Asia is the largest of the continents of the world. It is a larger than Africa, larger than either
of the two Americas, and four times as large as Europe. Asia and Europe form a huge land mass. Indeed Europe is so much smaller than Asia that some geographers regard Europe as a peninsula of Asia.
Many geographers say that the Ural Mountains form the dividing line between Europe and Asia. Some think differently. But all geographers agree that Asia was once linked to North America. Or, to be more exact, Alaska was at one time connected with the tip Siberia. The ancestors of American Indians, geographers say, were Asians. 30000 years ago they went across the land bridge and settled down in new homes.
Only a small canal separates Africa from Asia. But before the Suez Canal was cut in 1869 Asia was also linked to Africa.
The highest point of the earth is in Asia. This is the peak of the Himalaya Mountains. It is
over 29140 feet high. At this altitude the air is very thin and the weather is uncertain. So the climbing is very difficult. People take great pride in getting to that peak.
The world’s great religions originated from Asia: Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, Islam from Arabia. Today Buddhism and Islam are the principal religions of much of Asia.
Asia is also most populous continent. China, the country with the largest population in the world, is in Asia. One half of the world’s population are Asians.
A Chinese is an Asian, a Japanese is an Asian, and an Indian is an Asian. So is an Iranian, a Palestinian, an Iraqi, a Filipino, a Singaporean. A meeting of Asians is usually a large gathering. The Asian Games meet every four years, sometimes with as many as 34 nations taking part.
There was a time when Asia led the world in civilization. Today most of the Asian countries
are still developing countries. They are working very hard to catch up in science and technology. They must. They have little time to lose.
A.Glad you’re back. We missed you during the vacation. How have you been?
B.Fine, thanks. I had a wonderful time at home. I did quite a bit of reading. Did you have a
good time at school?
A.We certainly did. We saw quite a few excellent films. During the Spring Festival we
visited the many places and had a get-together with many old friends.
B.So we all had a fine vacation. And now we must get down to some good solid work.
1)Answer the following questions:(回答下面的问题)
1.How many continents are there in the word? What are their name?
There are seven continents in the word. They are Asia, Europe, North American, south
American, Africa, Antarctica and Oceania.
2.Which continent is the largest?
3.Some geographers say Europe is only a peninsula of Asia. Do you agree?
Yes, I agree. If we look at the land mass as a whole.
4.Where do geographers put the dividing line between Europe and Asia?
Many geographers say that Ural mountains form dividing line between Europe and Asia.
5.Where is the Suez Canal? When was it dug?
The Suez Canal separates Africa from Asia. It was dug in 1869.
6.What is the name of the highest peak in the world? What is its height? Why do people
take great pride in getting to its peak?
It is Himalaya mountains. It is over 29140 feet high. Because at this altitude that air is
very thin and the weather is uncertain. So the climbing is very difficult.
7.How large is Asia’s population?
One half of the world’s population in Asians.
8.What would you say is the task facing most of the Asian countries?
They must working very hard to catch up in science and technology.
3) Give the comparative degree(比较级)and the superlative degree(最高级)of the following adjectives and adverbs:(写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级)
深深的deep deeper deepest
靠近的close Closer closest
忙的busy Busier busiest
大的big Bigger biggest
好well Better best
重要的important more important most important
近的near Nearer nearest
低的low Lower lowest
狭窄的narrow Narrower narrowest
少的few Fewer fewest
好的fine Better best
迟的late Later latest
大的large Larger largest
高的high Higher highest
容易的easy Easier easiest
早的early Earlier earliest
开心的幸福的happy Happier happiest
快的fast Faster fastest
热的hot Hotter hottest
薄的瘦的thin Thinner thinnest
肥的fat Fatter fattest
重的heavy Heavier heaviest
坏的bad worse worst
多的much more most
小的little less least
小的small smaller smallest
壮观的splendid more splendid most splendid
精彩的wonderful more wonderful most wonderful
伟大的magnificent more magnificent most magnificent
稠密的populous more populous most populous
4) Make sentences after the given patterns:(按例句写句子)
1.George is taller than Robert.
a. this lesson, that one ,difficult.
This lesson is more difficult that one.
b. Her pronunciation(发音), mine, good.
Her pronunciation is better than mine.
c. John, any other student, work fast
John work faster than any other student.
d. Jack, I, arrive early.
Jack arrived earlier than I.
2.He did better today than yesterday:
a. She works hard now, last term
She works harder now than last term.
b. Mary makes few mistakes now, before.
Mary makes fewer mistakes now than before.
c. Days are long in summer, in winter
Days are longer in summer than in winter.
d. Spring is warm in Shanghai, in Beijing
Spring is warmer in shanghai than in Beijing.
3. Spring is the best season of the year.
a. The Changjiang, long river ,in China
The changjiang is the longest river in china.
b. Jane, good singer, of the group
Jane is the best singer of the group.
c. Nanjing Road, busy street, in Shanghai
Nanjing Road is the busiest street in Shanghai.
d. This, interesting story, I have ever heard
This is the most interesting story I have ever heard.
4. The new railway station is one of the most magnificent building jing.
a. Anshan, important industrial centers, of our country
Anshan is the most important industrial centers of our country.
b. The Summer Palace, beautiful parks, in China
The Summer Palace is the most beautiful parks in China.
c. The Yellow River, long rivers, in the world
The Yellow River is the longest rivers in the world.
d. This, good museums, I have ever visited
This was the best museums I have ever visited.
