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  级:六年级                                    辅导科目:英语 
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1. 让学生带着后面的问题在限定的时间6分钟内完成每篇文章的阅读;
2. 读完提问学生简单复述故事;
3. 让学生划出每篇文章至少三句好词好句,并分享;
4. 选择与回答问题,要求学生养成划出关键句的习惯;
Christmas Day
  Christmas Day is one of the most festive holidays in many countries around the world, including Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. It is a Christian holiday in memory of Jesus Christ’s birth and most people celebrate the day on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar.
  There are many ways to celebrate Christmas. It is common for many households to have decorated Christmas trees, either real or fake. Many workplaces hold Christmas parties in the weeks leading to Christmas Day.
  Many people have a day off work and spend time with their families and loved ones on Christmas Day. Festive activities include exchanging Christmas presents, joining in Christmas feasts, and listening to Christmas-themed music or movies.
  Christmas Day is a special day for children who receive gifts that they have been longing for. Many children believe in Santa Claus, or Father Christmas, a figure who is believed to provide Christmas presents to children. Some children write “letters to Santa” a few weeks before Christmas Day, asking for a gift that they desire most. Christmas cards are also exchanged among adults and children prior to Christmas Day.
  Many churches have special Christmas Day services, some of which include choirs, joyous singing, and meet-and-greet opportunities after the church services. Many churches are beautifully decorated.
  Images of Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, snowmen, reindeer, and candy canes are seen in cards, posters, signs and other printed or marketing material associated with the Christmas celebrations. Images of baby Jesus, the Christmas star, and other symbols associated with the religious meaning of Christmas are also seen during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
New Words
festive 欢乐的    include包括
church教堂    decorate装饰
reindeer驯鹿    celebration庆祝
exchange交换  feast宴会   
special特殊的  figure人物  
desire渴望    prior to在...之前
adult成年人    receive收到
long for渴望    provide提供   
1. When is Christmas Day?
2. How to celebrate it?
3. What do people do on Christmas Day?
4. What do children do for receiving
  their presents?
5. What activities do churches have on
  Christmas Day?
Thanksgiving Day 
  The fourth Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day. It’s a holiday in the USA. Usually, family members and friends get together for a dinner.  Thanksgiving Day began in 1621. When the first English settlers(殖民者,移居者)reached the New World(新大陆), they did not have enough food. But the American Indians helped the white men and taught them how to farm(种植).  In autumn after the English settlers came to America, they had a good harvest(收成,收获). They were so happy. They thanked Indian friends for their help and thanked God.  As far as family reunion(团圆),Thanksgiving Day is even more important than Christmas or New Year’s Eve to most Americans.
Write “T” for true and “F” for false.
(  ) 1. Thanksgiving Day is the first Thursday of November.
(  ) 2. In the passage, the American Indians were very friendly. 
(  ) 3. When the first English settlers reached America, they had a hard time.
(  ) 4. Thanksgiving Day thanks for food. 
(  ) 5. To most Americans, Thanksgiving Day is more important than Christmas.
Keys:F T T F T
Mother’s Day 
  Hello, boys and girls. Do you know Mother’s Day? Mother’s Day is a holiday for mothers. It’s on the second Sunday in May. It is celebrated in the UK, the USA, Sweden and other countries. On this day, fathers and children make breakfast, mothers don’t work, and many people give flowers and cards to their mothers. Mother’s Day began on the 10th May 1908 in the USA. The idea of a day for mothers was first given by Anna Jarvis of the USA. She wanted people to spend one day for saying thanks to their mothers. Soon the holiday became popular around the country and the world. 
(  ) 1. Mother’s Day is on______.     
      A. the second Sunday in May             B. the second Saturday in May   
      C. May the second                    D. the 8th May 1923
(  ) 2. Mother’s Day is a holiday for _______.
      A. women        B. mothers        C. children 
(  ) 3. Where did people celebrate Mother’s Day first?
      A. People celebrated it in English.
      B. People celebrated it in USA. 
      C. People celebrated it in England, America, Sweden and other countries.
      D. People celebrated it in Sweden. 
(  ) 4. The idea of_______for mothers was first given by Anna Jarvis.   
      A. a child        B. a week          C. a day           D. a flower
(  ) 5. “Saying thanks to their mothers.” means_______. 
      A. Ask their fathers to spend a lot of money for their mothers.
      B. Ask their mothers to have a rest. 
      C. Spend much money buying presents for their mothers.
    D. Spend some time telling mothers that they love them.
1. 让学生准备5分钟左右,可以参考阅读材料中的好词好句,只要学生能灵活运用、准确迁移所学
2. 可口头表达,也可写作文。
                                        My favorite festival
Spring Festival is my favorite among all the Chinese traditional festival. The first reason why I love it the most is because I can get lucky money on that festival. It is the Chinese custom that the old will give children lucky money on Spring Festival to wish a good luck for the young generation. Moreover, people everywhere on those days are full of happiness. Quarrel, fight and abuse are almost disappeared at that time. Meanwhile, my mother will make a big meal for us to celebrate. Everyone will forget the unhappy thing they meet, instead remembering to appreciate life to wish a better future. That is my favorite festival.
