Unit8 Topic3 SectionA 参考教案
. Material analysis
    本节课是本册书最后一个话题的第一节课,主要活动是1a、2和3。将要学习如何正确使用一般现在时描述经常的或习惯性的动作和状态,还将以中西对比的方式引入中西方的几个重要节日及它们的风俗习惯和庆祝方式,让学生了解中西方文化的差异,正确看待外来文化并弘扬民族文化;语音板块主要学习字母组合g/ t/ b/ p/ d/ c + le, t/v + en, s + on/ in 的读音规则并根据所学音标进行单词的拼读和拼写。
Ⅱ. Teaching aims
2.Knowledge aims
festival, dumpling, Christmas, sweet, luck等;     
    They often eat turkey and Christmas cakes and give each other presents.
(1)Chinese people eat dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances.
(2)Many people eat turkey and pumpkin pie.
    能够掌握字母组合g/ t/ b/ p/ d/ c/ + le, t/v + en, s + on/ in 的读音规则并根据所学音标进行单词的拼读和拼写。
2. Skill aims
3. Emotional aims
Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points
1.Key points
    学习字母组合g/ t/ b/ p/ d/ c/ + le, t/v + en, s + on/ in 的读音规则并根据所学音标进行单词的拼读和拼写。
2. Difficult points
Ⅳ. Learning strategies
Ⅴ. Teaching aids
Ⅵ. Teaching procedures
Interaction patterns
Student activity
Teacher activity
Introduction (6 minutes)
2.The whole class work and individual work.
2.Individual work.
3.The whole class work.
3.Focus their attention on the teacher. Talk about their favorite festivals in our country.
1.Answer the question:
e.g.My favorite festival is ... / ... is my favorite festival.
Then say their favorite foreign festivals.
3.Look at the screen and try to remember them. Say the festivals in English quickly.
1.Greet with students. Give students some time to talk about their favorite festivals in our country.
2.Ask some students to answer the question: What is your favorite festival?(老师解释festival的意思) Then let students say their favorite foreign festivals.
3.Show some famous festivals on the screen and let students try to remember them and then show the videos about the famous festivals one by one quickly and let students say it in English.
(15 minutes)
2.Group work.
2.Individual work.
1.The whole class work.
2.Individual work.
5.The whole class work.
3.Do 1a. Talk about the picture in groups.
1. Read the short passage and point out the new words:
festival, dragon, sweet, luck, etc.
3.Learn the new words together and read after the tape.
4.Retell the festival in your own words in class.
5.Try to remember the sentences:
e.g. They often eat turkey and Christmas cakes and give each other presents. Families in America get together for a big dinner.
2.Show the picture of the Spring Festival on the screen and let students talk about the picture by themselves.
3.Let students read the short passage about the Spring Festival and try to the guess the meaning of the new words by themselves.
4.Point out the new words and teach them for several times. Then play the tape and let students read after the tape.
5.Let some students retell the festival in their own words.(老师可采用相同的方式教授以下图片内容)
5.Show the important sentences on the screen and ask students to remember them by themselves.
Consolidation (8 minutes)
2.Individual work.
1.Group work.
1.Do 1b. Circle the food and underline the activities people do in each festival by yourselves.
2.Do 1c. Discuss your favorite festivals in groups. Then share your favorite festivals with the whole class.
1.Play the tape of 1a and show the food and festivals on PPT. Then ask students to finish 1b.
1.Give students 2 mins to work in groups and discuss what people do to celebrate the festivals. Each group can choose one to discuss. Then show their favorite festivals in class.
(10 minutes)
1.The whole class work.
1.Individual work and pair work.
2.Individual work and the whole class work.
4.Individual work and the whole class work.
1.Do 2. Read the passage and guess the meaning of believe.
1.Listen to the tape and circle the names of festivals. Listen again and fill in the blanks.
Finally check the answers in pairs.
2.Learn the key words and phrases and read after the tape again.
e.g. come back to, show…for…, bright full moon.
4.Do 3. Try to read the words together. Then read after the tape carefully.
1.Ask students to read the passage and prepare for listening.
2.Play the tape and let students circle the festivals. Then listen again and fill in the blanks. Finally check the answers.
3.Let students point out the key points in passage 1, e.g. Many people believe Then play the tape again and let students read after the tape together.(老师采用相同的方法教授以下图片内容)
4.Show the words in 3 on the screen and let students try to read the words by themselves.
Play the tape and let students read the words together, paying attention to the pronunciations of the blue parts.
(6 minutes)
1.Group work.
1.Talk about the tables and add more festivals. Then fill in the table in groups; Finally, write passages in groups.
1.Show some tables about the festivals on the screen and let students fill in the blanks in groups. Let students write short passages according to the tables in groups. Then choose some groups to report their passages.
2.Assign the homework:
Review the words and key sentences in Section A;
Copy the words and key sentences for three times;
Look for some information about Christmas and take notes;
Preview the words and the passage in Section B.
Teaching reflection:
Ⅶ. Blackboard design
