Section 2 Grammar and vocabulary (25%)
Complete each of the following statements with the right choice.
36 Mr. Wang likes to go out __________ a walk after dinner.
A on
B at
C for
D to
37 To my surprise, my bedroom is much larger than __________.
A hers -
B her
C she
D she's
38 __________ of the students was given a copy of the novel.
A both
B each
C all
D some
39 What's the weather __________ today?
A/ B about C for D like
40 The woman bought a house of __________ last year.
A her own
B herself
C her
D her self
41 He can walk very fast, although he is already in his late __________.
A seventy
B seventieth
C seventies
D seventy years
42 Children should drink milk because it is __________ in calcium(钙质 )
A good
B healthy
C thick
D rich
43 Who can tell me __________ to get to the station.
A how
B where
C what
D why
44 It usually___________ me a long time to finish the work.
A costs
B takes
C uses
D spends
45 My father used to __________a bicycle to work.
A ride
B riding
C rode
D rides
46 No one likes to make __________ with lazy people.
A a friend
B friend
C friends
D friend's
47 __________ does this office belong to?
A where
B when
C who
D why
48 Many of us felt __________ when we heard the result.
A excited
B exciting
C charmed
D charming
49 The well-known writer has been to __________ twenty countries.
special怎么读A near
B nearly
C close
D closely
50 Susie is a shy girl. Her face often turns red when she speaks___________ public.
A in
B on
C for
D to
51 He was much shorter than me __________ time I saw him.
A the
B the next
C the last
D last
52 Bob had __________ his father had gone.
A not idea
B not an idea D no ideas D no idea
53 I was told that they__________ have a barbecue in the garden tomorrow afternoon
A will
B are going to
C would
D was going to
54 They are very different from each other, __________ they are twins.
A so
B though
C because
D so that
55 There __________ a hill beside the lake.
A stand
B stands
C look
D looks
56 __________ did you go back to London when you stayed in China?
A how long
B how far
C how soon
D how often
57 Grandpa __________ his mobile phone into the water when he was on a boat ship.
A left
B fell
C dropped
D lost
58 They get up early so as to__________ the first train in the morning.
A get on
B catch
C take
D fetch
59 He kept stamping his feet so as to keep __________.
A warm
B warmly
C cold
D coldly
60 __________ we all know, leaves turn yellow in autumn,
A as
B from
C for
D of
Section 3 Close(15%)
Read the passage and fill in each blank with the proper choice.
When friends come to visit us in the evenings, they often tell us that they are_____61_____a hurry. It isn't that our friends are all very____62_____.It is just that we
haven't got a television.. But what do you do in the evening?" they are _____63_____ asking. The answer is simple. Both my wife and I have hobbies. She _____64_____ evening classes to learn foreign languages and I collect stamps and enjoying listening to music. For us, life is _____65_____ without television.
61 A on B with C in D at
62A busy B friendly C polite D upset
63 A seldom B sometimes C often D always
64 A goes B attends C gets D catches
65A hard B wonderful C empty D hurried
Baoli, a Chinese artist liked to use _____66_____to paint flowers, fishes, insects and birds. He liked painting bamboo trees best_____67_____ all. He _____68_____ planted many ba
mboo trees in front of his house. He looked after them with great _____69_____ and patience. From down to_____70_____, from spring to autumn, he would watch the bamboo trees very_____71_____ so that every change was recorded(记录) in his _____72_____, _____73_____ a long time, he became_____74_____ familiar with every detail(细节)that even with his eye _____75____,he could paint them very well.
66Aink B crayons C fuel D cream
67 A for B at C of D in
68 A have B would C was D had
69A care B fun C kind D surprise
70A noon B dusk C dust D night
71 A close B closely C hard D hardly
72A book B paper C mind D drawer
73 A in B after C before D since
74 A very B much C / D so
75A open B opened C closed D close
Section 5 Reading comprehension (15%)
Read the passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions
Passage 1
Anna fisher worked as a doctor. Most of the time, she worked in an emergency room(急救室 ) . She treated people who came in ill or hurt. But Dr. fisher had always wanted to be an astronaut(宇航员. )
Now her dream has come true. She has chosen for space training. Astronaut do very special work, so people who want to be astronauts have to pass many tests. Dr. Fisher had to take tests to show she is healthy. She had to show that she could handle hard problem, too. The training for astronauts is long. One thing they must learn is how a spacecraft(宇宙飞船) works. Other things that have to be learnt are space history and science.
