1. Read the passage and answer the questions.
My favorite season is spring. In spring, the weather gets warmer and the flowers bloom. I like to go outside and see all the different colors of the flowers. Sometimes, I even pick some flowers and make a bouquet for my mom. Spring is also a good time to fly kites because the wind is usually strong. I like to run around and watch my kite fly high up in the sky. Spring is a great season!
1. What is the writer's favorite season?
2. Why does the writer like spring?
3. What does the writer like to do in spring?
4. Is spring a good time to fly kites? Why or why not?
5. What does the writer think about spring?
1. My favorite season is spring.
2. The weather gets warmer and the flowers bloom.
3. I like to go outside and see all the different colors of the flowers. Sometimes, I even pick some flowers and make a bouquet for my mom.
4. Yes, spring is a good time to fly kites because the wind is usually strong.
5. Spring is a great season!
1. 这篇文章的作者最喜欢哪个季节?
2. 作者为什么喜欢春天?
3. 作者在春天喜欢做什么?
4. 春天是不是放风筝的好时候?为什么?
5. 作者对春天有什么看法?
1. 作者最喜欢春天。
2. 天气变暖了,花儿开了。
3. 作者喜欢出门看不同颜的花朵,有时还会摘一些花做成花束送给妈妈。
4. 是的,春天是放风筝的好时候,因为风通常比较强。
5. 作者认为春天是一个很棒的季节。
