also seen me losing myself in books. She   26  my love for reading and lent me her member card.
Thanks to her, I was able to borrow as many books as I liked and have something new to read __27  at home whenever I wanted, My family   28  later and I never saw that librarian again, but to this day, I can't forget her and her act of   29  that made me feel bight in a very dark time. I sincerely thank her for_30_me to get enough spiritual(精神的) food, which influenced me greatly.
16. A. look            B. go            C. work            D. walk
17. A. unpopular        B. useless        C. impossible        D. inactive
18. A. librarian        B. fan            C. member        D. volunteer
19. A. hurry            B. wait            C. serve            D. leave   
20. A. title            B. page            C. cover            D. character
21. A. try                B. advise            C. continue        D. practice
22. A. offered            B. prepared        C. promised        D. managed
23. A. after            B. before            C. if                D. unless
24. A. surprise            B. sadness        C. shame            D. pride
25. A. expected        B. agreed            C. noticed        D. heard
26. A. protected        B. reported        C. shared            D. admired
