(满分:100分  时间:60分钟)
1、(  )A.wash        B.do    C.park
2.(  )A.river        B.high    C.bridge
3.(  )A.dance        B.above    C.behind
4.(  )A.fresh        B.hot    C.drink
5.(  )A.Canada        B.Friday    C.Tuesday
1、(  )A.three        B.thin    C.that
2.(  )A.clean        B.clever    C.uncle
3.(  )A.drink          B.think          C.long
4.(  )A.where        B.who    C.which
5.(  )A.school        B.March          C.teacher
1、My grandmother likes apples, because they are ______. (  )
A.hot    B.healthy    C.thirsty
2、The tree _________ are green in spring. (  )
A.leafs    B.leaves    C.leaf
3、There are _________ in the picture. (  )
A.three dog    B.a dog    C.three dogs
4、There are ________ months in a year. (  )
A.twelve    B.twelfth    C.twenty
5、—What’s your father’s favourite food? (  )
A.He likes sports.    B.He would like fish.    C.Fish.
6、My mother is a teacher. She goes to school ___ 7:00 ___ the morning.(  )
A.at; on    B.at; at    C.at; in
7、Nice ______ meet you. (  )
A.to    B.too    C.two
8、There are __________cows on the farm. (  )
A.twelfth    B.twelve    C.second
9、I like beef sandwiches. _________ about you? (  )
A.What    B.Where    C.Why
10、—Nice to meet you. (  )
A.Nice to meet you, too.  B.Goodbye.    C.How are you?
四、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)
1.I walk to ____ (Alice) home.
2.There’s ____ (a) underground station over there.
3.How ____ (do) your mother go to the cinema?
4.Let’s ____ (take) the bus to the bookstore, Alice.
5.There are two ____ (bus) on the street.
五、 句型转换。(10分)
1. The Spring Festival is in February.  (改为否定句)
The Spring Festival _________ _________ February.
2. People eat moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival.  (对划线部分提问)
________ ________ people _________ at Mid-Autumn Festival?
3. It is a festival for old people. (改为一般疑问句)
________ ________ a festival for old people?
4. People eat rice dumplings at this festival.  (改为一般疑问句)
________ people _________ rice dumplings at this festival?
5. I eat rice cakes at the Double Ninth Festival.  (用he替换句中的主语)
He ________ rice cakes ________ the Double Ninth Festival.
六、 连词成句。(10分)
1.I  with  play  Can   him (?)
2.is  now  Where  Fido (?)
3.a  beautiful  What  painting (!)
4.is  tired  very  He (.)
5.dog  playing  a  The  is  with  ball (.)
七、 选出正确的应答语,将其序号写在横线上。(10分)
A.It’s on June 1st.                   
B.It’s on January 1st.
alice spring怎么读
C.It’s on the second Sunday in May.     
D.It’s on October 1st.
E. It’s on May 1st.
1.When is New Year’s Day?(    )
