所欲的回答。如本班有位同学在做一道阅读填空:Tim and his friend            in the sea.没有通过寻关键词,在文章中寻的方式,而是根据自己的猜测写出play.
教学中指导、判断。比如:am, is, are , do, did, can, to, of 等虚词通常不可能是关键词,而名词、动词、副词通常为关键词。填空试题:We          kites and          butterflies in spring. 在看到这道题时,首先引导学生猜测并分析关键词,有同学出kites, butterflies, spring三个关键词。到底哪个能够更好地帮助我们快速到所需信息呢?比较这三个单词,单词
题,会发现第二题有单词summer,第三题有单词autumn,第四题有单词winter,这几个单词帮助我们确定spring是第一关键词,而且后面三道题的第一关键词依次是summer,autumn and winter.根据此信息,仔细阅读每段的首句,快速确定与spring有关的段落,其他段落不必阅读。那么,学生会很快到文章的第二段与spring有关。然后再根据第二关
此单词的句子,并做下划线注释,We can fly kites, We can catch butterflies . 缩小寻范围之后,再判断那个是所需单词,由于kites之前有 can fly 两个单词,到底哪一个才是正确的答
案呢?这时我们可以判断那个单词离kites最近,最终确定单词fly 。然后试读句子:We fly kites.省略单词can,不影响正确表达,仍然通顺。
章中寻答案。试题Where are Tim and his friends?通常疑问词都是关键词,通过疑问词Where,知道所需信息是地点,同时根据另一关键词Tim, friends,能过快速在文中到:Tim and his friends are at the beach. At the beach 是地点单词,即我们所需的信息。
试题:Mary is sick, Mother takes her to the doctor. 首先在试题中寻关键词:Mary,sick, Mother,doctor.带着这些关键词,在文章中寻。由于这是阅读文章的第一个试题,所以
我们将答案定位于文章的首段,文中:Mother says: “Mary, Let’s go to the doctor for a check.”“Doctor?” says Mary, “I’m not sick, Why do I need to see the doctor?”此题与文中not sick信息不一致,所以不正确。最后一题:The doctor gives Mary a shot, It does not hurt at all.由于是最后一题,信息基本在文章的末断,我们只需将信息定位于文章的末断或
上一试题信息之后,同样带着关键词shot寻。文中Mary takes a shot, It does not hurt much.试题中:not hurt at all与 not hurt much不相符,所以错误。
There are seven days in a week . They are Sunday  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday . Sunday is the first day of the week . In Sunday , I am playing cards with my friends . Monday is the second . We are walking to school . Tuesday is the third . I often do my homework . Wednesday is the fourth . We are flying kites in the park . Thursday is the fifth . We do my math . Friday is the sixth . We are working hard at school . Saturday is the seventh . We are having fun together .
(  )1、There are        days in a week .
B、 five
(  )2、What is the first day of a week ?          .
(  ) 3、What am I doing in Tuesday ?          .
A、do my homework .
B、fly kites .
C、do my math .
(  )4、The fifth day of a week is        .
(  )5、In Saturday , we are            .
A、doing my homework
B、flying kites
C、having fun together
My Family
I have a happy family. My father is a police officer. He is tall. He likes to play basketball and checkers. My mother is a teacher. She likes to watch TV and read books. I am a student. I am a boy. I like to play on the computer. I am shorter than my father and my mother. We like to eat noodles. We like to go for a walk after supper. We are a happy family.
(    ) 26. My father is a police officer.
(    ) 27. My father is short.
(    ) 28.My father likes to play football and checkers.
(    ) 29.My mother is a teacher.
(    ) 30.My mother likes to watch TV and read books.
(    )31.I am a student. I am a girl.
(    )32.I like to play on the computer.
(    ) 33.I am taller than my mother.
(    ) 34.We like to eat soup.
(    ) 35.We are a happy family.
It is a sunny day this Sunday. I usually go shopping with my mother on Sunday. Sometimes I climb
mountains. That’s fun. But not this Sunday. Because the weather report says it’s going to ra Sunday. I can’t climb mountains in the rain. I can’t go shopping either. So I want to read books at home.
(    ) 1 What is the weather like this Sunday?
A .It is Sunday.
B .It is fine.
C .It is rainy.
(    ) 2 What do you do on Sunday?
A .I climb hills.
B .I go hiking.
C .I read books.
(    ) 3 Can you climb mountains this Sunday?
A .Yes, I can.
B .No, I can’t.
C .No, I’m not.
(    ) 4 Do you go shopping on Sunday?
A .Yes, I am.
B .Yes, I do.
C .No, I’m not.
(    ) 5 What do you want to do next Sunday?
A  I want to read books.
B  I want to watch TV.
C  I want to go shopping.
Last holiday, I took a big trip with my aunt. We went to Australia by plane. It was in August. We
left Beijing on Aug 3rd. It was winter in Australia. But in Beijing, it was summer. I like there,
because I like playing with snow. I went ice-skating there and took many pictures. I bought many
presents for my friends, too. I was excited , but I was tired, too. I should relax to go back to school.
