1.音标 [u]
how many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies?  a good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.  ﻫ如果一个好的厨师能做小甜饼,那么他能做多少小甜饼呢?一个好的厨师能做出和其它好厨师一样多的小甜饼。
i would if i could, and if i couldn't, how could i?
you couldn't, unless you could, could you?ﻫ我会做的话就会做的,如果我不会做,我还怎么做?
one-one was a racehorse. two-two was one, too. when one-one won one race, two-two won one, too. ﻫ一一是一只赛马,二二也是一只赛马。当一一
bluebirds in blue birdbaths.ﻫ知更鸟在蓝的供鸟戏水的水盆里。
if stu chews shoes, should stu choose the shoes he chews?ﻫ如果斯图咬鞋, 斯图会选择咬他的鞋吗?
roofs of mushrooms rarely mush too much.
blue glue gun, green glue gun.
ned nott was shot and sam shott was not. so it is better to be shott than nott. some say nott was not shot. but shott says he shot nott. either the shot shott shot at nott was not shot or nott was shot. if the shot
shott shot shot nott, nott was shot. but if the shot shott shot shot shott, then shott was shot, not nott. however, the shot shott shot shot not shott - but nott.
i saw esau kissing kate. i saw esau, he saw me, and she saw i saw esau.
mr. see owned a saw. and mr. soar owned a seesaw. now see's saw sawed soar's seesaw before soar saw see, which made soar sore. had soar seen see's saw before see sawed soar's seesaw, see's saw would not have sawed soar's seesaw. so see's saw sawed soar's seesaw. but it was sad to see soar so sore just because see's saw sawed soar's seesaw!
knife and a fork, bottle and a cork, that is the way you spell new york.刀子和叉子,瓶子和木塞,这是你拼写纽约的方法。
a pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and both the peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time together.  一位和气的农民养了一只伶俐的野鸡,而且这位和气的农民和这只伶俐的野鸡在一起度过了一段很美好的时光。
ted sent fred ten hens yesterday so fred's fresh bread is ready already.  ﻫ特德昨天给弗莱德送去了十只母鸡,所以弗莱德的新鲜面包已经准备好了。
of all the felt i ever felt, i never felt a piece of felt which felt as fine as that felt felt, when first i felt that felt hat's felt. 在我所触摸过的毡子中,我从未触摸过一块如此舒适的毡子,直至我试过这顶毡帽为止。
whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not. whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot. we'll weather the weather whether we like it or not.ﻫ无论是晴天或是阴天。 无论是冷或是暖, 不管喜欢与否,我们都要经受风霜雨露。
alice asks for axes. ﻫ爱丽丝需要斧头。
knapsack straps.ﻫ背包带子。
how many yaks could a yak pack pack if a yak pack could pack yaks?ﻫ如果一个牦牛包可以装牦牛的话,一个牦牛包可以装多少头牦牛?
the bat nat swat at the gnat matt.ﻫ蝙蝠纳特用力拍小昆虫马特。
oh, the gladness of her gladness when she's glad. 
but the sadness of her sadness, ﻫand the gladness of her gladness,
are nothing like her madness when she's mad!
jack's nap sack strap snapped.
we need a plan to fan a pan; find a pan to fan, then find a fan to fan the pan, then fan the pan.ﻫ我们需要计划用扇子扇平底锅,个锅来扇,然后把扇子来扇锅子,然后扇锅。spring怎么读音读音标
how many snacks could a snack stacker stack,
if a snack stacker snacked stacked snacks?ﻫ如果零食容器能装零食的话,一个装零食的容器能装多少零食?
1)it's billy's kitten sitting in the kitchen. ﻫ比利的小猫正坐在厨房里。
2)tim's as thin as a pin, but it isn't a sin to be thin. ﻫ蒂姆骨瘦如柴,但是瘦不是一种罪过。
3)will you sit still, bill? i'll sit as still as a hill. ﻫ比尔,你坐着别动好吗?我会坐着像山一样岿然不动。
4)silly billy! silly billy! why is billy silly? little billy is so silly, because he's always sleepy.
5)spring is showery, flowery, bowery. 春天雷雨阵阵,百花吐艳,树荫宜人。
summer is hoppy, croppy, poppy.  夏天欢快跳跃,庄稼喜人,爆竹声声。ﻫautumn is wheezy, sneezy, freezy. 秋天空气凉爽,喷嚏涟涟,身轻气爽。ﻫwinter is slippy, drippy, nippy.  冬天滴水成冰,雨雪茫茫,地冷天寒。
6. 音标【i:】,其中也穿插着短音[i],不过以长元音【i:】为主。
do you agree, if you are free, to come to tea with me by the sea?ﻫ如果你有空,你同意跟我到海边去喝茶吗?
the leaves of these trees are green at this season but if the wind is keen and the leaves  freeze, they cease to be green and seem to lose their sheen. 
do you see the grren leaves of each tree in the fields?ﻫ你看到地里每棵树上的绿叶了吗?
some teachers' teaching pleases some people but other people feel the same teaching isn't pleasing. it isn't easy to please each person but teasing the teacher won't please the teacher and each teacher needs to be free to teach as he pleases. 
swan swam over the sea, swim, swan swim! swan swam back again well swum, swan! ﻫ天鹅游到海的另一边。游吧!天鹅游吧!天鹅游回来了!游得真好啊!天鹅!
