1.—Whose ______ are these? (    )     
—They’re my cousin’s.
A.shorts    B.short    C.dress
2.—________ you cold? (    )
—No, I’m not.
A.Do    B.Is    C.Are
3.—What’s the matter with _______ ? (    )
—He is ill.
A.he    B.his    C.him
4.—What’s the matter with ________? (    )
—She has a cold.
A.you    B.her    C.him
5.It’s very hot ________ summer in Yangzhou. (    )
A.in    B.on    C.at
6.—________ do you get up every day? (    )
—I get up ________ six o'clock.
A.What’s; at    B.When; at    C.What; on
7._______ is the first season of a year. (   )
A.Spring    B.Sunday    C.Summer
8.—I usually go to school at ________. (    )
—Oh, it’s not late.
A.seven ten    B.eight fifty    C.two o'clock
9.The Science book is ________ the bedroom, ________ the chair. (   )
A.on; in    B.in; on    C.at; on
10.Bobby _______ some pies for lunch. (   )
A.have    B.has    C.having
11.I have an ______________ lesson every week. (   )
A.swimming    B.dancing    C.English
12.My jeans are too long. Try these ______ on. (    )
A.pair    B.one    C.jeans
13.It’s time ______ breakfast. (   )
A.to    B.for    C.in
14.—These ______ my new gloves. (    )
city of spring怎么读—______ nice!
A.are; What a    B.are; What    C.are; How
15.I ______ a bag. He ______ a bag, too. (    )
A.have; has    B.have; have    C.has; have
16.Ouch! My hands ________ (hurt).
17.Do you like ________ (mango), Li Lei?
18.This _______ (be) a tree and these _______ (be) flowers.
19.Let's _________ (make) a kite.
20.It's cold in winter. We can go __________ (ski).
21.It’s time to have a ______ (draw) lesson.
22.I can’t _____ (hear) you!  I’m sorry to hear that!
2re there _______ (some) flowers in the park?
24.Mike ________ (have) a ________ (swim) lesson on Sunday.
25.Let’s go and _____ (make) a snowman.
26.—Are you thirsty, Joe?
—Here _____ (be) some water for you.
27.Are these ______ (you), Tom?
28.How many ______ (sheep) do you have?
29.The shoes are beautiful. Can I try ________ (they) on?
30.Can you _______ (come) to school tomorrow?
31.Tina is not h_______. Her new shoes are dirty (脏的).
32.We have English and Maths on _______ (星期五) morning.
33.Mike is ________ (口渴的), he wants to drink some water.
34._______ do you go to school?  At seven forty.
35.The first day (第一) of a week is _____.
36.I ______ (通常) draw some ______ (花) in the park.
37.We ________ ________ (去划船) in spring.
38.I can see some birds over there. Can you see t_________?
39.—______ (谁的毛衣) is this?
—It's Helen's.
40.A: What can you do in spring?
B: I can __________ the __________.
阅读短文, 根据短文内容选择正确答案。
Classes are over at 3:30 p. m. , so we always play after that. Most of us like to play at school some do their homework, some play at school. Sometimes we clean our classroom and school garden. Sometimes we play ballgames in the playground. On weekends we always visit Mrs. Li. She is an eighty-year-old woman. We read newspaper to her. Tell her some interesting things about school. We talk to her. We help her do some housework. Mrs. Li likes to be with us. We feel happy with each other.
41、    at 3:30 p. m.   (  )
A.We always go home    B.Classes are over    C.We always do our homework
42、Some of us do our homework    .     (  )
A.in the library           B.at school        C.in Mrs. Li's home
43、Some of us play ball games    .     (  )
A.in the garden    B.in the playground    C.in the park
44、We like to    Mrs. Li. (  )
A.help           B.learn from            C.play with
45、We go to Mrs. Li's home on    .   (  )
A.Monday       B.weekends       C.Tuesday
It's Children's Day. It's sunny and the wind is gentle. My father and I are in the Shanghai Wild (野生的) Animal Park. We are sitting in the bus and looking at the animals. So many animals in the park! The giraffes are so tall. They are eating leaves from the tall trees. The elephants are playing in the water. The zebras (斑马) are running on the hill. The flamingos (火烈鸟) are drinking water. The pandas are eating bamboos. Suddenly (突然), a brown bear is climbing on our bus. So scared (害怕的)! But we are safe in the bus.
46、I go to Shanghai Wild Animal Park on ______. (    )
A.Children's Day    B.New year's Day    C.Father's Day
47、The giraffes are ______ leaves. (    )
A.drinking    B.eating    C.playing
48、My father and I are sitting in the ______. (    )
A.car    B.bus    C.jeep
49、The flamingos are ______. (    )
A.eating bamboos    B.drinking water    C.playing in the water
50、What does safe mean (意思)? (    )
A.安全的    B.危险的    C.舒服的
There is a tiger in the forest. Today the tiger catches (抓住) a fox. The tiger wants to eat the fox. The fox says, “Don’t eat me. I am the king (王) of the forest. If you eat me, animals in the forest will be angry (生气的) with you.” The tiger doesn’t believe (相信) it. “If you don’t b
elieve me,” the fox says, “let’s take a walk (散步) and you can see everyone is afraid of me.” So the fox walks in front and the tiger goes behind. Animals see the tiger and they run away. “Well, you can see. All the animals are afraid of me,” the fox says. “Yes, yes,” the tiger says. “You are right.” Then the tiger lets the fox go.
