班级:_____________  姓名:_____________
1. 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。
Mother: What''s wrong, Mike?
Mike: I feel ill. Should I count to ten?
Mother: No, you should see a doctor.
Mike: Oh, no! I can''t go to the zoo today.
Mother: Don''t be sad. We can go next time.
Mike: OK. Thanks, Mum.
[1]Mike feels ill.(____)
[2]Mike should count to ten. (____)
[3]Mike should see a doctor. (____)
[4]Mike can go to the zoo today. (____)
[5]Mike will go to the zoo next time. (____)
2. 阅读理解。
Mrs Smith is a friend of mine. She comes from America. She is living in China now. She’s on holiday. Yesterday I met her on Wumo Road. She wanted to go to the post office to post a letter to her son, but she didn’t know the way. I spoke to her in English. I said she could take bus No. 9. It is next to Wujiang Library, and get off at the fourth stop. Mrs Smith was very happy to see me, she said she was going to the shopping centre later, and I told her the way.
[1]Where does Mrs Smith come from? (  )
A. Australia.      B. England.      C. America.
[2]Where did Mrs Smith want to go first? (  )
A. The post office.      B. The library.      C. The shopping centre.
[3]Who did she want to post a letter to? (  )
A. Her daughter.      B. Her son.      C. Her husband.
[4]How can Mrs Smith go to the post office? (  )
A. By bus.      B. By bike      C. Take bus No. 6.
[5]How is Mrs Smith?(  )
A. She’s sorry.      B. She’s happy.      C. She’s forty-one.
3. 阅读理解。
I’m going to see a movie with my friends this weekend. We love seeing movies, but we all like different kinds. I like to see thrillers and science fictions, my friend Sam loves action movies and comedies and my best friend, Lee, loves a good romance. Because we like different kinds of movies, it can be difficult to choose(选择)one to see. So we usually take turns (轮流)to choose the movie. It’s my turn to choose this weekend, so we’re going to see Harry Potter Ⅱ, a new movie. It’s number one at the box office, and everyone is saying what a great movie it is. I can’t wait!
[1]How many kinds of movies does the writer talk about in the story? _____(  )
A. Six      B. Five      C. Four
[2]Harry PotterⅡis _____ movie right now.(  )
A. a boring      B. a popular      C. an action
[3]How do the writer and his friends choose which movie to see? _____(  )
A. They like different kinds of movies.
B. They let Lee choose which movie to see.
C. They take turns to choose a movie to see.
[4]What is the main idea(中心意思)of the story? ____(  )
A. Choosing which movie to see can be difficult.
B. It’s a good thing to see movie Harry Potter Ⅱ.
C. Everyone likes the new movie Harry Potter Ⅱ.
4. 根据短文内容,判断对错。
Miss Smart is our English teacher. She is a nice teacher. She is forty years old. She is from New York. New York is a big city in the east of America. Now she lives in Haikou. She likes pop music and she can play the guitar. In the evening she likes watching TV and playing computer games. Her favourite sport is running. She likes running in the morning after she gets up. Every day she goes to school by bus and gets to school at 7:30.She likes us and
we all like her, too
(  )(1)Miss Smart is from America.
(  )(2)Miss Smart is a nice teacher.
(  )(3)Miss Smart likes musi    C. But she can''t play the guitar.
(  )(4)Miss Smart gets up at half past seven every day.
(  )(5)Miss Smart likes playing computer games.
5. 阅读短文,回答问题。
San Francisco is a beautiful American city. It lies in the west of the United States. It has beautiful scenery. For example, Fisherman''s Wharf (渔人码头) and Wax Museum (蜡像馆) are beautiful places to visit. Every day, thousands of people come to visit and take photos.
San Francisco is a hilly city. The lovely hills in the middle of the city make it the most wonderful place. Many people walk up and down the hills, and some of the visitors also like to drive on the paths. They can see more places then. There are also visitors who like to take cable cars (缆车). They can get a better view of the city.
Besides Fisherman''s Wharf and Wax Museum, Chinatown and Lombard Street are also tw
o places worth seeing. Every day, many people come to visit Chinatown. Some of them are coming to taste Chinese food, others are coming for Chinese shops. You can buy many beautiful Chinese clothes in Chinatown.
(1)San Francisco is a(n) ______ city.
A. American    B. English    C. Chinese  D. Canadian
(2)San Francisco lies in the ______ of America.
A. south    B. west    C. east    D. middle
(3)There are many ______ in San Francisco.
A. hills    B. mountains    C. rivers  D. cities
(4)Visitors like to take the______ to get a better View of the city.
A. cars    B. taxi    C. bus    D. cable cars
(5)People come to Chinatown to______.
A. taste Chinese food  B. buy Chinese clothes  C. swim  D. both A and B
6. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。
Our school had a sports meeting yesterday. It was sunny and cool.
We all stayed around the playground. My friends Lucy and Peter took part in the sports meeting. Lucy is good at the long jump. And she jumped far. She was the first. Peter is good at the long race. He often runs very fast. He won a medal in the race. We were very happy because we won the long jump and the long race.
(  )(1)Our school had a sports meeting last week.
(  )(2)Lucy won the high jump.
(  )(3)Peter is good at the long race. He won a medal in the race.
(  )(4)We were very happy because we won the long jump and the long race.
(  )(5)Lucy and Peter are not my friends.
7. 阅读对话,判断正误。
Tom, Sarah, Betty and Linda are talking about their dreams in the park.
Tom: What do you want to be, Sarah?
Sarah: I want to be a doctor.
Tom: Why? You said your dream was to be a teacher.
Sarah: But now I want to be a doctor. I can help the patients.
Tom: Sounds great! What about you, Betty?
Betty: I want to be a ping-pong ball player. I like ping-pong very much. Ma Long and Zhang Jike are my idols(偶像).
Sarah: I think it''s difficult. You should practise every day.
Betty: Yes, I practise every day. What about you, Linda?
Linda: I want to be a tour guide and travel around the world. What about you, Tom?
Tom: I like Music very much and I want to be a Music teacher.
Betty: We should work hard for our dreams.
(  )(1)Sarah wants to be a teacher.
(  )(2)Betty wants to be a basketball player.
(  )(3)Betty likes Ma Long and Zhang Jike very much.
(  )(4)Linda wants to be a tour guide.
(  )(5)Tom wants to be a singer.
alice spring怎么读
