七年级下册Unit 7 It’s raining!写作教学案
【话题】天气(The weather)
1、乌云                          2、雨季
3、一场大雪                        4、刮风的一天
5、一个凉爽的早晨                  6、糟糕的天气
7、度假                          8、玩得高兴
参考答案:1.black clouds    2. rainy season    3. a heavy snow    4. a windy day    5. a cool morning    6.terrible weather    7.on a vacation      8.have fun
  The weather                   today.
  There is                 in the south this year.
Winter is the                 of the year.
          the                today?
  Different          have different         .
参考答案:1. is sunny  2. much rain  3. coldest season    4. What’s , weather like  5. countries, weather
    windy, foggy , cloudy , humid , wet , dry , rainy , snowy , hot ,cold ,warm , spring, summer ,autumn winter… .
    1. How’s the weather in Beijing? It’s sunny.                                             
    2. How’s it going?
    3. What do you think of the weather in Changchun?
    4. It’s hot in your country, isn’t it?     
    city of spring怎么读5. What’s the weather like in Australia?
    6. It’s snowing heavily.
一、A. 信息归纳
In England, people don’t often talk much. You can get on a bus or a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window. Often they read books or newspapers. But they don’t talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing – weather. So when you meet someone in England, you can say , “Nice weather for the time of year!” “But it is a little cold today. ” Someone may answer. “But it will be warm in the afternoon. ” You can say.
If you talk like this, the English people will think, “How friendly you are!”-
Information Card
1. On the bus, the English people don’t often
(1)              .
2. When you meet English people, they often talk about
(2)               .
3. If you talk to English people about the weather, they think you
(3)              .
4. In England, on a bus or a train people often 
(4)            or newspapers
5. When you meet someone in England, you can say
(5)              for the time of year! .
    参考答案:1. talk much   2. weather     3. are friendly   4. read books    5. Nice weather
Useful words: weather , cold , warm ,
    Useful phrases: get on a bus , looking out of , read books , talk about , talk much , the time of year , a little cold , in the afternoon , like this ,
Useful sentences: When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing – weather.
                Nice weather for the time of year!
But it is a little cold today.
But it will be warm in the afternoon.
假如你是李明一位美国教师Mr. Brown准备来中国任教,他向你打听北京的天气情况。请你写一封信告诉他:北京的冬天很冷,尤其是在12月份和1月份;春天暖和,但是多风;夏天炎热,尤其是在7月份和8月份;秋天的白天暖和,夜间凉爽。注意书信的格式。
A. 重点短语  写出下列单词或短语。
1、寒冷的                          2、暖和的
3、有风的                          4、北京的天气
5、询问某人关于某事                6、在春天
参考答案:1.cold   2. warm  3. windy  4.the weather in Beijing 5.ask sb. about sth.  6.in spring
    B. 重点句型  根据汉语意思完成下列句子。
1、欢迎到北京。    ____________ ____________ Beijing .
2、冬天很冷。      It’s very ____________ ____________ ____________.
3、你最好随身带些暖和的衣服。 You had better ____________ your warm clothes ____________ you.
Sometimes ____________ ____________ .
5、7月和8月是一年中最热的月份。July and August are ____________ ____________ of the year.
    参考答案:1.Welcome to  2.cold in winter  3.take ,with  4.it’s windy  5.the hottest months
    C. 写作技能指导
本单元写作涉及的话题是talk about the weather(谈论天气) , 此类文章的写作要求是介绍天气情况,即介绍一年四季的天气是什么样的,哪个季节寒冷,哪个季节暖和等。 
D. 写作思路点拨
、引出话题介绍天气Welcome to Beijing…, tell you something about the weather in Beijing
    Ⅱ、具体介绍四季的天气变化winter→ cold;  spring→ warm and windy ;
                                summer hot ;  autumn cool
、提出建议,期盼到来When you … you’d better …, We are looking forward to …
Dear Brown,
  Welcome to Beijing .My name is Li Ming. I’m in Class 2,Grade 7.You asked me about the weather in Beijing. Now let me tell you something about the weather here .It’s very cold in winter, especially in December and January .And it’s warm in spring, but sometimes it’s windy. In summer, it is very hot. July and August are the hottest months of the year. In autumn , the days are warm and the nights are cool. When you come here in the cold season, you’d better take your warm clothes with you.
