1.A. Why?
2.A. I think so.
B.Is that right?
B.Bad luck.
3.A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he is.
4.A. He has long hairalice spring怎么读・ B. He sings well.
5.A. 11 is not big    B. ITs the farthest.
C Good idea
C.That's right.
C.Yes, I am.
C. He's American.
C. It has the best service

听五段对话和五个问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。你将有20秒钟的时间 阅读下面5个小题。
6.What did Kate buy for her father?
A.A sweater. B. A T-shirt.    C. A cap.
7.Where did Alice meet Linda for the first time?
A.In a park.    B. In a theater. C・ In the library.
& How often does Kate have swing dance lessons?
A.Once a week. B Twice a week    C Three times a week.
9.Who is the most outgoing of the three girls?
A. Gina.    B Gina's sister. C. Gina's cousin.
10.What did they pick on the farm?
A. Some apples. B Some strawberries. C Some tomatoes.
(3)听两段长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。听每段对话前你将有10秒钟的 时间阅读对应的3个小题。
()11. Who is John?
A .Alice's cousin B. Aliceas brother. C Jackt cousin.
()12.What instrument can John play well?
A .The piano. B The guitar. C The violin
()13.What's John's favorite sport?
A .Soccer B. Baseball. C. Basketball.
(    )14.Paul and Linda don't have    this rooming?
A .math B. history C. English
()15.What time does Paul usually get up?
A .At 6:00. B. At 6:30 C. At 7:00.
()16.How does Paul usually get to school?
A.On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.
(4)听短文,回答下面四个问题,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。你将有20秒钟的时间 阅读下面4个小题。
17.How is Frank's classroom?
A Small and old. B. Small but nice C Big and nice.
18.Where is Frank's schoolbag?
A. Under his desk.    B On his desk. C. In his desk
19.When does Frank want to buy a soccer ball?
A. This Sunday.    B. This Saturday. C. This Friday.
20.How old is Frank? A. 12 years old.    B. 13 years old. C. 14 years old.
