PEP 人教版小学英语五年级下册Unit2 My favourite season Part A let’s learn 教学设计
1.能够听、说、认读关于季节的单词:season, spring, summer, autumn, winter。
2.学习句型:Which season do you like best? 询问他人最宠爱的季节是什么,并能做出答复I like
2.单词spring 中的/ p /的发音。
Step 1 Warm up
Hello , boys and girls.
T: First, Let’s enjoy some pictures. (播放关于四季的美景)
T: Do you like the pictures?
Ss: Yes.
T:Me too. Because they are all about the seasons.(season) Today our
topic is“My favourite season”. (板书题目并领读)
Step 2 Presentation
1.L earn “spring”
T: Listen !〔播放鸟叫声〕What season is it ?
S: 春天。
T: Yes, it is spring. 〔领读,分组读〕Show me your finger ,Let’s spell it.
Ss: s-p-r-i-n-g.(一起书空)T: Now take out your exercise books, write spring. twice(教师将spring 贴在在黑板上,学生在本子上书写单词。) Read the word again.
T: What’s the weather like in spring?
S: Spring is ...
T:Look at my sentence ; “Spring is green with flowers and songs.”(领读)who can read this sentence?(个别学生读句子,检查把握状况) T:I like spring best. Which season do you like best? (引出主句型,领读) A sk and answer in pairs:
A:Which season do you like best?
B:I like spring best.
T: What can you do in spring?
S: I can plant trees. / plant flowers./fly kites/... 出示幻灯片并复习有关春天能做的事情
2.L earn “summer”
T: Look, who is he?(出示Oliver 的图片) S:
T:Which season does Oliver like best? Let’s listen and answer.(播放课本录音答复以下问题)
S: Summer.
T: Yes,he likes summer best.(教读summer)
Now Let’s spell it.
Ss: s-u-m-m-e-r.
T: Now let’s write it.You write summer twice.
What’s the weather like in summer?
S:Summer is hot.
T:“Summer is hot and the days are long.” ( 个别学生读句子,检查把握状况)
Ask and answer in pairs:
A:Which season do you like best?
B:I like summer best.
T: What can you do in summer? Ask and answer in pairs
3.L earn “autumn”
4.T: What season is it?(出示秋季图片)
S: 秋天.
T: Yes, it’s autumn.〔领读〕Let’s spell it.
Ss: a-u-t-u-m-n.
T: Now you write autumn twice.
Read the word again.
T:What’s the weather like in autumn?
Show the sentence “Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.” ( 读句子,检查把握状况)Who can read the sentence?
T: What’s another name of autumn?
Ask and answer in pairs:
A:Which season do you like best?
B:I like autumn best.
T: What can you do in autumn? Ask and answer in pairs
4.L earn “winter”
T: Guess.(出示冬天的谜语)What season is it?
S: Winter.
T: Yes, it’s winter. 〔领读〕Let’s spell it.
Ss: w-i-n-t-e-r.
T: Now let’s write it.
Read the word again.
T:What’s the weather like in winter?
引出“winter is white and the year is gone” (读句子,检查把握状况)T:
Ask and answer in pairs:
A:Which season do you like best?
B:I like winter best.
T: What can you do in winter? Ask and answer in pairs
5.L et’s read together
Spring is green with flowers and songs.
Summer is hot and the days are long.
Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.
Winter is white and the year is gone.
6.L isten and repeat
Read in groups
Read in pairs
Step3 practice
1.Sing a song
2.Just now,I say I like spring best .I like spring best. and which season do you like best? Why? 提问学生
Ask and answer in pairs、
S1: Which season do you like best?
S2: I like best.
S2:Because .〔供给应学生可能用到的词汇〕
3.N ow let’s enjoy a story.
1.Reading time.(通过一个Flash 动画,到达对本课内容的升华) Ask and answer. (提出与动画相应的问题)
第一句So what’s the apple tree’s name?
其次幅Why does apple tree like spring?
第三幅So why does apple tree like summer?
第四幅So why does apple tree like autumn?
第五幅So why does apple tree like winter?
Step 4 Summary
This class we have learned the four seasons,
Today’s homework
Class is over. Bye.
板书设计:Unit 2 My favourite season
A: Which season do you like best?
I like s ummer best.
B: I can go swimming every day.
