Module7 Unit1 Period1教学设计
We fly kites in spring.
本课教学的内容是《新标准英语》教材(三年级起点)年级册第模块第单元的内容。本模块以seasons and weather即季节和天气为话题,课文内容是四张制作精美的海报,主题分别是一年四季。Unit1主要学习春夏秋冬四个季节的英文表达法及在这些季节里会出现的天气状况,同时学习在四个季节里人们经常要做的事情。本课重点是含有实义动词的一般现在时语句的巩固运用和天气词汇的学习。
(1) 能理解运用单词:
we,fly, spring ,summer ,autumn ,winter ,warm ,hot ,cool ,cold ,skating
(2) 能够简单运用It’s warm in spring. We fly kites in spring .这类句型谈论季节特征以及不同季节发生的不同活动。
(1) 培养学生享受美景,热爱生活的品格。
(2) 让学生意识到保护环境的重要性。
(1) 能认读下列单词和短语:we,fly, spring ,summer ,autumn ,winter
warm ,hot ,cool ,cold ,skating,go skating ,fly kites
(2) 能够简单运用It’s warm in spring. We fly kites in spring .这类句型谈论季节特征以及不同
(1) 含有实义动词的一般现在时语句的巩固运用和天气词汇的学习。
(2) 能够谈论四个季节的特征以及不同季节发生的不同活动。
多媒体课件、 单词卡片、小贴画。
StepⅠ Warming up.
Hello, boys and girls. I’m Ms Meng. Nice to meet you! Welcome to my English class. Today, we are going to talk about M7U1 We fly kites in spring.
First Lets look at the pictures and say phrases.
Play football  play basketball  ride a bike  go swimming 
Step Lead in
Listen and chant.
T:  Look at this picture,What do you do in this season? (教读单词season) Let’s listen and watch, then find the answer.(用课件呈现,学生听看,寻答案)
S:I go swimming in this season.
T: What time is it? Oh,its summer.(教读单词summer)
Tspring怎么读英文怎么读:Now please listen and chant.(用课件呈现,学生听跟读)
I like summer.My favourite season is summer. Whats your favourite season? How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?
Step Presentation
1. T:How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? (Watch and answer.播放flash,学生带着问题看动画并寻答案)
Four seasons. spring ,summer ,autumn, winter.(利用课件教读单词)
Its spring /summer/autumn/winter.(利用课件教读句子)
Its +seasons.(总结句型)
2. T:There are four seasons in a year.Whats the weather like in these seasons? (Listen and fill in the blanks. 播放录音,学生带着问题听录音并寻答案)
Its _________ in spring.    Its _________ in summer.
Its _________ in autumn.  Its _________ in winter.
warm  hot  cool  cold (利用课件教读单词)
Students read the sentences and do the actions.)
Its +表示天气的单词+in+ 季节.(总结句型)
3.T:There are four seasons in a year.What do you do in these seasons? (Watch and answer.播放flash,学生带着问题看动画并寻答案)
We fly kites in spring.(教读fly,练读 fly kites)
We go swimming in summer.(练读 go swimming, go shopping)
We play football in autumn. (练读play football , play table tennis)
We go skating in winter.(教读skating,练读 go skating)
Students read the sentences and do the actions. 学生边做动作边练读句子)
(1)Listen and point, then read after the video(齐跟读,用课件)
Now please open your book, listen, point and say. And pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.
(2)listen and repeat again. Please try to imatite(模仿读)
(3)Read by yourselves.(学生自读)
(4)Retell the story.(根据图片,复述课文,注意语音语调。)
Step Practice
1.Choose the right sentence. (课件呈现)
Show four sentences, Ask students to read them. Show four pictures, then choose the right sentence.(学生读句子,给图片选择相对应的句子)
Its warm in spring. 
Its hot in summer.
Its cool in autumn. 
Its cold in winter.
2.Ask and answer
Look at the picture. Lets ask and answer.
A: What do you do in spring /summer /autumn /winter ?
B: I ... in spring /summer /autumn /winter .
2.What season is it now? Its spring. Spring is beautiful. Lets enjoy these beautiful scenery. (课件展示春天美景图片)
Enjoy the beautiful scenery. Love life.(享受美景!热爱生活!)
1.What have you learnt today?
2.My favourite season is spring. Its warm in spring. We fly kites in spring. Whats your favourite season? 
Step Homework
Listen and read the text.(听模仿读)
Talk about your favourite season with your family and make a poster about it. (和家人讨论你最喜欢的季节并制作一张关于它的海报。)
