(  ) 1. /a:/    A. grass    B. ask    C. afraid
(  ) 2. / u/    A. book    B. foot    C. food
(  ) 3. / ai/    A. lesson    B. right    C. pilot
(  ) 4. / w/    A. what    B. who    C. when
(  ) 5. / tr/    A. dress    B. trip    C. travel
1. comic  tomorrow  postman    (  )
2. left  tell  next    (  )
3. by  worry  hobby    (  )
4. breath  eat  read    (  )
5. how  count  house    (  )
(  ) 1. (2013湖南岳阳) st _ y    A. u    B. a    C. e
(  ) 2. (2014河南新乡) d _ _ p    A. ee    B. oa    C. ae
(  ) 3. (2013山东东营) com _ _    A. ic    B. ic    C. ik
(  ) 4. (2013河南商丘) c _ _ ch    A. ao    B. oa    C. ae
(  ) 5. (2014广西防城港) str _ _ ght    A. ei    B. ui    C. ai
afraid  business  park  sad  taxi  postman  driver 
restaurant  worried  cold  plane  museum  cleaner  hospital 
subway  fisherman  train  bad  ship  library
(1) bus ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
(2) happy ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
(3) worker ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
(4) bookstore ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
(  ) 1. (2015河北临城)    A. angry    B. quickly    C. bad
(  ) 2. (2014河南灵宝)    A. go    B. left    C. right
(  ) 3. (2014湖南岳阳)    A. evening    B. hiking    C. going
(  ) 4. (2015河南温县)    A. teacher    B. doctor    C. fovourite
(  ) 5. (2014山东临沂)    A. ferry    B. park    C. bike
(  ) 6. (2015山西大同)    A. far    B. must    C. should
(  ) 7. (2013河南新密)    A. does      B. those    C. lives
(  ) 8. (2013山西吕梁)    A. turn    B. take    C. gave
(  ) 9. (2015河南安阳)    A. share    B. fast    C. early
(  ) 10. (2014广西崇左) A. gym    B. word    C. supermarket
A. snow    B. class    C. grand    D. story    E. black
F. board    G. man    H. room    I. book    J. parents
(1) ________  (2) ________  (3) ________  (4) ________  (5) ________
1. usually  often ________    2. playing  doing ________
3. his  her ________    4. art  science ________
5. winter  spring ________
(  ) (1) police officer                        A.
(  ) (2) see a doctor                            B.
(  ) (3) turn left                              C.  
(  ) (4) by plane                            D.
(  ) (5) traffic lights    E.
1. (2015河南渑池) left (对应词) ________
2. (2015河南辉县) hobby (复数形式) ________
3. (2013广西北海) use (-ing形式) ________
4. (2014河南岳阳) health (形容词) ________
5. (2014河南扶沟) happy (反义词) ________
6. (2013广西北海) good (对应词) ________
7. (2013湖南岳阳) write (-ing形式) ________
8. (2014河南辉县) does not (缩写形式) ________
9. (2014安徽合肥) work (职业名词) ________
10. (2015河南卫辉) study (第三人称单数) ________
scientist  healthy  evening  worried  crossing  chasing
(1) (2014河南三门峡) Oliver usually listens to music in the ________.
(2) (2015云南曲靖) Should we go straight at the ________?
(3) (2015河南渑池) I like science, I am going to be a ________.
(4) (2013山东济宁) My father does morning exercises every day, and he is ________.
(5) (2015河南林州) Marys cat is ill. She feels ________.
(6) (2014安徽芜湖) Look! The cat is ________ a little mouse.
(  ) 1. Are you Mrs Zhang? 句子应该怎么读?
(  ) 2. 下列画线部分不需要失去爆破的是:
A. cant eat    B. head teacher    C. get together
(  ) 3. (2014云南昆明) 单词museum 怎么读出重音?
A. museum      B. museum    C. museum
(  ) 4. We should study hard.句子是  还是 
A.        B.      C. 不升也不降
(  ) 5. (2014安徽安庆) Come hand have a look.句子中的单词怎么连读?
(  ) 6. (2014河南扶沟) 单词tonight怎么读出重音?
A. tonight    B. tonight    C. tonight
(  ) 7. 句子How can we get to the school?  还是
    A. 先升后降    B.    C.
(  ) 8. (2014河北滦县) 句子If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher.正确的停顿方法为:
A. If you like sports, you can be a coach//, a sports reporter//, or a PE teacher.
B. If you like sports//, you can be a coach//, a sports reporter//, or a PE teacher.
C. If you like sports//, you can be a coach//, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher.
十二、    根据句意及汉语提示,将下列句子补充完整。(12分)
1. (2014河南信阳) You must pay (注意) ________ to the traffic lights.   
2. (2014湖南岳阳) Excuse me, where is the science ________ (博物馆)?
3. (2013河南新乡) Chen Jie is clever. She can    ________  (数数) to ten.
4. (2013贵州遵义) They are going to see a film ________ (在今晚).
5. Let’s ________ (拜访) Mr Green this Sunday.   
6. (2014河南林州)My uncle is a ________ (邮递员). He often helps other people.
7. Yon should ________ (穿) more clothes today.
