As America continued to suffer from the pandemic (流行病), there were some ordinary individuals who held us together.
Here is how one   1  went. Louis Galvan was clearing off table 411, where a couple of his most loyal customers had   2  dinner. Like many others, his restaurant was hurting. The restaurants had just   3  some workers for the baseball season. More than 30 of his employees were counting on a big opening day that would never   4  . In the days before the governor   5  his state’s restaurants, Galvan was especially   6  for regulars such as the ones at table 411. That night, they had  7  about $90 worth of food. But it was the   8  they'd left behind that blew him away.   9  , it was two tips. One was $1,900 in cash. The other written on the credit card receipt, was $7,500. The couple   10  left a handwritten note on the receipt: “Hold it to   11  your guys over the next few weeks.”
“We were   12  that they were so generous. We didn't   13  it. They went above and beyond what was   14  . I wasn't sure if we were going to stay open, but   15  we have someone like that, we're going to keep going. We will be offering food orders to go.” said Galvan. He divided the money   16  among the employees, so everyone got about $300.   17  , Galvan could now pay the tip forward. “If there's anyone who does not have food to eat,   18  just needs a glass of water, they are   19  to come by. We are here   20  our community.” Galvan said.
1.A.story    B.project    C.record    D.saying
2.A.begun    B.finished    C.taken    D.served
3.A.fired    B.helped    C.hired    D.introduced
4.A.go    B.work    C.end    D.come
5.A.called    B.designed    C.advertised    D.closed
6.A.good    B.annoyed    C.grateful    D.sorry
7.A.cooked    B.ordered    C.reserved    D.donated
8.A.tip    B.dish    C.food    D.ticket
9.A.Suddenly    B.Actually    C.Fortunately    D.Generally
10.A.already    B.yet    C.also    D.still
11.A.observe    B.recommend    C.test    D.pay
12.A.anxious    B.smart    C.embarrassed    D.amazed
13.A.resist    B.explain    C.expect    D.recognize
14.A.important    B.necessary    C.obvious    D.lucky
15.A.knowing    B.promising    C.imagining    D.pretending
16.A.equally    B.possibly    C.partly    D.accidentally
17.A.In either case    B.On the contrary    C.What's more    D.Regardless of that
18.A.so    B.but    C.and    D.or
19.A.welcome    B.willing    C.responsible    D.confident
20.A.within    B.for    C.beyond    D.by
Going, going, gone, for $3 to the lady in the last row." The auctioneer(拍卖人)announced. I had just  21  the bidding for a 1950s cookie tin full of  22  at a house sale.
Delighted at my victory, I  23  the lid and took a glance. Inside were hundreds of buttons, pins, and other items, all shining in the sunlight.
Then my eye caught the  24  of an older woman who was watching the happenings in her yard, her eyes  25  over the crowd, looking for the  26  faces of friends and neighbors.
As I went up to chat with her, she told me she was selling almost all her  27  because she was moving to a nursing home in town. Her eyes fell to the button box, and when she looke
d  28  , they were glittering with  29  .
I took the lid off the tin, and her fist closed around a delicate pearl button, now yellow with  30  . She smiled as she told me about the  31  of her first child and the special pearl﹣buttoned christening outfit (洗礼服) that would be worn by five more babies before time  32  the garment thin.
I  33  a large, dark military button and asked her about it. "From my late husband's uniform, " she said. "It's one of the few things I had to  34  me of him when he didn't return home  35  ." They had been married seven months before he left to  36  his country in World War Ⅱ.
Wooden nickelssnaps, and ruby buttons took her further down memory lane. I learned about her father being a faithful churchgoer, her mother dying of cancer and much more of the  37  she'd led for 89 years. After our chat, I  38    the woman's box of memories and  39  my hands into hers. I knew we would  40  again, when I went to visit her at her new home.
21.A.discovered    B.won    C.lost    D.achieved
22.A.love    B.memories    C.happiness    D.sadness
23.A.removed    B.seized    C.shook    D.moved
24.A.voice    B.gesture    C.emotion    D.figure
25.A.rolling    B.searching    C.wandering    D.flashing
26.A.same    B.new    C.familiar    D.unknown
27.A.goods    B.possessions    C.furniture    D.clothes
28.A.down    B.back    C.about    D.up
29.A.tears    B.excitement    C.anger    D.fear
30.A.age    B.damage    C.history    D.use
31.A.death    B.growth    C.birth    D.talent
32.A.destroyed    B.changed    C.wore    D.allowed
33.A.made    B.noticed    C.recognized    D.searched
