  元音字母 ---读 音
  A a 在开音节中 [eɪ]   name plane Jane baby cake
      在闭音节中 [æ]     bag dad hat map black back
  E e 在开音节中 [i:]     he these me Chinese
      在闭音节中 [e]     bed let pen desk yes egg
  I i 在开音节中 [aɪ]   bike fly drive time nice kite
      在闭音节中 [ɪ]     fish big drink sit milk swim
  O o 在开音节中 [əʊ]   those close go hoe home no
      在闭音节中 [ɒ]     clock not box shop sock
  U u 在开音节中 [ju:]   student excuse duty Tuesday
      在闭音节中 [ʌ]   bus cup jump much lunch
注:在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,
例如:June blue ruler super
  元音字母 ---读 音
  A a     [ə]     China   another   woman  breakfast
          [ɪ]     orange comrade village   cabbage
  E e     [e]     hundred student   open     weekend
          [ɪ]     chicken pocket   begin     children
  I i     [ə]      holiday beautiful 
[ɪ]     family   animal
[aɪ]     exercise satellite
O o   [ə]     second tonight somebody welcome
[əʊ]     also zero photo
U u   [ə]     autumn   difficult
[ju:]     popular   congratulation   January
注: 1.动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读[eɪ]音,例如:operate
2.u处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读[u(:)]音,例如:July influence February issue
辅字组 ---读 音
  B b     [b]     bike bus bag
          [/]     bomb   tomb
C c c在e前或在i/y前 [k]   cake picture coat music
                      [s]   face   decide cinema
ch [tʃ]   much   chick  rich teacher
[k]  school headache chemistry
[ʃ]   machine
-ck [k]   cock   pocket black knock
d   [d]   doctor bread hand day
-dge[dV] bridge fridge
dr- [dr] children driver drink
f   [f]   five     four  breakfast
g   g在e i/y前 [g] bag garden  go
[dʒ] orange large German
gh [f] cough enough
[/] light daughter high
gu- -gue gu在非重读音节中 [g] guess league dialogue
[gw] language anguish
h   [h] hot  head house hand
[/] hour honest
j   [dʒ] jeep jar joke join July
k   [k] kind bike skate make week
kn- [n] knife know knock
l   [l] life milk school tall
m   [m] monkey come autumn
-mn [m] autumn column
n n在[k] [g]音前 [n] not     shine   ten   note
[ŋ] uncle spring怎么读语音?  thank   hungry
-ng [ŋ] morning young wrong
p   [p] paper   plane pig   ship pen
ph [f] elephant photo telephone
q   [k] Iraq
qu- [kw] quality quite
r   [r] red rubber ruler
s在词首或清辅音前 元音字母间或浊辅音前 [s] sit sleep desk
[z] music husband
sc-   [sk]   scarlet
[s]   muscle science
sh     [ʃ]  she   fish     shirt   wash
t在通常情况下 在弱读字母ia ie io前 [t] ten     letter   meet
                                    [ʃ] patient nation
tch   [tʃ]   watch
在冠词 代词 介词 连词中 在词尾-the -ther中 [θ] thin thirty method
[ð] the these with than cloth father weather
tr-     [tr]   tree train country truck
v       [v]     very voice love   leave
w       [w]     week win   wake    sweet wait
[/]   answer two
wh- wh-在字母o前 [w]   what when white why
[h]   who whose whole
x 在重读元音前 [ks] box text exercise
[gz] examle exist exact
wr- [r] write
y- [j] yes   yard yellow young
z   [z] puzzle zero zoo
英语语音练习题 选出以下单词中划线部分发音与其他三项不同的一项。
Exercise 1:
  ( )1.A.November B.monkey C.nobody D.notice
  ( )2.A.ready  B.weather C.leave  D.bread
  ( )3.A.soon  B.good   C.book  D.foot
  ( )4.A.closed B.listened&used D.watched
  ( )5.A.about  B.round  C.mouth  D.could
  ( )6.A.three   B.those  C.thank  D.theatre
  ( )7.A.physics  B.quickly  C.library  D.ticket
  ( )8.A.that   B.apple   C.black  D.afternoon
  ( )9.A.spell   B.telephone  C.she  D.very
  ( )10.A.window   B.show   C.now  D.yellow
  ( )11.A.war   B.farmer   C.larger  D.cart
  ( )12.A.mule  &uth   C.duke  D.puke
  ( )13.A.square   B.fare   C.are  D.rare
  ( )14.A.nation  B.collection  C.dictation D.question
  ( )ain   B.again  &ail   D.faint
  ( )16.A.dear   B.hear   C.early   D.fear
  ( )17.A.ceiling   B.niece   C.field   D.friend
  ( )18.A.dew   B.few   C.blew   D.new
  ( )19.A.cause   B.launch   C.fault   D.laugh
  ( )20.A.thank   B.thin   C.sink   D.spring
  Exercise 2:
  ( )1.A.radio  B.rapid    C.value   D.valley
  ( )2.A.check  B.chemist  C.chicken   D.children
  ( )3.A.north  B.short     C.horse   D. worker
  ( )4.A.eight  B.bright   C.night  &ugh