China has many traditional festivals among the year. But I like Mid-Autumn Festival the most. It means harvest, because it is celebrated in the harvest season. And it is the time for farmers to express their thanks for harvest. In addition, it’s the day for reunion. Some people call it Tuanyuanjie. The people work or study far away from home will come back to get-together with their families. They will eat a big meal and mooncake at that time. I hate parting but love reunion. So Mid-Autumn Day is my favorite festival.
My favorite festival is Christmas Day. It’s not the traditional for Chinese. It’s for the foreigners, which Christmas Day is to them what Spring Festival is us. But with the development of the society, more and more foreigners come to China. And then it is popular in China. I feel excited to see the Christmas decoration and Christmas trees. I also like Santa Claus, who will give Christmas present for us under the table. And people will say ”Merry Christmas” to each other on that day. It is wonderful to have a foreign festival.
Passage A
    The Spring Festival was on February 7th this year. Because Spring Festival is the most important festival in China, so my parents cleaned and decorated our house with me before spring festival. We also bought lots of things in the supermarket.
    On the eve of the Spring Festival, we had a big dinner. After dinner, I put on my new clothes,then my father、my mother and I went to the Flower Fairs. Wow! There were lots of kinds of flowers in the Flower Fairs, they were lilies, tulips, peach flowers..., how colourful and beautiful they were! So we took some photos here. We bought some flowers, then we went home happily. We watched TV until midnight. At twelve o’clock, we cheered to welcome the new year and wished each other good luck.
During Spring Festival I got lots of lucky money, so my favourite festival is Spring Festival. I hope every day is Spring Festival.
(    ) 1. When was the Spring Festival this year?
        A. February 9th                           B. February 7th  
        C. January 7th                              D. January 9th
(    ) 2. What is the most important festival in <<<<China>>>> ?
        A. Easter              B. Christmas          C. Spring Festival            D. Mid-autumn Festival
(    ) 3. What did we do after the dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival?
          A. We watched TV at home.
            B.  We Play games together.
            C.  We went to the flower show.
springfestive怎么读英语发音            D.  We went to the Flower Fairs.
(    ) 4. What did I get during the Spring Festival?
        A. Luck money      B. flowers              C. some sweets                D. some cakes
Passage B
At midnight on New Year's Eve, my parents and I were in the flower fair. There were some roses, lilies, tulips, peach flowers, bluebells and some different kinds of plants. The flowers were beautiful. And there were some different kinds of toys. We bought a toy -Micky Mouse. It's lovely and cute. And we bought some peach flowers. Because the flower fair is big, so we felt tired.
The first day of Spring Festival. My mother and I made some dumplings. In the evening we ate some dumplings and noodles. Because the noodles bring long life. During Spring Festival, I had some lucky money. There were about 1000 yuan. I felt very happy!
True or false? Write “T” if it is true, write “F” if it is false.
(    ) 1. My parents and I were in the flower show at midnight on New Year's Eve.
(    ) 2. We bought a lovely and cute toy.
(    ) 3. We were happy and we didn’t feel tired.
(    ) 4. In the evening we ate some dumplings and cakes.
(    ) 5. I was very happy at Spring Festival.
Keys: T T F F T
1. 引导学生分享今天阅读中的好词好句;
2. 引导学生说出自己总结的做阅读理解的技巧;
1. 规定学生在20分钟内完成;
2. 要求学生对不确定有疑问的题目做标记;
3. 下节新课前让学生相互批改表扬正确率最高的学生;
4. 让做对的学生给做错的学生讲题,老师进行补充;
5. 老师对错误率较高的题目相关的知识点进行复习;
Part One
  ) 1. We must         our best to study English well.
        A. to try to do             B. try to do             C. try to             D. trying to do
  ) 2. Tom studies very         , but his brother Tony         studies.
        A. hardly, hardly       B. hard, hardly             C. hard, had         D. hardly, hard
  ) 3. Jane was sure that she         her wallet in the classroom.
A.left                   B. Has lost               C. lost             D. had left
  ) 4. ---Which do you prefer, coffee or milk?
      ---         of them. I’d like some cola.
        A. Either               B. Both                 C. Neither         D. None
  ) 5. You’d better go and ask Mr. Wang. He         know how to use this machine.
A.can                 B. may                   C. would             D. could
  ) 6. The paper for books and newspapers         made from wood.
