英语短文阅读:苹果树 The Apple Tree
special怎么读Once upon a time, there was an apple tree. It was a very special tree, because it could talk.
One day, a little boy came to the apple tree. He wanted to pick some apples, but the tree said, “No! Please don’t pick my apples. I am too young and my apples are not ripe yet.”
The little boy was very sad. He wanted to pick some apples so badly. He asked the tree, “Please, can I just pick one apple?”
The apple tree thought for a moment and then said, “Yes, you can pick one apple. But you must promise me that you will come back next year and pick my apples when they are ripe.”
The little boy promised and he picked one apple. He was very happy.
Every year, the little boy came back to the apple tree and picked its apples. He was always very careful not to pick too many.
The apple tree was very happy. It was happy to have a friend who respected it and took care
of it.
And so, the little boy and the apple tree became very good friends.
