  本课内容为PEP版小学英语六年级(上册)Unit 3 My weekend plan Period5 B Read and write,要求学生阅读图片,在听和读懂文段后补全课后的的表格,在此基础上拓展学生的说和写的能力,达到英语作为交际应用的工具功能。同时,借此培养学生的核心素养,让学生能体会家庭和团聚的意义。 
1.能够听、说、认读单词和词组: Mid-autumn Festival, together, get together, mooncake, poem, moon.
2.能懂会说句子: Tomorrow is Mid-autumn Festival. My family is going to get together and have a big dinner.
1.能够听、说、认读单词和组: Mid-autumn Festival, together, get together, mooncake, poemmoon.
Step1  Warm up1. Greetings.2. Sing the song of unit 3.【设计意图:把学生的注意力吸引到课堂,同时舒缓紧张感,放松心情,为进入课堂做好准备。】3. Talk about the pictures above the text.What are these holidays? What do your family do on these days?【设计意图:通过谈话,复习旧知,营造轻松的氛围,为新知做好铺垫。】
Step2   in the new text by a picture about Mid-Autumn Festival.Mid-Autumn Festival, get together, mooncake, poem, moon.(2)Look, read and match.【设计意图:学习新词为新课扫清阅读障碍。】2.While-reading.Learn the new text.(1) Listen to the tape and answer the questions:How many people are mentioned in the text?What does the letter F/A/M/I/L/Y stand for?【设计意图:通过盲听,快速出简单的信息,培养学生瞬间抓捕关键信息词的能力。】 (2)Read the text and fill in the table.【设计意图:细读,培养学生出细节信息的能力,为学生厘清文本给出一个清晰的文本思路,培养学生的创造性的思维品质能力,开拓思路,进一步提高学生的核心素养。】3. Post-reading(1)Read the text after the tape/together.(2)And then discuss with your partner.What are you going to do for Mid-Autumn Festival? Write down you plan here.【设计意图:通过讨论进一步锻炼和发展学生的创造性的思维品质能力,开拓思路,使学生是核心素养得以落实、发展和提高。】 (3) Fill in the blank.【设计意图:构建文本重现,让学生对文本进一步加深和巩固。】
Step3 Extention Reading.   Every year there is a Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. It is the most important festival in China. So before it comes everyone has to prepare things. They buy pork, beef, chicken, fruits and many other things. And they often make a special kind of food --"dumplings". It means "come together". On the day before the festival, parents buy new clothes for their children. Children also buy presents for their parents. On the Spring Festival Eve (除夕), all the family members come back to their hometown. This is a happy moment. Some sing and dance, some play cards and others get the dinner ready. When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes for the coming .They all have a good time.
根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。   ) 1.Which is the most important festival in China?A. The Mid Auburn FestivalB. Lantern Festival.C. Children's Day.D. The Spring Festival(    ) 2.When is the Chinese Spring Festival usually celebrated?A. In March or AprilB. In May or JuneC. In January or FebruaryD. In December(   )
3__________ the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in China?A. Chicken  B. Dumpling  C. Fish  D. Fired rice(    )
4.What’s the meaning of the food "dumplings" for Chinese people in the Spring Festival?A. Come together.B. Help yourself.C. Look up.D. Congratulate.(    )
5.The family __________  when they are having dinner together on the Spring Festival EveA. give each other the best wishesB. buy each other presentsC. sing, danceD. play cards【设计意图:通过阅读进一步激活学生的学以致用,体现课标用英语做事情。】
Step4  Summary.总结并引出情感教育,播放《Family》小视频。【设计意图:通过情感教育,不但让学生了解家庭和团聚的意义,而且也让学生理解父母无私的爱,用自己在校用努力学习的方式来回报父母那无私的爱。】
Step5  HomeworkChoose a festival and talk: What are your family going to do on that day?  Write down at least five sentences.【设计意图:活学活用,让学生写自己家人在某个节日打算做什么,进一步提高学生综合运用语言的能力。】Blackboard designed.on the left side: word cards  on the right side: the table after the text.Mid-autumn Festival, together, get together, mooncake, poem
Unit 3 My weekend plan Period5
B Read and write
Who                                  What
Wu BinBin's family           His family will get together.
Wu BinBin's aunt             His aunt is going to/will make mooncakes.
Wu BinBin's grandma         She is going to/will tell a story about Chang’e.
Wu BinBin and Robin         They are going to/will read a poem. 
Unit 3 My weekend plan Period5 B Read and write
1、单词:Mid-autumn Festival, together, get together, mooncake, poem, moon.
2、讲解be going to和well,提出问题Who writes the diary? When does the writer write?How does the writer feel? What is the holiday?
3、句子:Tomorrow is Mid-autumn Festival. My family is going to get together and have a big dinner.
