冀教版八年级下册英语Unit 1 Spring Is Coming!复习检测
一、单项选择(共 20 分)
1.—It’s _______ exact watch.
—Oh, yes. _______ watch has a history of about 100 years.
A.a; The    B.an; The    C.a; A    D.an; An
考查冠词。不定冠词a,an,表示“一”,但并不强调数量,用来表示不特定的人或事物,表泛指,a用于辅音音素开头的词前,an用于元音音素开头的词前;定冠词the,表示“这,那”,表特指,特指上文已提到的人或物。上文中的“exact watch”是泛指,且“exact”是以元音音素开头的单词,用an修饰,答语中的“watch”是特指上文已提到的,用the修饰。故选B。
2.There _______ a funny show in our school next weekend.
A.is going to have    B.are going to be    C.will have    D.will be
考查there be的一般将来时结构。there be一般将来时态结构是there be going to be或there will be。根据主语“a funny show”可知be动词应该用单数is,there is going to be/there will be。故选D。
3.Fish can't live____water.
A.with    B.in    C.without    D.of
4.The old man is ________ 90 years old, but he is still strong and healthy.
A.hardly    B.sometimes    C.nearly    D.gently
考查副词辨析。hardly几乎不; sometimes有时; nearly将近;gently温柔地。根据“but he is still strong and healthy.”可知,此处是指老人将近90岁了。故选C。
5.Our Chinese teacher didn’t go to bed ______ he finished his work last night.
A.if    B.until    C.since    D.because
句意:昨天晚上我们的语文老师直到完成了他的工作才去睡觉。A. if 如果; B. unti直到; C. since自从;D. because因为。not…until意思是“直到……才”,根据句意,故选B。
6.Paul isn’t as ______ as Sandy. He often makes mistakes in his homework.
A.careless    B.more careful    C.more careless    D.careful
考查形容词辨析和同级比较。根据下文“他经常在作业中犯错误。”可知“ 保罗没有桑迪细心。
” as+形容词或副词原级+as:和……一样……; not as+形容词或副词原级+as:不如……怎么样,表示同级的比较。careless粗心的, careful细心的;故选D。
7.The weather in China _______ very different _______ that in Australia.
A.is; to    B.are; from    C.is; from    D.is; in
考查不可数名词和形容词短语。根据主语“The weather”,可知不可数名词搭配的谓语动词使用动词三单形式;根据“be different from”,可知介词用from,故选C。
8.He speaks _________English _______French.Instead,he speaks German.
A.either; or    B.not only ; but alsocity of spring怎么读
C.both; and    D.neither; nor
试题分析:句意:他既不说英语也不说法语,相反地,他说德语。neither …nor 既不……也不……;not only…but also…不仅……而且……;both…and………和……两者都;either…or 或者……或者……。根据句意可知,他说的是德语,不是英语,也不是法语。故选D。
9.It’s time for lunch. Please stop _______.
A.eat    B.to eat    C.eating    D.eats
考查非谓语动词。根据“It’s time for lunch.”可知,现在是吃饭时间,应停下手中的事去吃饭,stop to do sth“停下来去做某事”,故应用to eat。故选B。
10.—How many teachers are there in your school?
—_______, I think. But I don’t know the exact number.
A.Hundred    B.Hundreds    C.Hundreds of    D.Hundred of
考查数词表达。根据“But I don’t know the exact number.”可知,我并不知道具体数字,只是
知道有“很多,大量”,hundreds of “成百上千,大量”。故选C。
二、完形填空(共 20 分)
Hello, everyone! I’m Mr. Sun! I rise in the east every day and when I come out, it is the daytime. Every morning, my light (光线) can go ___11___ your windows and tell you that it is time to ___12___ .Then you should go to ___13___ or go to work. A new day has come!
I’m also a great ___14___ and I travel in the sky all the time. I ___15___ stop and never feel tired. I send my light everywhere .I ___16___ upon trees, flowers and houses, and I make ___17___ look colorful. Though (尽管) my temperature is very high, I don’t burn you at all. That’s because I’m very ___18___ in the sky.
Sometimes I hide behind a ___19___ ,and you may not see me clearly. But when there are no clouds, I shine ___20___ usual. Do you like cloudy days or sunny days?
11. A.under    B.across    C.through    D.over
12. A.get back    B.get up    C.go away    D.give up
13. A.school    B.bed    C.walk    D.picnic
14. A.doctor    B.scientist    C.artist    D.traveler
15. A.often    B.always    C.sometimes    D.never
16. A.shine    B.look    C.melt    D.work
17. A.something    B.anything    C.everything    D.nothing
18. A.tall    B.high    C.small    D.short
19. A.rain    B.wind    C.cloud    D.snow
20. A.like    B.for    C.as    D.with
【答案】11. C    12. B    13. A    14. D    15. D    16. A    17. C    18. B    19. C    20. C
句意:每天早上,我的光都能穿过你的窗户,告诉你该起床了。考查介词辨析。A. under在…下面;B. across越过,横穿,从物体表面穿过;C. through穿过,指从中间穿过,通过;D. over越过,通过,表示从较高的障碍物的一边到达了的另一侧(如越过树、墙、篱笆和山脉等)。本句是穿过窗户,可知用through;故选C。
句意:每天早上,我的光都能穿过你的窗户,告诉你该起床了。考查动词短语。A. get back
回来;B. get up起床;C. go away离开,消失;D. give up放弃。根据下文Then you should go to ___3___ or go to work.(那么你应该去上学或者去工作。)可知“每天早上,我的灯光都能穿过你的窗户,告诉你该起床了。”结合句意可知填get up;选B。