(  )1. Whom did I go on a big trip with?
A. My parents.
B. My aunt.
(  )2. When was my last trip?
A. It was in summer.
B. It was in winter.
(  )3. What did I do in Australia?
A. I went ice-skating and bought presents.
B. I played football and ate good food.
(  )4. How did I go there?
A. I went by subway.
B. I went by plane.
(  )5. How did I feel in the end ?
A.I was excited, but so tired.
B.I was so bored.
Today is February 3rd. The weather is windy and cold. I get many cards today. They’re birthd cards. They’re from my friends. Can you guess why? I wear my new red coat and blue jeans.
They’re very pretty. My mother take me to the zoo.I can see many animals. I’m very happy to  (    ) 1.My birthday is February 3rd.
(    ) 2.It’s  windy and snowy today.
(    ) 3.I can see many trees at the zoo.
(    ) 4.I have a new coat. It’s blue.
(    ) 5.I have many birthday cards.
Zoom and Zip are good friends. They are planning a trip(旅游). Zip is going to sunny Australia(澳
大利亚)! It’s so warm there. He can swim all day. He has a new bathing suit(游泳衣) and
sunglasses(太阳镜). But Zoom doesn’t like swimming. He likes skating. So he is going to Canada,
It’s winter there now. He can skate all day. He has winter coats(冬衣) and some new ice
(    )1.The season in Australia and Canada is the same.
(    )2.Zoom and Zip are going to Canada.
(    )3. Zoom likes swimming.
(    )4.Zip has a new bathing suit and sunglasses.
(    )5.Zoom can swim all day in Canada.
(    )6.It’s warm in Australia.
(    )7.Zoom can skate all day in Canada.
Amy: What day is it today?
Tom: It’s Monday. Hmm…I like M
Amy: What do you have today?
Tom: We have math, science and art. What about you?
Amy: We have English and P.E. What do you have tomorrow?
Tom: We have art and P.E. tomorrow.
Amy: Oh, great.
(  ) 1. Tom has math, science and art on Monday.
(  ) 2. Tom has art and P.E. on Monday.
(  ) 3. Amy has English and P.E. today.
(  ) 4. Tomorrow is Tuesday.
(  ) 5. Tom doesn’t like Mondays.
阅读理解8:根据短文内容,判断正误。对的在括号内填“ T ”, 错的填“ F ”.
Jim is an English boy. He comes to China with his father and mother. They come here to work.
Jim comes here to study. He is in No.5 Middle School. He gets up early every day. He isn’school. He studies hard. He can read English well. He often helps us with our English, and we
often help him with his Chinese. After class he likes playing football, swimming, running, jumping
and riding. He makes many friends here. We are glad to stay with him. On Sunday he often helps
his mother clean the house, mend something or do the shopping. He likes Chinese food very
much.。He likes living here. He likes Chinese students very much. We all like him, too.
(  )1. He gets up late every day.
(  )2. He often teaches us English.
(  )3. After class , he likes singing and playing basketball.
(  )4. On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house.
(  )5. He doesn’t like Chinese food.
Liu Tao: Hi, Mike. Nice to see you.
Mike: Nice to see you, too. Liu Tao.
Liu Tao: What day is it today?
Mike: It’s Thursday. What lessons do you have in this morning?
Liu Tao: We have Maths, Chinese, Art, and Science.
Mike: Oh, I like PE very much. But we don’t have PE today.
Liu Tao: We have PE and Computer Studies this afternoon.
Mike: Great! Do you like PE?
Liu Tao: No, I don’t. I like English very much. Tomorrow we will have an English lesson in the
Mike: It’s time for class. Let’s go!
(  )1. Liu Tao has PE in the afternoon.
(  )2. Liu Tao has six lessons today.
(  )3. Liu T ao doesn’t like English.
(  )4. Liu Tao will have English lesson on Friday morning.
Four Good FriendsMary, Nancy, Ron and Kate are good friends. Mary’s favorite number is 3 and her favorite country is France. 16 is Nancy’s number, and America is her favorite country. Ron
likes Japan very much. 30 is his favorite number. Whose favorite number is 60? Oh, it is Kate.
lucky father works in Chinese food very much and they also like Chinese people. Kate’s
number is 6. All of them hope that one day they can travel the world together.
1. What’s Mary’s favorite number?
2. What’s Nancy’s favorite country?
3. What’s Kate’s father’s job?
4. Does Kate like Chinese food?
Look!This is a picture of Mr.Brown't family. The man in a biack coat is Mr.Brown.The woman near
him is Mrs.Brown,The little girl in a red coat is Sue. The tall boy behind her is Jim,her brother.The
family is now in China.Tomorrow is Children's Day.MR brown wants to buy some presents for his
children. Sue wants a new skirt,but Jim wants a new bike. How happy they are!
1.Whose picture is this? ____________________________________________.
2.Where's the family now? ____________________________________________.
3.Who is the little girl in a red coat? ____________________________________________.
4.What presents do Mr Brown's children want to buy? __________________________________.
