    Spring is Here!
    Wow, spring is finally here! After the long, cold winter it's so nice to have warm sunny days again. Everything seems to be coming alive outside with flowers blooming, trees getting their leaves back, and animals scurrying around. Spring is definitely my favorite time of year because there are so many fun activities to do. Let me tell you about some of the awesome spring activities I love!
    One of the best things about spring is that you can finally go outside and play without having to bundle up in a big heavy coat, hat, scarf, and gloves. No more being stuck inside because it's too cold and snowy out! Now we can go to the park and play on the swings, slides, and monkey bars. My friends and I have already started up our weekend soccer game
s in the park. We run around kicking the ball and getting plenty of exercise after being cooped up inside all winter. Sometimes the games can get a bit muddy if it has rained recently, but that just adds to the fun and none of us mind getting dirty.
    Speaking of rain, spring rain showers are the best! When it's warm enough, I love going outside and splashing around in the puddles in my rainboots. My puppy Rufus also goes crazy running and jumping through all the puddles. We both come inside soaked but feeling refreshed. The rain helps make everything so green and beautiful too. The trees get their leaves, the grass becomes lush again, and tulips, daffodils, and other spring flowers pop up everywhere. I love the bright colors after the drab, dead plants of winter.
    My family always does a big clean up of our yard and garden in the spring as well. We pull up weeds, rake the leaves, trim branches, and get everything looking nice again. Then we plant tomatoes, peppers, corn, beans, and other yummy vegetables in our garden. I really enjoy digging around in the dirt and putting the new plants in the ground. Checking on the garden every day and watching everything grow little by little is amazing. There's not
hing quite as tasty as fresh veggies you've grown yourself! My dad has already started up the lawnmower and is back to cutting the grass every week. The smell of fresh-cut grass is one of the quintessential scents of spring.
    Of course, the warm spring weather means it's also time for spring cleaning inside the house. My mom makes my brother and I clean our rooms from top to bottom, getting rid of any toys or clothes we don't need anymore. We wash everything – the walls, floors, windows – you name it! It's a lot of work but so nice having a sparkling clean room afterward. My mom always has my dad cleaning the garage top to bottom too and getting it super organized after things get messy over the winter.
    Spring also means the start of baseball and softball seasons. My brother plays baseball every spring and I play softball. We have practices during the week and then games on the weekends. I love being back out on the softball field, hitting the ball, and running around the bases. My team always has so much fun together and we get really good exercise while enjoying the nice weather. My parents spend a lot of time at baseball and softball ga
mes cheering us on in the spring. Games can get chilly before it really warms up, so we have to bring extra layers still. But soon we'll be sweating in the hot sun, making home run trots around the bases.
    When spring rolls around, my hometown also has a ton of fun events and festivals to attend. First up is the big Easter egg hunt that happens every year. Hundreds of kids show up at the park and the adults scatter thousands of plastic eggs filled with candy and little toys all over. When they blow the whistle, we all race around picking up as many eggs as possible for our baskets. It's over in just a couple of minutes but so much fun! I'm pretty speedy so I usually end up with a ton of eggs.
    Next up is the spring festival held on the town green. There are rides, games, food trucks, live music, and lots of other fun stuff. They also have a petting zoo with baby chicks, bunnies, lambs, and other cute farm animals. My favorite is always the duck race they hold in the creek that runs through the green. You pay a few bucks to adopt a rubber ducky, write your name on it with a marker, and they release them all into the creek. Whoever's du
cky finishes the course first wins a big prize basket. My ducky Raphael has won it twice so far!
    May is when the biggest spring festival happens – the May Fair. It's a whole weekend celebrating the return of warm weather with tons of flower displays, maypole dancing, carnival rides, craft vendors, and food galore. I love funnel cakes, lemonade, and fresh fruit pies. There's also tons of great live music and entertainment throughout the weekend. My friends and I check out the big fireworks display they have at night. The fair is just so much fun and the weather is usually perfect for being outside all day. I can't get enough of that May Fair excitement each year!
spring roll怎么读
    Another thing that's awesome about spring is that it stays light out much later in the evening. That means lots of fun after school and after dinner instead of having to head inside once it gets dark early. My friends and I can keep playing outside for hours. We play endless games of kickball, cops and robbers, ghost in the graveyard, and anything else we can dream up. We only have to stop once those fireflies start coming out and it's getting too
dark to see well. Weekends are for sleepovers, movies, bonfires, making s'mores, and stargazing too. The stars seem so bright and clear in the spring sky.
