Reading is essential but how can one choose the right books to read and where can one find them? A few famous people may give you some helpful tips.
● Read books from past eras.
___1___ Otherwise, you’d be “completely dependent on the prejudices and fashions of your times,” just as Albert Einstein put it. “Somebody who reads only newspapers and books of contemporary authors looks to me like an extremely near-sighted person who dislikes eyeglasses,” he said.
Reading too wide a variety in too short a time would keep the teachings from leaving a lasting impression on you. Seneca the Younger, a first-century Roman philosopher, suggested that “you must linger (流连) among a limited number of master thinkers, and digest their works, if you would obtain ideas which shall win firm hold in your mind.”
● Shop at secondhand bookstores.
Virginia Woolf believed the works in secondhand bookstores have an attraction which the usual volumes of the library lack. Browsing through these books gives you the chance to run into something that wouldn’t have risen to the attention of librarians and booksellers. ___3___
● Check out authors’ reading lists.
In his 1940 guide How to Read a Book, American philosopher Mortimer J. Adler talked about how to choose books. He attached importance to those that other authors consider worth reading. ___4___ Mortimer wrote that “one way to understand them is to read the books they read.”
● Make the final decision by yourself.
___5___ It’s you yourself who should choose what, how and when to read. Theodore Roosevelt recommended choosing books on subjects that interest you and letting your mo
od guide you to your next great read.
A.Interest is the best teacher.
B.Great authors are great readers.
C.Leave some room for older works.
D.Learn more about those great authors.
E.Don’t jump too quickly from book to book.
F.There’s no “best books” list that everyone should follow.
G.Usually they are much more selective in organizing their collections.
Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. ____6____ But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. Climate change can cause extreme events like wildfires and floods. ____7____
How does climate change make you feel? The news of melting glaciers and oil spills may seem overwhelming and can make you feel angry, frightened, hopeless or upset. This is called climate anxiety. ____8____ If you feel worried about what’s happening to the world, good for you. It’s normal to be upset when things you care about are getting hurt.
____9____ There are lots of things you can do to help adults take better care of the world. Turn your fear into power by doing something. Breaking the problem into bite-sized chunks is a good way to start. Think of something you feel passionate about, such as protecting ocean life or saving forests, and join a community group or charity that supports that cause. Local charities like Plastic Free Coast organize beach cleans, and the Rainforest Team has lots of planet-saving ideas, such as reducing food waste.
Positive action can inspire others too. Sisters Kim and Stella King from the charity Fights Against Plastic have picked up 90,000 pieces of plastic. They ask schools, businesses and organizations to follow their lead. ____10____ .
A.Why is there climate anxiety?
B.And it is a normal, healthy response.
C.This risks the lives of humans, animals and plants.
D.Remember, it’s important to get support from people around.
E.No one can fix climate change on their own but we can all play a part.
F.These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle.
G.So, tell friends and family what you’re up to and encourage them to join in.
In 2013, digital media consultant Baratunde Thurston launched an experiment. He decided to disconnect from his online life for twenty-five days: no Facebook, no Twitter, not even e-mail. He needed the break. ____11____
It didn’t take him long to adjust to a disconnected life. By the end of that first week, he was less stressed about not knowing new things. ____12____spring怎么读英文怎么读 He enjoyed food without Twittering the experience. But the end came too soon. After the twenty-five days. he had to
restore his online presence.