        A .are                  B. is                    C. has              D. have
  ) 7. He dropped the         and broke it.
        A. cup of tea             B. tea’s cup               C. cup for tea        D. tea cup
  ) 8. Who's that? Is it Lucy         Lily?
        A. or                        B. and                            C. but              D. for
  ) 9. Whose bag is this? I think it's________.
        A. Jim's                    B. Jim                           C. Jims'          D. Jim’s of
  )10. That's his watch,Give it to         Please.
        A. he                        B. him                            C. his              D. he’s
  ) 11. I have a new bike.          bike is under the tree.
        A. The                       B. A                             C. An              D.不填
  )12.Paris is the capital of __________.
        A. the USA             B. the UK              C. France            D. Australia
Part Two
  In the USA, people celebrate(庆祝) Halloween on October 31st. Children always dress up. They wear special costumes and masks. They knock(敲) on their neighbors(邻居) doors and shout(喊) trick or treat. Their neighbors usually treat them with chocolates and sweets. Or they can play a trick on them.  Children also like to make Jack-O-lanterns for Halloween. They cut out some shapes to make the eyes, the nose and the sharp(尖锐的) teeth. Then they put some candles in the pumpkin lanterns. Children like Halloween very much.
(    ) 1. Halloween is on_________. 
        A. December 31st          B. October 31st                   C. November 31st 
(    ) 2. Children usually wear________ at Halloween. 
        A. costumes              B. masks                        C. A and B 
(    ) 3. The children can get_________ from the Trick or treat.
        A. sweet                B. lanterns                        C. masks 
(    ) 4.A Jack-O-lantern is made of________. 
        A. chocolate            B. pumpkin lanterns and candles       C. eggs 
(    ) 5. People usually put_________ in the pumpkin lanterns. 
      A. candles               B. sweets                        C. chocolate
Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries. Most American families have one or two__1__and one or two children each.
  Children in the US will__2__their parents’ home when they grow up. They usually live__3__their parents because they want to find good jobs. They often__4__to their parents or telephone them. And they often go to visit their parents on__5__.
  Parents usually let their children choose their__6__job. Americans think it is__7__for a young people to decide on their lives by themselves. Children are asked to do some work__8__their house. And in many families, children are__9__for doing some work so that they can learn__10__to make money for their own use.
(    ) 1 A. uncles    B. aunts      C. parents        D. grand parents
(    )2.A. leave      B. reach      C. love          D. hate
(    )3. A. near      B. far from   C. next to          D. close to
(    )4.A. come    B. drive    C. move          D. write
(    ) 5.A.Monday    B. weekdays  C. Friday        D. holidays
(    ) 6.A.own      B. first      C. last            D. best
(    ) 7.A.bad        B. possible    C. important      D. wrong
(    ) 8.A.outside    B. around     C. next          D. beside
(    ) 9.A.asked      B. made    C. paid          D. called
(    ) 10.A.what    B. when      C. where          D. How
  It wouldn't be Christmas without a beautiful tree. Days before the holiday season, Western children begin decorating (装饰) Christmas trees. They put colourful lights and stars on them. But the best things are the gifts (礼物) under the tree!
Where did the first Christmas tree come from There are many stories about it.
One is about the German Martin Luther. He was walking through the forest (树林) one Christmas Eve. As he walked, he saw millions of stars above ever-green (常绿的) trees. He thought it was beautiful. He cut down a small tree and took it home to his family. He put candles (蜡烛) on it.
Another story is about a poor woodman. He met a lost and hungry child on Christmas Eve. He was very poor himself, but gave the child food and a place to stay.
He woke the next morning to find a beautiful tree outside his door. The hungry child was really an angel (天使). He wanted to thank the man.
People first had Christmas trees in Germany in 1600s. Now there are different kinds of Christmas trees, even man-made ones. But they all have a very big star or an angel on the top.
(    ) 1. The passage (短文) is about        .
          A. Christmas Eve                      B. Christmas Day
          C. Christmas gifts                      D. Christmas trees
(    ) 2. The passage tells us         stories about Christmas trees.
          A. one              B. two            C. some          D. many
(    ) 3. People first had Christmas trees in a        country.
          A. eastern          B. western        C. southern        D. northern
(    ) 4. "man-made ones" here means        .
          A. Christmas gifts made by men          B. Christmas stars made at Christmas
          C. Christmas trees made by men           D. Christmas holidays made by men
(    ) 5. The best title (标题) for the passage is .
          A. First Christmas Day                  B. The best Christmas gifts
          C. Beautiful Christmas trees              D. First Christmas trees
请用一般将来时will, be going to各造1个句子,并改为一般疑问句和否定句。
sentence 1: ________________________________________
sentence 2: ________________________________________
