Unit5 Seasons
Teaching content
Teaching aims and learning objectives
    一、 能听懂、会说、会读Seasons,Weather.
    二、 能听懂、会说、会读句型:In spring, it is warm. We go boating.
    三、  能听懂、会说、会读fly,kite,go boating,go swimming,picnic,go climbing,go skating,fine,hey,whose
    五、能熟练唱出歌谣:A sunny day。能听懂、会说、会发字母i 在单词中的读音。
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 
    二、能听懂、会说、会读In spring,it is warm.We go boating.
    三、能听懂、会说、会读fly,kite,go boating,go swimming, picnic, go climbing, go skating,fine,hey,whose.
Teaching arrangement
Five periods
Story time                                    第一课时
Fun time and Cartoon time                      第二课时
Sound time and Song time                      第三课时
    Checkout time and Ticking time                第四课时
Do exercise book of Unit 5                    第五课时
(课型:新授 设计: 授课时间:  月  日)
Type of the lesson
Story time
Teaching aims and learning objectives
二、能听懂、会说、会读In spring,it is warm.We go boating.
三、能听懂、会说、会读fly,kite,go boating,go swimming, picnic, go climbing, go skating,fine,hey,whose.
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 
一、词汇:spring,summer,autumn,winter, warm,hot,cool,cold的读音
二、 词组:fly kites, go boating, go swimming, picnic, go climbing, go skating
Teaching aids
  Blackboard, chalk, PPT, pictures and video.
Teaching procedures
Step1 Greetings
1.Free talk
T: Good morning, class.
S: Good morning, Miss Lou
T: How are you today?
Ss: I’m fine, thank you .And you?
T: I’m fine, too.But I’m a little hot today.(脱衣服).
2.Touch and say
T:What can you see on the table?(展示热水、冰棒、扇子)Can you touch it and tell me your feeling?
Ss:It’s hot/
3.Introduce your friends
T:We have four new friends here.(出示四张单词卡)Which one is your friend?Who wants to be a little teacher?(带领大家朗读spring,summer,autumn,winter)
Step2 Presentation
1.listen to the song《Seasons song》
T:Whats this song about?            Ss:Seasons
T:How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?
Ss: Four.
  Theyre spring,summer,autumn and winter.(呈现单词图片)
T:Look at the pictures.what can you see?
Ss: I can see a tree/some flowers/
T:Guess! What season is it?
Ss: Spring
T:Whats the weather like in spring?
Ss:暖和------it is warm
T:What do you do in spring?--------fly kites
play a game Quick response
当你看到一幅图片,请说“How nice!”;
Watch and answer
T:Whats the weather like in summer,autumn and winter?
Lets chant and act
Spring, spring, spring is warm.
Summer, summer, summer is hot.
Autumn, autumn, autumn is cool.
Winter, winter, winter is cold.
We like seasons.
Read and underline
Picnic---have picnics
Climb---climbing---go climbing
Snow+men-------snowmen-----make snowmen
play a game: making a big snowball
Listen and repeat
poem recital party
Say and act
Compose a poem
My favourite season
I like__________
It is___________
In_______,it is______________
